Date: 5/8/2001
Bharat, a Nation of Mentally Slave and Corrupt People.
The startling revealations made by on March 13, 2001, by conducting an elaborate sting, catching 34 officials and army officers on camera accepting bribes to faciliate contract for night vision binoculars for the Bhartiya army, shook the whole nation.
Five decades of independence have witnessed a steady rise of the fact - the magnitude and complexity of corruption in public life.
Corruption started with Jawahar Lal Nehru the first prime minister of Bharat.
Many people say that Nehru himself usurped all the assets Of "Azad Hind Fauj" after the death of Netaji Subash Chander Bose. There were many "Jeep-Scandal" like scandals during the life time of Jawahar Lal Nehru . There is a big list of scandals which took place during Nehru's duration as prime minister. It was proved beyond doubt that the chief minister of Punjab, Pratap Singh Karion, was a corrupt person, even then Nehru, instead of punishing him, defended him, and even got him re-elected as chief Minister of Punjab with his support.
The powerful pseudo-secular press never dared to criticise Nehru or Congress party for their corrupt practices. Probably this powerful English press was afraid of Nehru and congress party or probably they were also getting some share of the loot of the country by Congress Party.
It appeared that episode to be a scene of jubilation on the part of congress party to finally catch the BJP alliance government on the wrong foot, rather than behave like a constructive and responsible opposition to get to the depths of the scam, to punish the guilty and to reform the system, to make it more transparent, and to avoid recurrence of such shameful happenings in future in the country.
Unfortunately, instead of following a constructive course, Congress Party planned to wreck the government, even when it could not offer any parliamentary alternative to it and thus it worked recklessly to create political instability and chaos in the country.
The congress party, which ruled the country, but for five years since independence, is seemingly badly missing the royal treatment and lavish living its members enjoyed by holding high ministerial posts.
During last many years, the party enjoyed absolute power, it turned into an absolutely corrupt party climaxing in the hawala scandal, which involved seven ministers of the Rao government.
Since independence of Bharat, politicians at the top of the heap and positions, got their name sullied in one scam or the other.
It was the then Congress prime minister P.V. Narasimha Rao who became a byword for corruption charges against the high office, first when 'Big Bull' Harshad Mehta came up with the suitcase scam. This was followed by the 'Lakhubhai Pathak' case and the 'JMM MPs'bribery case, in which Rao has been sentenced to two years imprisonment by a Delhi court.
Besides that, Congress Party was responsible for scandals such as Bofors, securities, sugar and vote buying in which the then prime minister Narashima Rao is allegedly under conviction.
Even Rajiv Gandhi said that hardly 10 - 15 percent of the government money for various development projects reaches the intended destination. Out of every Re. 1.00, 90 paise are lost in corruption.
Tales of the unholy nexus between politicians, businessmen and criminals have been heard for years. Earlier it was the "license raj" that was the gateway to corruption. Later it was expected that reformers would change mainly by allowing more transparency and reducing restrictions.
However, corruption continues to exist and now money flows not only for licenses but also to influence long term policies. The easy cover up available for these transactions is political funding. Funds are collected in the name of party and in return donor business houses expect favours from the government.
It has been rumoured for years that defence deals offer an easy way to make big money for the ruling parties. Surely corruption in such cases is beyond mere party funding and is pure greed and political permissiveness by the olive green brassses.
Probably 27 years of peace in the country, in the sense there was no big war, has permeated corruption even in the armed forces, which is believed to have influenced equipment purchases. has held up a mirror to our governing classes.
As early as 1964, the government of Bharat's first report of the Committee on the Prevention of Corruption, known as the Santhanam Committee, observed that corruption had increased to such an extent that people had lost faith in the integrity of ministers, legislators, party officials and administrators. The most corrupt, the committee said, were to be seen in police adminstration.
The committee provided a more systematic notion of folklore of corruption. According to it, the popular belief about corruption among all classes and starta has a social impact damaging to the social fabric. The vile, insidious disease of corruption, spread by self-serving politicians is spreading its lethal venom slowly throughout Bharat.
