Date: 12/1/2001
Self-proclaimed "India’s No. 1 weekly news magazine, The WEEK", in its issue dated December 2, 2001, published a long report by a "demolished" Hindu journalist called Tapash Ganguly, It read,
"Centuries went by before the temple ruins at Pathra, in West Bengal's Medinipur district, echoed to an appreciative footfall. That of a lad from the adjacent village of Hati Halka.
Long after the boy grew into a man, married, found work as a school assistant, and began a family of his own, he kept returning to roam the cluster of 34 temples slowly crumbling into nature. (WHY THE HELL WERE THEY CRUMBLING, GIVEN ONE BILLION HINDUS AROUND THEM?)
Thanks to Yeasin Pathan, efforts are underway to declare Pathra with its cluster of 34 temples a heritage village . . . .
Isn’t the news above like another story that we heard soon after PARTITION in 1947? It goes like this:
“The young full bosomed wife of an emaciated Hindu 'skeleton' of a man, tottering about his daily chores in loin cloth, stayed barren for years, pining for a child, till a Muslim 'maulvi' turned up with a fertility prayer by Khwaja Nizamuddin.
Her Hindu husband approached him, took him home, served 'halaal pulao' and then begged of him to spend one night with his beautiful young wife.
The Musalmaan's consent came promptly, almost before the Hindu husband had finished his humble request. The pretty Hindu female and the ugly maulvi were then both locked up in a small room until 12 noon the next day.
Upon opening the door the Hindu husband found his wife radiant and the Maulvi flushed with joy, saying "Subhan Allah!".
A very satisfied Hindu thanked the Maulvi profusely and saw him off.
Lo and behold, his wife was blessed with a strong boy who was a replica of the Maulvi, nine months later.)
There in any cinema hall throughout India you can see films where the main macho heroes is a KHAN, not a Hindu!
Hindu viewers BY THE MILLION buy tickets to see the Hindu maidens do the love scenes and sex dances with these Musalmaan KHANS. Not one has ever set the cinema on fire in disgust, or shouted, "We want to see a HINDU actor dancing with a Muslim actress, INSTEAD!"
What and who could help such a HINDU nation upon its own feet who say, "Garav se kaho hum Hindu hain!", yet beg of the Mohammedans to "fertilise" their wives to produce a "manly" MUSLIM crop?
Get ready for another PARTITION, you emaciated timid Hindus, and get ready for another "OPERATION BLUE STAR", you clueless 'nishkam sewak' Sikhs.