Date: 9/19/2002
The latest report from the UN Human Development Index says Arab world stuck in Dark Ages
Muslims expert in plastering their labels on others Achievements - Part 4
(Haroon Siddiqui, while writing the article Arabs betray tradition of learning in Toronto Star, dated July11, 2002, said, "Arabs once led the world in algebra, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, natural sciences, philosophy, physics and other disciplines. They translated Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, Hippocrates, among others, from Greek into Arabic, elaborated and refined the ideas before passing them on to medieval Europe, thus helping to usher in the Renaissance.)
Muslim claims are not genuine:
It is surprising that Arab world which is stuck in Dark Ages, can excel in Mathematics and other branches of science. Mr. Haroon Siddique has claimed in the above article. "Arabs once led the world in algebra, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, natural sciences, philosophy, physics and other disciplines."
Arabs got the knowledge in algebra, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, natural sciences, philosophy, physics and other disciplines from Bharat and then spread in western countries and other parts of the world. This fact has been proved without any doubt from the ancient books of Bharat. There is lot of description about this fact in many books that Arab world learnt all branches of knowledge from Bharat, and they spread this knowledge saying that they were the original creators of that scientific knowledge. A society which lives in Dark ages, how can they make scientific discoveries?
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has once told the bitter truth that throughout the Islamic world, knowledge of science, technology, economy and education are second rate. Any reasonably intelligent Muslim has to be acutely and shamefully aware of the fact what Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has said.
Here are some achievements of Bharat in the past:
The Mimamsakas speak of three varieties of sounds -- Nada, Dhwani, and Sphuta. The Nyaya system employs the Vichitravarganyasa according to which sound vibrations occur in circles. This is more or less the wave theory of sound.
The science of medicine or Ayurveda is indeed a rich heritage for us. It is a vast scientific system. But its very vastness makes it a sealed book. While Ayurveda, as the name implies, is the Veda or knowledge of ayu or life aiming at maintaining the physical, mental and spiritual health of a person, and also showing the methods of prevention and treatment of disease, when it occurs, modern allopathy is concerned only with treatment and not prevention.
Famous in the science of Ayurveda are the great Dhanwantri -- the physician to the Gods, said to have been sent by the celestial Indra to the earth to impart knowledge of medicine and surgery, and his disciples, Susruta, Vagbhata, Atreya and Charaka. It is said in some quarters that our great Susruta was known in Greece as Hippocrates.
What is remarkable about ancient Bharatiya medicine is that it covers the entire field of modern medicine -- therapeutic, materia medica, surgery, physiology and anatomy.
One is indeed astounded to find the theory of circulation of blood referred to in ancient works on Ayurveda, though even now this theory is attributed to the English physician, Harvery who lived in the 16th century. A statement by the great surgeon -- Susruta -- refers to the re - entry of blood into the heart.
If we go the statement of Smt. Plunket, a great orientalist, surgery had a brilliant past in Bharat. According to Smt. Plunket the Hindus were so advanced in surgery that their instruments could cut a hair longitudinally. Ordinarily, Ayurvedic surgery though lost and forgotten by Ayurvedic doctors can be said to be practised by modern doctors, via western countries. Sushruta describes 125 kinds of surgical instruments, which include scalpels, lancets, needles, catheters, rectal speculums, and various other instruments. Sushruta lays stress on an accurate knowledge of anatomy and lays down rules for preparing a dead body for dissection in no dubious language.
The plastic and rhino - plastic surgery is another gift of Bharat bestowed upon the world. "Now I shall deal with the process of affixing an artificial nose" - so goes a statement giving details of repairing damaged noses. All surgical operations were grouped under eight heads: and they are amputation, exercising, scraping, puncturing, paroling, extracting, evacuating fluids and suturing. They had their own processes. In fact, post- modern operations as well as major operations in obstetric surgery (the extraction of foetus) were availed of for embryological observations. Sammohana and Sanjivana powders are mentioned to make the patient insensible and then restore him to consciousness after the operation was over. in practical midwifery, the evidence is still more astonishing.