Once there was a report that all the money lost in corruption and scandals is almost equal to the amount of money which Bharat got as aid and grants after independence.
On one radio programme, the announcer said the money put in Swiss banks by corrupt poiticians and business people of Bharat is equal to the money put in Swiss Banks by the rest of the world.
This amount is in trillions of dollars. If this statement is true, then with so much Bhartiya money which is in Swiss Banks, most of the Bhartiya problems could be solved without borrowing any money from outside world. All the people of Bharat can be made literate, roads can be built up to even remote villages, electricity can be made available to every Bhartiya person without interruption, every Bhartiya person can have a house to live in, and there would not be any unemplyment in Bharat. Lots of other achievements could be made with such a huge amount of money.
Proving the facts of corruption is made very difficult by the strategic laws dealing with corruption offenses. The folklore about corruption in Bharat has grown to fantastic proportions.
Today, every government employee- from a minister down to his orderly - is perceived to be corrupt in such abundantly diverse ways that people are ready to believe the worst of them and every expose of corruption nourishes the roots of the folklore about corruption.
Although the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, provides for a stringent regime of investigation, trial and punishment, the standard device has been the setting up of formal or informal committees or commissions of inquiry. And it is well known that despite findings exposing lapses in integrity, commission reports do not result in criminal prosecution.
In popular belief, an immunity is attached to corruption in high places, it is an area of non-liquet, where no human law and justice may ever reach.
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is true today as it was when the British historian Lord Acton wrote it in 1887. What may be changing is the willingness of the others to tolerate corrupt behaviour.
These days, those who use public office to enrich themselves often find their misdeeds catching up with them.
The anti-corruption group Transparency International had noted that "the public at large in rising numbers of countries is becoming intolerant of leaders who abuse their public office for personal gain.
With national chapters in more than 70 countries, Transparency is part of a worldwide revolt against corruption. A loathing for corruption was instrumental in the fall of Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori in year 2000, and corruption was also behind the protests against President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine. On April 25, 2001, former Philippine president Joseph Estrada was arrested on a charge of pludering the state. He is accused of pocketing $126.8 million U.S. illegally.
On April 30, Indonesia's parliament censured president Abdurahman Wahid for a second time over corruption scandals. In China, disgust over official corruption helped spark the Tiananmen Square protest in 1989, and it has been a source of bitter discontent ever since. Bhartiya laws and masses have never punished their corrupt politicians and bureaucrats severly.
It is not only in poor and unstable countries that corruption has become a sore point. Over the past decade, Italy, France, Germany and Japan have all been shaken by corruption scandals that have eroded faith in government and government leaders. A Gallup survey last year found that where corruption is at its worst, disillusionment with democracy is at its highest.
Democracy depends on trust. It cannot succeed unless voters trust their elected representatives to act in the general interest, rather than for personal gain. Sadly, there are always politicians, especially mentally slave Bhartiya politicians, who will act that way.
Nowadays in some countries it is harder and harder to get away with corruption. The global revolt against corruption is the evidence of a new democratic spirit. Citizens who once took it for granted that their leaders would be corrupt, are making clear their disgust with those who pick thir pockets and cripple their hopes with graft. Those who defy that spirit will find that their days, like their Swiss bank accounts, are numbered.
Bhartiya people have to take some harsh steps to keep the politicians scandal free. For this purpose there is no harm if the whole community of corrupt politicians be killed or destroyed.
The problem with Bhartiya elite and press is that they are still mentally slave and they do not want to become free and do not want to discard symbols of slavery.
Bhartiya, elite, bureaucrats, politicians and media people have to change themsleves and have to become mentally free by discarding English language for bringing any meaningful change in Bharat.
Bhartiya media should mobilize public opinion against corruption. Anybody who is caught encouraging corruption or being a silent observor, his/ her name should be publicized in big bold print, provided there is a solid evidence of corruption.
We should also have the names of corrupt people printed in big bold letters and posted in all public offices, Central and State Govt. offices as well as at the local Panchayat etc.
