Date: 1/15/2002
We used to be BUDDHISTS and lived in peace and harmony with one another and Mother Nature. Two giant BUDDHA statues near Bamyan guarded our beautiful land day and night.
Then obscene and threatening dark clouds covered the sky overhead and we were invaded by savages and brutes from Arabia who killed our warriors, gang raped our women, and totally destroyed our great civilisation along with our universities and places of worship. All our Holy Scriptures were consigned to fire to heat their 'bums'.
After that, our land hit adversity and misfortune. The new rulers had NO idea of cultivation or civilisation.
Their hobbies were chasing and capturing girls from rival tribes and fighting among themselves over plunder and sheep. Frequently they used to invade the peaceful land of gentle HINDUS who never put up stiff fight or counter attacked.
Not once did we see their armies in Kabul, Ghazni or Kandahar.
Our victorious armies used to return with cartloads of gold, diamonds, silver, and thousands of young Hindu slaves and maidens.
The HINDU prisoners were not used to the Afghan winters and perished in their thousands in the mountains we still call HINDUKUSH. (Slaughter of Hindus).
My race became so cocky that we used to say, "NO foreigner will ever set foot on our soil."
We proved it by inflicting a crushing defeat on the British when they ventured beyond the Khyber Pass after passing through the territory of Maharajah Ranjit Singh.
We threatened the British, "We will send your boys in body bags. Come and dare!"
Then several generations later I was born.
I was born as per Laws of our Specie, a HAIWAN. *
And, copying the others, I soon became a BEIMAN. **
My parents sent me to a "madrassa" like the other TALIBAN.
I was fired by the infidel-killer message of KORAN.
Now I really felt great as a MUSALMAN. ***
Soon with the help of the others I became a SULTAN
But all that power made me a SHAITAN. ****
Then I woke up, hearing bombs falling all over my city.
America had invaded my beautiful land.
AMERICAN soldiers were guarding KANDAHAR and the BRITISH boys were patrolling the streets of KABUL.
My ancestors will NEVER believe it if I go and tell them after my death.