Date: 4/26/2002
The ignorant enslaved nation offered COUNTLESS golden opportunities to all the bandits, pirates, Albanians, Khans, "bastards & bitches, devils and witches", and the ITALIANS, to land among them like the VULTURES from above and across seven seas.
They were quick to benefit the ENEMY by agreeing to PARTITION without referendum and gave the DARKEST HOUR OF SHAME to the once glorious Indian Armed Forces. Their face was tarred in black and they became "EUNUCHS IN UNIFORM" when Lahore was burning and could NOT be defended, Hindus fleeing but the BANDIT was on the rampart of Red Fort pronouncing his freedom to his serfs and slaves.
The second thing the BANDIT did promptly was to ask a BUDDHIST, pushing all the Sardars, Patels, Singhs, HINDUS, and the lot, to write a Constitution that proclaims the MOHAMMEDAN "BEIMAN" as patriotic as the NATIVE Sikhs.
Then they put BROADCASTING under government control to boost the image of BANDIT NEHRU and his family, while putting everyone else down. The stature of Nehru was raised sky high as super man while the native Hindu stalwarts were reduced and crushed down to the size of insects and ants.
The ruling establishment like the court of grand Mogul Aurangzeb then decided to keep KASHMIR as "MUSLIM MAJORITY STATE" in order to bleed the army to death and see the Hindus slaughtered or expelled.
None on earth can remove Article 370 of this treacherous Constitution, Written by Bhangi, Made in Bandit's Head.
None on earth can give a kick in the bachside of SUPREME COMMANDER KR Narayanan, and despatch him to MYANMAR, the land of his spouse.
The vast ruling establishment banned the word PARTITON but ADORED and APPRECIATED the P.L.O. for not accepting the Partition of Palestine. Yasser Arafat was the honoured State guest in New Delhi on many occasions to receive awards (plus cash) for Patriotism and Bravery. He got the awards from the cowards who had surrendered Lahore in big fright and never recalled their own Partition.
In line with the BANDIT'S thinking the Hindu nation had to be IMPOVERISHED, production was to be subejcted to crippling controls and system of licenses and permits and quotas, while new areas of wealth creation were to be ignored or destroyed.
Punjab for all her dynamism had to be smashed through dirty scheming and ruthless military operations as in 1984, that also drove a wedge between the Hindus and the Sikhs, a great joy to BANDIT NEHRU'S DYNASTY.
The tourist trade in Kashmir, a big creator of WEALTH, had to be destroyed through militancy and violence in order to encourage the Indian rich to go to ITALY and Switzerland for their holidays. On FOREIGN SHORES the wealthy Indian "coolie" was made to feel like a Maharajah. But he could not turn up in Kashmir.
MOHAMMEDANS were to be exempt from family planning to increase thier numbers. They were also to enjoy sharai law to marry girls as young as 14 who start producing like hell till they reach late 50's. This has boosted the number of enemy so much that the timid and tremblind HINDUS are talking of another partition, the prospect of SOUTH Kashmir and WEST BENGAL vanishing from the map of India like EAST Bengal and WEST Pnjab.
The enemy who took away five provinces out of India is rewarded for their VICTORY OVER THE HINDUS by fully recognising the "haraami" State of Pakistan and accepting their high commissioner in New Delhi. There is also a high commissioner from BOGUSdesh, another "haraami" state created by BANDIT'S DAUGHTER to keep Hindustan's territory REDUCED.
The time has come to think. Do we have to fight the "Third war of Independence against SULTAN NEHRU's DYNASTY" for our Independence? There are already fourteen states which are in the grip of slavery. Let's say, under Slave Dynasty, or "Democratic Slavery".
Did the 'Father of Nation' fight the war with Non Violance as the weopon?
Nabi kay Ooper Ghulam and Nabi ke neechay Azad was saying Shri Atalji should be arrested under P.O.T.O. (Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance).
The problem is Ghulam, the pseudo secularists, Salman, Christian missionaries, Imams and the Italians who cannot digest the fact that this country is back in the hands of Hindus; and Hinduism is getting up after 1365 years of slavery - and after all this Godra, tehelka, onion crisis, coffin scam, banking scam, share scam, fodder scam, etc.
Now that INA (INDIAN NATIONAL ARMY) veterans have come to the fore, gradually the Truth about Netaji may also come out.
What was the plot during 1942-49? If the facts come out and they are going to come out- many political parties will be history- as their role will get exposed. Why do you think Communists hate the RSS? Because Netaji Bose and his vetrans were the real patriots and Nehru was a BANDIT while "father of natiojn" was a cowardly funk who did not lift a finger to save India from PARTITION.
