Date: 8/28/2002
The Indians will sing and dance like the performing MONKEYS on August 15, 2002.
Why should any Indian celebrate the so called day of liberation from the benign British while FORGETTING the Day of Slavery of Lahore and East Bengal under the murderous separatist Islam?
Why should the Indian coolies sing and dance on August 15 but not reflect on history's biggest unconditional surrender?
Why should the Indians not commemorate the sacred memory of even ONE patriot who gave a call to RESIST the Muslim attack of 1947 at all costs, and then drank the nectar of MARTYRDOM?
.................Don't we know of any?
Let us look up the pages of history of MULTAN, the City of Bhagat Prahlad to discover just one such PATRIOT.
SHAME on Abdul Kalam's BROKEN BHARAT and SONIA KHAN'S PARTITIONED India if none has heard of his name.