Date: 5/25/2001


“Niggardly Hindu Crow” & the “White Jewish Swan”

Yellow ribbons for the ‘sub human’ Hindu

Earlier, one heard of a tin pot dictator called IDI AMIN in Uganda putting the Indians in “yellow ribbon” (as in Afghanistan)and then KICKING the lot OUT.

Then we heard of Col Rabuka of Fiji, the size of Ferozepur district, putting the Indians in “DOG COLLAR” and then kicking the lot OUT.

Even earlier one had heard of Mahmud from Ghazni in Afghanistan, invading Hindusthan SIXTEEN times in as many years, each time putting the entire Hindu race in YELLOW ribbon.

Then we come to a momentous event in the history of India that is UNMENTIONABLE under the orders of Jawaharlal Nehru, “Field Marshal of the Dogs”.

It is called "PARTITION" that struck like a thunderbolt from the sky when the entire Hindu race was put under the “dog collar” of YELLOW RIBON.

More than half a century on, the nation is still STUNNED in shock. Is there a sign of protest anywhere? Where?

The President accepts it. His wife from Burma accepts it. The Prime Minister and his entire cabinet accept it. The future Prime Minister, a semi literate female from ITALY, accepts it. And the LOK SABHA, too, accepts it UNCONDITIONALLY. If you cannot see EVERY Hindu in YELLOW ribbon in India, then please get your eyes tested for blindness.

Now what is the “way of life” in decomposing Land of Hindus, where you cannot tell a Catholic from a Buddhist, is not the norm in Afghanistan, where they wish to clearly identify the KAFIRS in the world of MOMINS.

The Afghans are amazed at the Hindu collapse and lack of interest in Identity. They expected the Hindus to put all the MOHAMMEDANS in their PARTITIONED Land in the “yellow ribbon”!

For not doing so when the Muslims were SLAUGHTERING the Hindus from Karachi to Gilgit and from Chittagong to Sylhet, the Hindus of Bharat are relegated to the bottom wrung called “Scum of Mankind”! They (sic) are as amused as the Court of Lions would be at the barking of a mangy pariah dog.

(“They” refers to the Taliban who RULE Afghanistan, and not the UNO in New York, or the “eunuchs” of Lok Sabha who have yet to hold a sitting in Srinagar.)

There are some low down smart “dogs” in this world who compare this measure by Taliban to the Nazis’ treatment of the Jews in Germany in 1942.

But hark! The Jews created a sovereign JEWISH State for themselves in 1948. How many “centuries” of degradation of wearing of Star of David is THAT from 1942?

A MERE SIX YEARS? Now look at the Hindus. Firstly, being in a MAJORITY in India, they invited and accepted the licking of PARTITION.

Secondly they did not dare to expel the Muslims or put them in the “dog collar”.

Thirdly, they PAMPERED the Muslim minority to no end. Prime Ministers went down to eating Iftar and being widely photographed with their Muslim vote banks. Hajj facilities were increased.

Article 370 remains IN FORCE in South Kashmir. Does the world know that according to this Article in India’s Constitution, the President of India himself is in the YELOW dog collar of disgrace since neither he, nor any of his Indian soldiers can buy any immovable property in the State? And so on, and so on.

So to mention the Star of David of the Jews in this context is a matter of thrill for the Hindu “nigger” who feels great, being spoken of as a VICTIM like the Jews in 1942.

The Hindu ought to have TORN HIMSELF AWAY from such a shared fate! The Hindu is ONE BILLION, the Jews are a mere 12 million, less than the size of the Sikh community which Mrs. Indira Gandhi tried to get under her own YELLOW ribbon with the entire Hindu world reduced to being "fun loving eunuchs”.

So, who cares for the Indian protest? Firstly, India being a SECULAR country has NO right to speak to an ISLAMIC country.

Secondly, when did India see the degradation of a Hindu in EAST Bengal and NORTH Kashmir? When? So how can she be taken seriously by the manly Taliban?

Thirdly, are the Taliban AFRAID of their “Hindu vote bank” as the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA are, of their Muslim “vote bank”?

In the end, we have to have a word of cheer for the Hindus- ALL wearing the yellow ribbon of surrender before Islam since 1947.

It is, CALL GURU GOBIND SINGH JI THE “DEFENDER OF HINDUSTHAN,” and put it down in your Constitution.

You will see the brilliant “Sun of Shakti” rise over your dismal dark land.

Till then, let nobody mention the Jews in the "Third Reich" ever again in THIS context.

Long ago they created a SOVEREIGN JEWISH STATE of Israel. And long ago they managed to record all those six million names for posterity.

In addition, they have established HOLOCAUST MUSEUMS in a dozen big cities across the globe. What is the HINDU achievement in this respect? How close is the Hindu in Hindusthan from attaining his “Hindu Rashtra”?

Is it going to be CENTURIES before the Hindu manages to shake off his own dog collar, and puts it around the neck of the MOHAMMEDAN in Partitioned India?

Then the “BLACK CROW” Hindu could join the club of “White JEWISH Swans”.

