Date: 8/28/2002


Alarming number of British Muslims are turning TERRORISTS. If the figure is right and assuming that there are at least TEN sympathisers and supporters behind each British Muslim militant, them the picture is most alarming for Britain. However the present Labour governmetn is silent.

'What goes around, comes around'! This is the story of the Britishers! One day the whole world will take over Britain! So Empires came up and went down! There was a massive empire called the British empire which is a history now. Yes, H I S T O R Y!


............ Taliban 'educated' 4,000 British Islamic militants

...................Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 11:06:38 +0530 >

............Taliban 'educated' 4,000 British Islamic militants

.......................> The Pioneer, July 22, 2002

.............................> Agencies/London >

An estimated 3,000 to 4,000 British-based Islamic militants have been trained in Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorist camps in Afghanistan and reportedly have links with Pakistan, a media report said on Sunday. >

The figure, equivalent to about five infantry battalions, is British Government's latest internal assessment of the potential threat Britain is facing from surviving members of Osama bin Laden's terrorist outfit.

The figure reflects the total number of those living in Britain who have travelled to the camps in the past decade, a report in The Sunday Times said. >

"They all say they have been out to Pakistan to visit relatives or have gone to work for a charity. We have told them that we're keeping an eye on them," the report quoted a senior officer as > saying. All the recruits undertook basic military training as well as religious and spiritual education. The military training involved physical fitness and lessons in how to handle a rifle. A smaller number went on to other camps where they were put through courses on how to carry out surveillance against potential terrorist targets.

> Quoting security sources, the report said, "A small minority" ended up undergoing full terrorist training, learning bomb-making and assassination techniques." >

From this smaller pool, the Al-Qaeda leadership drew volunteers to carry out "martyrdom" operations such as suicide bombings.

Among those recruited was Richard Reid, the so-called shoe bomber who tried to blow up a passenger jet last December. >

> Many of the larger British contingent fought in Afghanistan against the Northern Alliance and for Muslim extremists in Bosnia and Chechnya. Some were killed but many have returned either to Britain or to other countries in western Europe. >

> The sheer number of recruits has shocked counter-terrorist experts who had previously believed no more than 50 to 80 extremists a year had travelled to the camps since 1992. >

> "If this estimate of the numbers who have been trained in Afghanistan by the Taliban or Al-Qaeda is accurate, then that would be worrying," a foreign office security official said. >

According to the report special branch officers have visited about a dozen Britons suspected of having trained in camps. None has been arrested because the police have insufficient evidence to link them to any terrorist activity.
