Date: 6/21/2002


..............Please pass on to all you know






Beware Hindu Girls: It's a vicious compaign

Look at the animal kingdom - they don't convert from sheep to cow or cat to dog.

Hindu-Muslim Marriage - Islam's Hidden Agenda


..................LIFE STORIES

This articles is mainly for the girls but will also benefit boys to read for general knowledge. Please read the article, should you have any experience that will benefit other people of Hindu Origin please send in your article to us for publication.


Hindu-Muslim Marriage - Islam's Hidden Agenda


Recently, there has been a growing trend for Hindu youngsters (generally girls, though exceptionally, the same occurs with boys also) to get into relationships with Muslims. The end result in both cases (for girls and boys) is that the Hindu almost invariably ends up converting, at which point they become cut off from the Hindu community they have themselves turned their back on, whilst they are never truly accepted into the Islamic fold. Thus, these individuals find themselves with no place whatsoever, except that of a pseudo-slave at the hands of their new "family". In order to demonstrate the stark reality behind this new ploy by the Islamic fundamentalists to gain more converts, presented here are two articles written by Hindu girls on the topic of Islamic conversion through marriage.

The first of these is a letter to the editor of "HUM", the termly magazine of the National Hindu Students Forum (UK), which appeared in Vol. V, Issue II. The letter is written by a Sikh girl, Kiran Kaur Mahal, and highlights the dangers inherent in deserting one's Hindu background in favour of adopting a new, Muslim family.

The second article, written by a Hindu girl, Pratibha Bhambri, appeared in the July 26, 1996 issue of the "India Post". Pratibha ji, in her article, refers to her own traumatic experience in a love marriage with a Bangladeshi Muslim boy, and recounts the events following that marriage, and the ordeal she suffered under the duress of her in-laws. She goes on then to talk of general issues concerning inter-faith relationships, particularly focussing on Hindu-Muslim marriages, concluding with some solutions on how to tackle the danger that such relationships pose to Hinduism itself.

Following these two articles, I am also posting the text of the leaflet produced by the National Hindu Students Forum (UK) as part of their campaign against Islamic fanaticism, "BEWARE!"

Finally, I have provided at the end of this posting one or two points of reference for those wishing to find out more about the threat of Islamic fundamentalism (which is what such Hindu-Muslim unions almost always come down to - I hear that the present going rate for a converted Hindu girl is 2000 pounds sterling...funded, of course, by Middle Eastern oil money).

Article 1 - "Love, Conversion & Misconception"

Dear Editor,

Ah, hot summers - the time for passionate affairs and whispering sweet nothings into your lovers ear. This is it, life can't get any better. The two of you just laze around, secretly meeting each other, phoning whenever possible.

Suddenly you wake up and realise - this is the one, it is your kismet, the two of you must marry at once; join in holy matrimony - two souls become one...PROBLEM - you realise that the man of your dreams is not the same religion or background and there is no way that mummy and daddy are going to embrace and say "Well done, beti!"

That's OK, not a problem at all. He is muslim and I am not. I know what I'll do, I'll leave home, leaving mass devastation behind, convert to Islam, marry my prince and will surely be accepted into his family.

WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE SISTER! Your little fairy tale isn't going to work.

There are so many people, especially girls, that I have met, who are contemplating, or have converted to Islam. Why are you doing this? I have no doubt in my mind that you are truly in love - but don't you think that this is taking it all a bit extreme?

Unfortunately, without exception, of all the people I have met in this situation, none of their Muslim lovers have offered a similar sacrifice. I know that Hindus are, by nature pacifists, but for goodness sake - there's no need to take the p**s!

Ask yourselves this, "Would he do the same for me?" If the answer is no - get the hell out of there. It is time that we all took a bit more pride in ourselves and our religion. I'm not saying that we should all dedicate our lives to praying and having no evil thoughts, but there's no need to jump on the bandwagon and go to the other extreme.

At the end of the day, it really is you who is going to suffer. You leave your family; society would never allow a reunion, and for what? Happiness? I don't think so. You go to his family as a converted muslim. No, his parents aren't going to love you like the daughter they never had. You will be the whore who chased after their son, and who has now put shame on their family. Your only hope is to produce a son - who will of course be a staunch muslim.

Suddenly, you'll wake up and you're forty years old. You realise that it wasn't worth it. All contact with your family is lost and your own children have no respect for you, thanks to the wonderful mother-in-law.

