Date: 4/8/2002


The Hindu is the accused now in Gujarat. The whole world is kicking up publicity storm against the Hindus despite the fact that the Mohammedans, as always, STARTED the violence by setting fire to the train carrying innocent passengers.


QUOTE: The Human Rights Commission in Geneva has already begun its deliberations. There are no resolutions on Gujarat as of now to debate and vote upon, neither by the US nor the European Union. But the MEA (Indian Ministry of External Affairs) is already mounting a huge exercise to privately ‘‘explain’’ Gujarat to friendly nations and hope for the best. It must watch out for NGOs who have a lot of cross-religious support on this issue at home. Ironically, one of the reasons New Delhi is likely to be let off easily at Geneva will be the political goodwill it has built up with the George W. Bush administration in Washington. UNQUOTE.


FOR PERMANENT PEACE, "MUSLIMS TO PAKISTAN," (they must be sent there in shackles, if need be, for the HORRENDOUS crime of breaking up India into three fragments) AS PER ACT OF PARTITION, 1947.

The world will understand us and the Mohammedan "beast" if we TELL them of the bloody Partition of India.

...............Did the Hindus ask for it?

NO. But we Hindus are the worst COWARDLY concealers of that FACT since we have been trained like the dogs to call it INDEPENDENCE.