Why do you think they are scarred of RSS? Pakistan, Pseudo Secularists, Missionaries, the "talibanised" media, the party thinking it will get back the throne at Delhi to be given to the Europeans.
This is the final chapter of The Mahabharatha. All that Injustice done to this Motherland- Mother India, has to be washed off.
Truth will come out with such a Thundering Force- that it will shake everything. Volcanoes will erupt from down beneath. This is the case with Truth.
......Netaji Bose's achievements have been ignored'
Professor, must tell you about an event that took place in Delhi.
The function was organized by Poova Seva Sainik Organization. Most members are ex-servicemen who have retired and want to serve the nation. They have an RSS background and their devotion to the Nation is second to none.
After two days of deliberation, the final programme was at Red Fort, Delhi, the destination of every INA freedom fighter. That is why the function was organized at Red Fort.
I was asked to represent all the INA delegates who had come from all parts of South East Asia, and London.
Most came from various parts of India, numbering about 700. On the dais I was seated next to Shri LK Advani. I spoke as soon as Mr. Advani arrived.
First, I thanked the government, the two ministers, the member of the committee who had organized the function, and all the other agencies and the many workers who had worked hard to make it possible to hold the function.
On behalf of all the Indians I suggested that Anitha Bose, the daughter of Rashbihari Bose should be made honorary citizen of India.
I asked for more relief to FF (freedom fighters) who are still suffering from neglect and poverty. I spoke of DNA and more advanced testing to test Netaji's ashes.
All the material I had collected has been handed to the President of the Organizing Committee.
After the Minister of Touristism, Mr.Advani spoke. He said that a certain family thinks that, that family alone won freedom for India.
As for as Gujarat is concerned it was the minority that burnt the railway carriage and the ring leader was also a Congressman. They further blocked the fire engine from reaching the railway yard. Just cannot make out why this D. Woman wants to destroy India? (THERE WILL BE NO MORE THIS D. WOMAN IF WE ALL CHASE HER OUT TO ITALY!)
The land from which she comes has seen many governments change as they were corrupt and one of Prime Ministers was in jail. Is this the culture the person wants to cultivate in India? (YES, INDEED, SINCE SHE KNOWS OF NO OTHER CULTURE BUT MAFIA CULTURE!)
The persona non grata (undesirable person) talks about Indian culture, history and religion when she does not know the etc of this Country. Tomorrow I will show you an extract from a book that I got on Kashmir. There is a story on the Hindustan Times web, that Netaji died in U.P. at the age of 88 and that they have the proof.
..........'Bose's achievements have been ignored'\nt2&d=NATION Agencies/New delhi
......................April 22, 2002
Coming down on the Congress governments since Independence for ignoring Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's achievements, Home Minister L K Advani on Sunday night said it was made to look like India got freedom only due to one family.
"Unfortunately in India there has been discrimination. Sometimes from the government. Bose's place should have been such that no leader could have matched it in 50 or 55 years. But for years he was ignored, it looked that independence was achieved only due to one family though that family had made its contribution in the freedom struggle," he said.
Addressing the INA war veterans here, Mr Advani said that to overlook the achievements of Bose and other INA soldiers in the freedom struggle was unfortunate.
"To highlight the achievements of one family just to show devotion to it and ignoring the contributions and bravery of Bose and others was wrong," he said" Unquote
Due to treason and treachery of All India Congress Party, the sacrifice of another patriotic Son of Bharat has been totally overlooked. He is NANAK SINGH, a lawyer at Multan, who on March 4, 1947, gave a spirited public call to resist the evil of Mohammedan separatism at all costs. He was assassinated within 24 hours. His crime? He declared, "INDIA WILL BE CUT UPON MY DEAD BODY."
None could foresee or realise that such a call had also been given by "father of nation" Gandhi, only to watch, like a COWARD, the mutilation and partition of India while chanting "OM SHANTI, SHANTi, SHANIT . . . " which was like mating call by the Hindu cow on heat to the MOHAMMEDAN BULL in HOT PURSUIT.
India was raped, gang raped, mutilated, cut, chopped and PARTITIONED on August 15, 1947. BANDIT NEHRU'S daughter Mrs. Indira KHAN, put the final seal of acceptance of that bogus partition by giving East Pakistan back to the separatist MOHAMMED (Peace be upon his VICTIMS) in 1972.