Before you all jump to convert - stop and think. Is it really what you want, and would he do it for you?


Article 2 - "Hindu Girls, Don't Get Trapped!" I am on a visit to this wonderful country and am fond of reading community newspapers. I must admit that "India Post" stands out as one of the best Indian newspapers with its colourful appearance and sections for everybody. The articles by Anita Chakraborti, Bodansky and the editorials are very informative, enlightening and awakening.

Selection of "India Post" by First Lady Hilary Rodham Clinton for her weekly column, itself speaks volumes about "India Post". I wish one day I might read the UK edition of this paper.


By: PRATIBHA BHAMBRI (West Midland, England, UK) In her own words (Reprinted with permission of India Post by Vasantrai G. Patel, Tulare, CA, USA)

I want to share my experiences and encounters with the Indian community in England and other countries. One of these is as follows:

After my high school graduation, I made a big blunder. Despite my parents' cryful please, I married outside my religion to a Muslim from Bangladesh. I did not know at the time that I was abusing the liberties and freedom bestowed on me by my great religion, Hinduism. I realise now that I was just copying some of the film girls of Mumbai, who by marrying this or that Khan, are proving to be real bad role models for young Hindu girls like me. I understand now that this is all being orchestrated by the menace of the Middle East oil money.

My ex-husband and his family started questioning and frowning on my dress and my Hindu ways. They pressured me to change my religion. I knew I was trapped, because I thought if I go back to Hinduism, I will not be fully accepted and it will be almost impossible to remarry a Hindu. Due to the persistent and relentless pressure of my Muslim in-laws family, I had to give up my beautiful name, religion and dresses, just to please them.

It did not stop there. They started labelling my parent's family and any contact with them as bad influence on my sisters-in-law; they even severely beat my youngest sister-in-law for developing friendship with a Sikh young man. That was too much for me and I confronted them for their double standard. When I could not take it any more I got separated and filed for divorce.

I wondered why I had left Hinduism. I did not know the real philosophy and history of Hinduism which withstood successfully the onslaughts and massacres of invaders. The only Hinduism I knew was going to the temple, sing arti, eat prasad or dance before goddess Durga once a year during Navratri festival.

To prevent my Hindu sisters from committing the same blunder I did, I educated myself about my religion. Later I started giving lectures in various British temples, on important topics such as 'Youth and Marriage' and 'Erosion of Hindu Culture and Values in Movies from Mumbai.' I also helped in arranging all-Hindu dances and discussions on these topics. The majority of Hindu temple officials gave me alot of problems in the beginning as 'only religion' could be discussed inside the temples. This was flawed and suicidal thinking and I had to go to individual devotees and families to persuade the temple management to relent.

Hindus should participate in the financial decisions of their temples to divert some money for awakening Hindus in the West and back home. Hindus should also give a fixed percentage of their income to dharma raksha and related projects, as perhaps we are the only people who don't do it. I realise that to get money from the average Hindu for such projects seems more difficult than hitting a California Lotto jackpot. But that is very important. They should also donate money to institutions and associations, other than temples, dedicated to awakening of Hindus.

The parents should also start reading about the religion and its philosophy to convey the message and knowledge to their children. They should start discussing with their daughters at an early age on the topics of religion and marriage, also they should not restrain their sons too much, to the extent, that they will not be aggressive enough in developing positive and natural relationships with Hindu girls.

Through inter-discussions we found out that the Muslim boys contact the young and innocent Hindu girls using their own sisters for initial contact and slowly trapping them into relationships. (I am told that several Muslim/Arab countries give financial incentives for such relationships and marriages.) Hindu boys should not turn their heads the other side when some undesirables try to take advantage of the innocence of Hindu girls to trap them in marriages.

This will ward off the unwelcome and unwanted advances of boys from other religions who cannot tolerate a Muslim girl marrying a Hindu boy even in a movie, let alone in real life. When a Muslim boy approaches a Hindu girl and tells her, 'You are the most beautiful thing on earth,' etc, she should be immediately alerted that he is actually fulfilling the Islamic command of grabbing and converting non-believer women by all possible means. It is not a reflection of my personal bitterness. I remind you of fatwas issued in England for Muslim boys in colleges and universities to marry Christian, Hindu and Sikh girls and they specially ask to target Sikh girls.