Further, just like they have whistle blower laws in USA, there should be corresponding laws passed in Bharat (central, State, and local govts) when there is a penalty, siezure, or savings realized then a percentage of that money should go to the person who reports about corruption in the first place. Before that happens,there should be strong laws passed protecting the individuals reporting such crimes from goonda elements as well as from the government agencies.
Confidentialities of the person(s) reporting, should be maintained as long as it is legally permissible.
Corruption affects not only the society, it also makes Bharat a weak nation as anti-social, and anti-national people take advantage of the weak nation. Realising corruption creates bad effects for the society and the nation, every Bhartiya person has to contribute towards eradicating corruption from Bharat.
1) Corruption hurts all, especially the weak sections of society.
2) Together, we can reduce bribery and corruption.
3) Fight against corruption begins at home by everyone refusing its tainted benefits.
4) There are no easy solutions to the bribery problem, but doing nothing compounds the hurt.
5) Harm to the society from bribery and corruption is compounded over time, like compound interest.
6) Cynics who think that corruption cannot be reduced are also cowards who do not wish to try.
7) Corruption hurts everyone and therefore everyone can and should participate in a fight against it.
What to expect in a nation when the adminstartion of the country went into the hands of the people at the independence of Bharat who were mentally slave and corrupt people?
Both Nehru and Gandhi were not worthy people as leaders of the Hindus. In fact both Nehru and Gandhi are proving curses for Bharat. Nehru was not fit even for any kind of government job, but with manipulation and support of Gandhi, became the first prime minister of independent Bharat.
Gandhi at every step and crucial moment threatened to go on fast and many times went to 'fast unto death' to coerce Hindus to make concessions and sacrifices for the Muslims.
In all his life Gandhi appeased Muslims and never admonished Muslims for their wrong doings and never encouraged Hindus to punish Muslims. It was the appeasement policy of Gandhi and congress party that muslims were able to convert millions of Hindus to Islam in Kerala and in many other parts of united Bharat.
Gandhi made the militant Hindu race to be a race of impotent and corrupt people. It was mainly due to the wrong policies of Gandhi and support to the Muslims at the cost of the Hindus that paved the way for the formation of Pakistan.
Gandhi and Nehru were responsible for the formation of Pakistan to a very great extent. Nehru and Gandhi do not deserve respect of Hindus and all the pictures and statues of both and Nehru and Gandhi in the whole world ought to be destroyed.
The whole of pseudo-secular English press of Bharat be destroyed and the producers of Hindi films who give cast of the Hindi film in English also be killed.
In the name of secularism, most of the English press is anti-Hindu and anti-Hindi. If the owners of English press, Hindi film producers and other media people have got any shame or patriotism left in them, they must cease publication of English newspapers and magazines in Bharat. Producers of Hindi films must give cast of Hindi films in Hindi and must use correct and pure Hindi. In fact all Hindi magazines like garbage type Hindi edition of Stardust and Meri Saheli must also use correct and pure Hindi, otherwise such garbage magazines be put out of circulation and the editors of such magazines be packed to hell. French has been wiped out from Pondicherry and some other former colonies, similarly importance of English must be reduced from Bharat, for the glory of Bharat and for the development of Sanskrit and Bhartiya languages.
With Nehru and Gandhi as the ideal leaders of Bharat, corrupt politicians and pseudo-secular powerful English press and other kinds of media people, Bharat would stay mentally slave and corrupt for a very long indefinite period till another Adi Shankracharya or Swami Vivekananda takes birth in Bharat.
Bharat must devise some ways to punish its incompetent and corrupt leaders and media people who perpetuate mental slavery in Bharat.
-Mohan Gupta.
Therefore, BLAST THE "BAS****S" who are really "letting the side down", misruling, plundering and destroying India through High Treason and Betrayal.
They have suppressed the memory of Partition and labelled every NRI a "terrorist" or "suspect", by denying dual nationality.
They have equated our SUPREME NATIVE LORDS like Lords Krishna and Rama, Mahatma Gautama Buddha, Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh Ji, with the Mohammed of Arabia, despite India's Partition "as per KORAN".
Writing on the wall-