Date: 3/13/2002
Islamic immigrants (legal and illegal, asylum seekers and infiltrators, on bogus entry papers) are slowly turning Britain into a haven for terrorist.
Wherever Islam exists it brings war, death, terror and destruction. As New Labour welcomes terrorists with open arms, the British people are powerless to stop the Islamic army invading our country by stealth and deception.
It is now too late. They are already here and doing harm in our community, burning churches, attacking our citizens, defying our laws both criminal and religious. The internet is swamped with Islamic groups in Britain who openly attack our British way of life and attack the Christian and Jewish religion with their own evil.
The liberalistic, phoney, pseudo-secular, bribed and brainwashed media and the anarchist Filth Column brand you "racist", call you "NAZI", if you dare challenge ISLAM and its followers.
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