I want educated young girls in England and elsewhere to take pride in themselves and their great Hindu religion and if someone asks them to convert to facilitate a marriage, ask them instead to get converted to Hinduism first. In genuine love there should not be this religious angle. The Hindu associations in USA should arrange all-Hindu youth dances and other events to bring together Hindu youth from all the states and countries. They should also make special videos to train and inform the youth on various concerned topics such as 'how to handle the newfound independence (away from parents) at the universities' and 'how to reject the undesirable advances of boys of other religions who have a hidden agenda.' Another video can show the stories of brave Hindu girls like Princess Surya and Chanda of Sindh (daughters of King Dahir) and the story of the exemplary bravery of the Mehta sisters of Gujarat, Tana and Riri (who single-handedly defeated the designs of the cruel Generals of Akbar), Vir Haquiqat Rai, Maharani Lakshmi Bhai and the brave sacrifices of Guru Tegh Bahadur, Guru Gobind Singh and his sons. We should remind our youth about millions of Hindu martyrs who sacrificed their lives, but did not give up their religion before the cruelest of the cruel, tyrant Aurangzeb.

In addition, the youth should know and analyse the follies of Emperor Prithvi Raj Chauhan who ignored Shri Krishna's Gita message and let go the enemy Mohammad Ghori more than once and paid the ultimate price with his life and the freedom of his nation that is still suffering from the trauma of that unfortunate event. We should learn from our Sikh brothers who remember their martyrs every day while doing prayers and reading Sri Guru Granth Sahib. We should also not forget traitors like Jai Chand and Jai Singh and remember the awful damage they did to India. It is also very important for us to analyse the historical decisions made by leaders such as Nehru and Gandhi and compare their performance with revolutionaries like Subhas Chandra Bose and the magnificent and unparalleled Sardar Patel.


Posted by Maya on August 10, 2001 at 19:46:14:

In Reply to: hindu-muslim marriage posted by m on February 24, 2001 at 11:37:54:

I am a Hindu girl fell for a muslim guy. Little did I know it was a trap for converting me to Islam. If you are a Hindu girl planning to marry a muslim guy, please spend sometime to read this article from Hindustan Time. I have witnessed it so I can say it's true. I want to save all the others.


Read the article from Hindustan Times:

Extremists launch Hindu-Sikh hate campaign

Hizb-ut-Tahrir(HuT) is an ultra fundamentalist terrorist group. HuT, and other similar outfits, call for a JIHAD (Holy War) against Hindus, Sikhs, Jews and all those who do not submit to their intolerant ideology. These groups are now active in over 50 UK college campuses, specially targeting young and unsuspecting Hindu and Sikh women for conversion. HuT often uses Islamic, Pakistan and Culture societies as front to preach its Hindu-Sikh hatred.

Certain Muslims have taken to wearing Karas (Sikh steel bracelets) at Bhangra gigs, with the aim of specifically seeking to meet Sikh and Hindu girls. When meeting the girls, these people identify themselves in such a way that the girl does not realise they are Muslim, for example by shortening the name Mohammed to Mohan. They then form a relationship with the girl and begin the slow path to conversion.


Stop the HuT? - The Hindustan Times

Posted By Ashok V Chowgule


Mon, 10 Feb 97 15:21:11 EST

Extremists launch Hindu-Sikh hate campaign

Hizb-ut-Tahrir(HuT) is an ultra fundamentalist terrorist group. HuT, and other similar outfits, call for a JIHAD (Holy War) against Hindus, Sikhs, Jews and all those who do not submit to their intolerant ideology. These groups are now active in over 50 UK college campuses, specially targeting young and unsuspecting Hindu and Sikh women for conversion. HuT often uses Islamic, Pakistan and Culture societies as front to preach its Hindu-Sikh hatred.

A Chronology of Events

1988 Apr HuT publishes "Islamic Rule on Hijacking Aeroplanes" which condones air-terror against countries 'opposed' to Islam

1991 Feb Omar Bakri, HuT(UK) leader, calls for assassination of John Major. Bakri is held in police custody for 48 hours

1994 Aug HuT conference at Wembley Area attended by 8,000 Muslim youths. Leaders call for intensification of campus campaign to bring Hindu and Sikh women to Islam.

