Date: 3/12/2001
SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2001.
BBC World Service gave the tragic news today (Sunday March 11, 2001) that the ancient statues of Buddha in Afghanistan have been totally destroyed according to a government minister of Taliban speaking in Islamabad.
Wasn’t it like the thrill of the mouse who announces, “I have just killed the ELEPHANT!”?
But what sort of an elephant? The elephant in this case was a statue carved out of stone. It was dead, standing harmlessly on the earth. To the mice, the elephant was provocatingly majestic and they couldn’t "stand" it. The eternally lit star was still radiating light from the bygone centuries, dazzling the eyes of the Taliban.
The Taliban looked at its size, stature and face and thought it defied them while the whole nation lay before them and all the women of Afghanistan lay under them without a murmur, without a protest.
To them the elephant which did not kneel or lower its eyes before Mohammed was a provocation. It had to be eliminated.
The “rats” of Taliban did NOT notice that the Buddha statues were unarmed, silent, and had been DEAD for centuries.
But there was silence in the world and even secret praises in the Islamic world for the Taliban for carrying out the Will of Mohammed literally. Many would have liked to award the Taliban medals for “heroism in the battle-field”. In this case it was the imaginary battlefield for these COWARDS to provide them the thrill of ‘V for VICTORY’.
But how did they DARE to destroy the world heritage, and the Buddhist heritage in particular?
They dared because the rest of the world did not mean business, did not have teeth, did not have a longer DAGGER than that in the hand of the Taliban and because the Rest of the World, like the Rest of “eunuch” Hindustan under Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1947, simply collapsed in utmost disgrace and cowardice before the ISLAMIC vultures who only know how to destoy but little of how to build.
The worst culprits are Japan which gives millions of dollars’ aid to the Taliban (it’s unconditional aid to the rascals like Pandit Nehru’s unconditional surrender before Islam in 1947), China, a world power in its own right, which sides with the illegitimate Islamic state of Pakistan, and of course, our own demoralised semi dead HINDUSTHAN, under a Christian President with spouse from Burma, and a Christian Defence Minister and a Catholic Leader of Mighty Powerful OPPOSITION.
Had Pandit Nehru stood by his Secularism in 1947, then India’s frontier would have been at KHYBER PASS. Then the Indian ELEPHANT, holding a gun with a much LONGER barrel, could have looked down upon the “rats” called “Taliban” and told them to behave.
But now India herself was fragmented and lay in dust at the feet of Western powers, and too scared of the Taliban, to prevent the tragedy of the sacred and ancient Buddha statues.
The “rats” of TALIBAN have given a slap across the face of UNO, Security Council, Japan, China and, of course, PARTITIONED India, which, like the “nishkam sewak” Sikhs, will champion any cause in the world except her own.
If the Buddha statues belonged to all humanity, then the entire humanity is “reduced” through their destruction, degraded and insulted, and NO member of UNO deserves to be addressed “Your Excellency”!
The whole humanity is reduced like the Indians in 1947 when they dumped their Secularism and behaved like the “donkey of Islam” in order to accept the world's most ABSURD, ILLOGICAL, IMMORAL and LUDICROUS Partition on ISLAMIC terms and conditions.