Date: 4/24/2002
You can do the following:
1) Take out peaceful Processions and Demonstration. This is very important.
2) Contact various political and religious organizations to take out processions and hold press conferences etc
3) Put appropriate stickers on your cars
4) Put appropriate banners
5) Start fund raising for the suffering Muslims. Please do not use checks and master cards etc.
6) Stop drinking all pepsicola/cokacola and theri subsideries e.g. Team/Seven up/DFanta
7) Boycott Lipton/Lux?Life Buoy and all other Lever Brother Products
8) Do not use Johnson & Johnson products
9) Do not stay or hold meetings in Mariot., Pear Continental, Sharaton, Sarina etc. Don't attend there any meeting even if it is professional.
10) Do not show any respect or honor to the so called Muslim agents of Zionists e.g. Pervaiz Musharraf, Hamid Kurzi.
11) Write articles, letters, brochures to incite spirit of Jihad and Qital among Muslims
12) Infuse weapon technology among Muslims and get appropriate training for Jihad.
13) Expose the Zionist hand behind all terrorist acts across the globe. Tell people difference between Jihad and terrorism.
14) Invite Non-Muslims to Islam to save them from hell of both worlds.
15) Prepare lists of all Zionists and thier agents products and urge Muslims and Christains to refrain from buying those
16) Educate Christain about how Zionists changed bible and message of Jesus (Peace be upon him)
(NB: NOTE THIS PHRASE, "PEACE BE UPON HIM." Don't ask what they did to the churches in Cyprus and Pakistan. In Saudi Arabia a Church is NOT allowed. So trust NOT this "peace be upon him" from a MOHAMMEDAN'S PEN.
The only other Mohammedans anywhere on earth, with such good feelings towards Jesus Christ, are those holed up right now in the Church of Nativity in Jerusalam.)
Fight ** in the way of Allah whether light or heavy through physical means, wealth, pen, tongue and other means.
( ** NOTE THE WORD "FIGHT" THAT BETRAYS AND SAYS IT ALL. Islam is NOTHING but boycott, separatism, fight, destroy and KILL.)