NHSF calls on government to take firm action before any untoward incident happens. Gujarat Samachar 12.8.94.

1994 Oct Hindu student threatened at University of London meeting. HuT subsequently banned at some London colleges for extremist activities.

1994 Nov LSE student, alleged HuT activist, kidnaps 3 British tourists in India and threatens to behead them.

1995 Jan HuT widely believed to be behind race attacks on Hindu and Sikh students at West Thames college.

Hindu student leader predicts further violence if HuT continues to incite Muslim students. Time Out Magazine 25.1.95.

1995 Mar Student stabbed to death at Newham college. Finger once again points to HuT sympathisers.

1995 May Hindu student in Luton threatened with death for initiating campus campaign against fundamentalism and harassment.

1995 Jul Letter published praising Muslim who have done the "ultimate action" by converting girls to Islam. "Islam allow you four. Why have you stopped at one...you should use your style and gift to get more Sikh girls for yourself." 786 Khilafa.

1995 Aug HuT 'Rally for Islam' at Trafalger Square. Two Hindu women converted on stage in front of 2,000 Muslim youths.

1995 Sept Young Hindu girls lured away from Navratri celebrations by 'Islamic Hit Teams' in Leeds and Bradford.

1995 Oct London college forced to close as mob of 300 Muslim youths threaten riot. Evening Standard

1995 Nov After representations from Hindu and Sikh leaders, Bradford headteachers take decision to expel students who indulge in extreme militant activities and threaten the safety of other students.

1995 Nov National Union of Student (NUS) publishes 'Campus Watch' report which confirms NHSF assertions that Islamic fundamentalism is the greatest threat to harmony in British universities.

1995 Dec Letter circulated to parents of Hindu and Sikh students at Slough and Eton school. "This is more or less an Islamic school. We Muslims don't want 'Kafirs' such as Sikh and Hindu children in this school to mix with out children...If your childrencome to this school we will bully you boys like the way we did to they boy who committed suicide, and we will make you daughters pregnant and change them into Islam." The Chalvey Muslim Boys

The truth about conversions...

At the Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HuT) conference at the Wembley Arena in August 1994, a Sikh girl was converted on stage in front of 8000 cheering and clapping Muslims. The Sikh girl then proceeded to attack Sikhism making particularly offensive statements against Sikh Gurus. The audience laughed and continued to cheer. Some of this speech was televised on satellite T.V. and on the HuT's pirate radio station. Muslim leaders at the conference called for an intensification of the campaign to bring Sikh and Hindu women to Islam. The same thing happened at the HuT's 'Rally for Islam' conference in Trafalger Square, in August 1995. This time 2 Hindu women were converted on stage in front of 2000 cheering Muslims.

Again Muslim leaders, demanded that Muslim boys try harder to convert Sikh and Hindu girls.

HuT leader issued a directive in January 1995, to specially selected male members telling them to place Ads in Personal Columns of National Asian newspapers inviting relationship from Asian women. They were told to write that the religion and nationality of the girl were unimportant and be ambiguous about their own backgrounds by for example only describing themselves as Asian. They were further told to form intimate relationships with only Sikh and Hindu girls who replied with the aim of conversion. The expense of the Ads and any dates was to be paid by the HuT.

Certain Muslims have taken to wearing Karas (Sikh steel bracelets) at Bhangra gigs, with the aim of specifically seeking to meet Sikh and Hindu girls. When meeting the girls, these people identify themselves in such a way that the girl does not realise they are Muslim, for example by shortening the name Mohammed to Mohan. They then form a relationship with the girl and begin the slow path to conversion.

HuT leadership has instructed it's members to specifically target 'problem' groups for conversion. These include young teenage girls, people with social problems, the recently bereaved and victims of abuse as children. These people are considered to be weak willed and so easily manipulated. Once identified, the Muslim will try to convince their target that Islam will magically solve all their problems. Incidentally in 1992, the HuT produced an article telling Muslim men to particularly target "non-Muslim girls with plain or unattractive physical facial or body feature". These girls the article said would not be "accustomed to this attention" and would do anything to maintain any relationship. It went on to say that the "discomfort you may feel in such a relationship, especially if intimate, is only temporary however the rewards you will receive in Heaven will last for eternity".

