Date: 4/10/2002


............FROM A HINDU OF HINDUSTAN (India)

...............To the PEOPLE of ISRAEL.

America is big engough to take in all the PLO and Hamas put together.

But will they accept the ISLAMIC fire balls that they wish Israel to have for ever? We think not.

India is already crushed into "silence of the dead" and is not being heard in the Middle East, Sri Lanka, Nepal, North Kashmir and EAST Bengal.

India trembles at the very thought of a few Hamas fighters coming in as living bombs, a fate that COWARDLY India cannot avoid for long.

All the people of Israel ought to KNOW that India absorbed FIFTEEN MILLION REFUGEES in 1947 when attacked by MOHAMMEDANS. She is too STUNNED in TERROR to tell the story to her own children, leave aside the rest of the world.

As a last resort to solve the problem in the Middle East, INDIA ought to be persuaded to take in all the PLO and the Hamas, too, just as she voluntarily RETAINED a hundred million Muslims after her Partition.

Morally superior "Gandhian" India is quite an expert in taking in the refugees and then absorbing them nicely.

There are some 17 million illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators already nicely absorbed by India in her vast body. It is impossible even to see them.

Israel is too small to rise up to this task. So ask the United States or the Disunited India to take them all in and solve the flaming problem in the Middle East for ever.