The HuT had instructed Muslims to work in groups when converting, with one person forming a very close friendship with their target. The group then works to find out the strengths and weakness of the person involved and then will work accordingly, if for example, the person loves sport and is very athletic, they will go on about how Islam actively encourages sport and all the world's best sportsmen such as Mohammed Ali, Tyson and Imran Khan are Muslims. If the person has a strongly anti-while attitude, they will stir up racial hatred against whites even more by talking about past white injustice against them. This policy has been used effectively with Afro-Caribbeans, with whom they talk about the slave trade and give Malcom X as a role model (Muslim groups leafleted black cinema audiences watching Malcom X when it was released).

Similarly, hard-up students have been offered well-paid jobs with Muslim business, providing they convert.

Forced conversions do occur. There have been many documented cases (at least one in Southall) when Sikh and Hindu girls have been taken to Pakistan by their Muslim boyfriends and forcibly converted. Those resisting are passed on to other Muslim men who keep the girl under lock and key, in some remote village without telephones. All the girl's money and her passport are taken away.

Other cases have occurred when Sikh and Hindu girls are photographed naked by their Muslim boyfriends, who tell the girl to convert or the photos will be published in magazine and sent to the girl's family and friends. These are tragically not scare stories but actual facts.

Conversions to Islam almost always occur out of a person's ignorance or misunderstanding of their own religion. Take the time to understand you religion and educate others. The process of conversion is usually very subtle and gradual. It always occurs by progressively undermining your culture and religion through misquoting religion texts and falsifying historical events. Be on your guard, and stop them from spreading lies about your religion be you Sikh or Hindu. The HuT and other Muslim groups have said that they aim to make France, an Islamic Republic by the year 2015, and Britain by 2025 through conversions, immigration and high Muslim birth rates. They must be stopped.



Do not let the FIRE in your belly consume you, read this with an OPEN mind and make your own valued judgement. All of this can be verified by reading transcripts of the koran or visiting the Hizb-ut-tahrir http://www.hizb-ut-tahrir.org/english/english.html and Khalifah websites http://www.khalifornia.org/ http://www.khilafah.com/ (can be found using search engines).

These highlight how they wish to propergate and enforce there religion on to others, How they wish to subjugate 'kufrs/kafir' 'non-believers in Islam, such as you and I, in Islamic eyes, into the Islamic 'Da'wah' way of life.There is a good outcome of this literature, it shows you how they are converting.

http://www.hindutva.org/KoranKafir/ http://www.geocities.com/freethoughtmecca/questions20.htm

Furthermore remember that we as Sikh people have been under attack from the Muslims since the Arabs rose to power in 713AD (source Punjab.com)Constant attack to assimilate us has been carried out since.The Mogul Emperors and the Hindus have all seen the Sikhs as an underclass, people they can subjugate and exploit and they have treated us accordingly.However, we have not secombe and do not intend to, knowledge is your wealth and power my friends and i'm giving you a 24 carat insight.


1. Islam is a totally MISSIONARY religion committed to making EVERYONE Muslim, according to the Koran the world is divided up into 2 parts, Dar-as-Islam (House of Faith) a title which applies to all Islamic countries and Dar-al-Harb (Household of War), land not yet surrendered to Allah, which is the rest of the world. It is the duty of every Muslim to wage Jihad (Holy War) against Kafirs, infidels and unbelievers what the Koran calls non-Muslims and make them submit to Islam. Violence against Kafirs is encouraged in the Koran, if gentle persuasion doesn?t work.

2. Conversions of Sikh and Hindu men and women is becoming an increasing problem, hundreds of reported and verified conversions in the last few years. Dozens of cases were reported in October 1995 alone, when the new academic year started also converted. Universities in London, Bradford and Luton are particular problem areas.

3. At the Hizb-ut-Tahrir ( HUT ) conference at the Wembley arena in August 1994, a Sikh was converted on stage in front of 8000 cheering and clapping Muslims. The Sikh girl then proceeded to attack Sikhism making particularly offensive statements against the Sikh Gurus. The audience laughed and continued to cheer. Some of this speech was televised on satellite T.V and on the HUTs pirate radio station. Muslim leaders at the conference called for an intensification of the campaign to bring Sikh and Hindu women to Islam. The same thing happened at HUTs Rally for Islam conference in Trafalgar Square, August 1995. This time 2 Hindu women were converted on stage in front of 2000 cheering Muslims. Again Muslim leaders demanded that Muslims boys try harder to convert Sikh and Hindu girls.

4. The self appointed Muslim parliament of Britain passed a resolution demanding that the British government make it illegal for Muslim women to marry non-Muslim. It also called for the banning of conversions of Muslims to other faiths. Any Muslim who did convert was to be stoned to death according Islamic tradition. Thankfully, the British government did not take their demand seriously, but the event showed the Muslims double standards and hypocrisy.

5. HUT leaders issued a directive in January 1995 to specially selected male members telling them to place Ads in personal columns of national newspapers inviting relationships from Asian women, they were told to write the religion and nationality of the girl were unimportant and be ambiguous about their own backgrounds by for example only describing themselves as Asian. They were further told to form intimate relationships with only Sikh and Hindu girls who replied with the aim of conversion. The expense of the Ads and any dates were to be paid by the HUT.

6. Certain Muslims have taken to wearing Karas (Sikh steel bracelet) at Bhangra gigs with the aim of specifically seeking to meet Hindu and Sikh girls. When meeting the Girls, these people identify themselves in such a way that the girl does not realise that they are Muslim, for example by shortening the name Mohammed to Mohan. They form relationships with the girl and begin the slow path to conversion.

7. A Muslim converting somebody, will never tell the person the whole story. For example when converting men they always leave out the part about having to be circumcised to become Muslim. After all what man would want half of his genitals cut off. Likewise girl converts are tricked into believing that men and women are equal to Islam. They are not told that rape victims according to the Koran have produce 4 Male witnesses of good character to say that they were raped or they will be charged with adultery and stoned according to Islamic tradition ( hundreds of cases where this has occurred are on file with Amnesty International, contact them for further information). Also according to the Koran, all man has to do to divorce his wife is say Talaq 3 times. For women of course getting a divorce is much harder. Besides which what woman wants to share her husband with three other women.

The new method that they are employing is to change their names by deed poll to Mohan singh and Balraj singh , they add surnames on to Gill and Hayer are two of there favorites. Please check the person you are going to marry and there credentials through your parents or close relatives NAMES MEAN NOTHING THERE ARE BEING CHANGED BY DEED POLL IT ONLY COSTS THEM A COUPLE OF HUNDRED POUNDS , SUPPLIED BY THEY'RE FANATICAL ELDERS!!!!

8. HUT leadership has instructed its members to specifically target problem groups of conversion.

These include young teenage girls, people with social problems, the recently bereaved and victims of abuse as children. These people are considered to be weak willed and easily manipulated once identified the Muslim will try to convince their target that Islam will magically solve all their problems. Incidentally in 1992 the hut produced an article telling Muslim men to particularly target non-Muslim girls with plain or unattractive physical, facial or body features. These girls the article said would not be accustomed to this attention and would do anything to maintain a relationship. It went on to say that the discomfort you may feel in such relationships, especially if intimate is only temporary however the rewards you will receive in Heaven will last for eternity.

9. The HUT has instructed Muslims to work in groups when converting, with one person forming a very close friendship with their target. The group then works to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the person involved and then will work accordingly. If for example, the person loves sport and is very athletic, they go on about how Islam actively encourages sport and how all the world's best sportsmen such as Muhammad Ali, Tyson and Imran Khan are Muslims. If the person has a strongly anti-white attitude, then they will stir up racial hatred against whites even more by talking about past white injustices against them. This policy has been used effectively with Afro-Caribbean's, with whom they talk about the slave trade and give Malcolm X as role model (Muslim groups leafleted black cinema audiences watching Malcolm X when it was released ). Similarly, the hard up have been offered well-paid jobs with Muslim businesses providing they convert.

10. Forced conversions do occur. There have been many documented cases ( at least one in Southall ) when Sikh and Hindu girls have been taken to Pakistan by their Muslim boyfriends and forcibly converted. Those resisting are passed on to other Muslim men who keep the girl under lock and key, in some remote village without telephones. All the girls money and her passport are taken away. Other cases have occurred when Sikh and Hindu girls are photographed naked by their Muslim boyfriends, and are told to convert or else the photos will be published in magazines and sent to the girls family and friends. These are not tragically scare stories but facts.

CONVERSIONS INTO ISLAM almost always occur out of a persons IGNORANCE or MISUNDERSTANDING of their own religion. Take time to understand your religion and educate others. The process of conversion is usually very SUBTLE and GRADUAL. It always occurs progressively UNDERMINING YOUR CULTURE and RELIGION through misquoting religious texts and falsifying historical events. Be on guard and stop them from speaking lies about your religion be you Sikh or Hindu. The HUT and other Muslim groups have said that they aim to make FRANCE, an ISLAMIC REPUBLIC by the year 2015 and Britain by 2025 through CONVERSIONS, IMMIGRATION and high MUSLIM BIRTH RATES.


Fanatics are now vandalising books on Sikhism and religious texts such as the Guru Granth Sahib in Council, School, and college libraries. About 30% of the time this vandalism involves the writing of false propaganda and messages to the readers of the book. These messages usually attempts to UNDERMINE your faith by MISQUOTING religious texts and distorting reality. Check your local library especially if you live in an area with a history of trouble.

Recent events have shown that groups have become increasingly envious of our prosperity in this country. They are now systematically trying their best to damage us financially. In some Mosques speakers have told worshippers to boycott Sikh and Hindu shops. However, the most obvious example of this economic sabotage would be that of the Bradford riots. These were not as the media have us believe merely a case of Asian youths uprising and fighting white fascist police brutality, but more a situation where gangs went on rampage, burning and looting non-Muslim property. The Economist Magazine ( June 17th 1995 edition ) reported that No Hindu nor Sikh youths took part, only Muslim males. Indian owned business were attacked. In fact other reports state that older, masked Muslims ( thought to be HUT ) went down the streets ahead of everyone else, and specifically marked out Sikh and Hindu shops with spray paint, for destruction by rioters following them. Don't be fooled by the Muslim media, Sikhs and Hindus were the victims of the Muslim riots in Bradford.

The HUT produced and circulated articles in universities, stating that Jewish, Sikh and Hindu students were dogs and must be removed from higher education. (As reported in the Guardian, 31st October 1995 edition). The Muslims have realised that the power, respect, money and knowledge and influence brings makes us more powerful enemies. The exact strategy for preventing us from obtaining higher education has not yet been leaked, but the harassment and bullying Hindu and Sikh students at schools and colleges ( by such acts as the storming of West Thames college in Jan 1995 ) is bound to be a part of it. After all how can anyone work in places of such stress. Our youths must strive to get highly educated as they possibly can. University students should act as role models and encourage younger members of the community to get an education. This will greatly benefit not only you and your family, but help your community.

Youths have been instructed to infiltrate any and every organisation and position of authority they can. They have also been told to keep their Islamic fundamentalist secret and subtly remove our community from a position within these organisations. For example, they have been directed to join Student Union bodies, the Media, anti-racist groups community groups, councils and political parties.

Muslims even use black magic to try and convert people. So don?t take anything object, food, gift from a muslim !


Do not dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope. To be without hope is to be without purpose. Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way......(author: unknown).

A Hero is recognized, as he/she fights for his/her beliefs Even after receiving mortal wound many times, Such a person never leaves the battlefield.Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

No purpose will be solved without Martyrdom, It is imperative to die in the war, Charge with roar of tigers, It is not for tigers to run away in adversity, Be a tiger, do not act like a jackal, War of independence is raging, be not afraid, One who runs away from the battlefield is a coward, It is not for the brave to run away in adversity, The brave knows no retreat, earn the honour of bravery, Say with a roar, I bow to the motherland.(Kartar Singh Saraba)16th November 1915.

You are not alone, in times gone by many underground activities were organised by towering Punjabis like Ajit Singh, Lala Lajpat Rai, Madan Lal Dhingra and Bhai Parmanand. Many revolutionaries were hunted out and imprisoned or shot dead, Eighty-two were hanged, including the firebrand young hero, Kartar Singh Sarabha who was hardly 20. But the patriotic sentiment was kept brightly burning by several movements like the Singh Sabha, Arya Samaj and Akali Movements and by organisations like Bharat Mata Society, Naujawan Bharat Sabha,Kirti Kisan Sabha, and THE GADAR PARTY to name only the prominent ones A Hero is recognized, as he/she fights for his/her beliefs Even after receiving mortal wound many times, Such a person never leaves the battlefield. Guru Gobind Singh Sarkar Khalsa the need for a new fauj-e-khasWork like you dont need money, Love like you've never been hurt,but most of all dance like no ones watching.