There is a verse in Dhanvantari's Shabda Kalpadruma referring to vaccination. It says: "Take the serum from the pustules on the teats of cows or from the arms of men at the end of a knife, and introduce on the arm (of a child) caused by scarification with a knife. The serum when mixed with blood causes fever of small-pox.
Ancient Bharat has made advances in many other fields. To know more about advances of ancient Bharat, one has read the books like "Superiority of Hindus in ancient period"; one such book is by Harbilas Sharda.
Astronomy and Mathematics in Ancient India Source:
AUSTIN, TEXAS, August, 24, 2002: Hindu creation theory, astronomical time spans, binary system of number representation, modern languages, the invention of zero and algorithms are but some of the scholarly subjects detailing Hindu scientific accomplishments on this University of Texas website. One small example: "Astronomical time spans: Apart from the peoples of the Mayan civilization, the ancient Hindus appear to be the only people who even thought beyond a few thousand years. In the famed book Cosmos, physicist-astronomer-teacher Carl Sagan writes, "The dates on Mayan inscriptions also range deep into the past and occasionally far into the future. One inscription refers to a time more than a million years ago and another perhaps refers to events of 400 million years ago ... the time scales are prodigious." Hindu scriptures refer to time scales that vary from ordinary Earth day and night to the day and night of the Brahma that are a few billion earth years long. Sagan continues, "A millennium before Europeans were willing to divest themselves of the Biblical idea that the world was a few thousand years old, the Mayans were thinking of millions and the Hindus billions."
High Numbers In ancient Bharat:
Real high numbers are found in many Buddhist sutras as well along with Hindu books (Lotus Sutra, Dirgha Sikhvati Sutra, Laghu Sukhvati Sutra etc.). Asankya (Hindi word which literally means infinite) is perhaps the highest number, which said to be is 10^159 (10 raised to power 159). The following verse is taken from Light of Asia by Edwin Arnold, which is based on Lalit Vistara Sutra and Buddha Charita. One will find the word "Asankya" towards the end of this verse. It states like this: If one seeks More comprehensive scale, the' arithmetic mounts By the Asankya, which is the tale Of all the drops that in ten thousand years Would fall on all the worlds by daily rain;
And Viswamitra said,
"It is enough, Let us to numbers.
After me repeat Your numeration till we reach the Lakh, One, two, three, four, to ten, and then by tens To hundreds, thousands." After him the child Named digits, decades, centuries; nor paused, The round lakh reached, but softly murmured on "Then comes the kôti, nahut, ninnahut, Khamba, viskhamba, abab, attata, To kumuds, gundhikas, and utpalas, By pundarîkas unto padumas, Which last is how you count the utmost grains Of Hastagiri ground to finest dust; But beyond that a numeration is, The Kâtha, used to count the stars of night; The Kôti-Kâtha, for the ocean drops; Ingga, the calculus of circulars; Sarvanikchepa, by the which you deal With all the sands of Gunga, till we come To Antah-Kalpas, where the unit is The sands of ten crore Gungas. If one seeks More comprehensive scale, the' arithmetic mounts By the Asankya, which is the tale Of all the drops that in ten thousand years Would fall on all the worlds by daily rain; Thence unto Maha Kalpas, by which The Gods compute their future and their past."
Asankhyeya is also given as 10^59 in some Chinese Buddhist books. There is always some confusion because different parts of Bharat/ India had used same term for different numbers.
Asankhya is also translated as infinity or innumerable. Light of Asia says that Asankhya is the number of rain drops, which fall in 10,000 years on the all the worlds in daily rain.
The word 'Asankyeya' appears in the Mahabharat. Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam is written after Kurushetra war.
The relevant 'Sloka' is here:- "Asankyeya (A)premeyatma vishistas sistakruk chi Sithatha sitha sankalpas sithithas sithisathanha;"
'Mahabharate, sada-sahasrithayam, samhithayam, viasikyam, aunusasanika, Parvanthar-katha, Thanadharma Parvani, Bishma-Yuthistra samvade, Sri vishnur divya Sahasra-Nama stostram.' Here, For the word 'Asankyeya' is translated to mean 'Infinity'.
The Asankhyeya in Buddhist work is assigned a definite value of 10^140 and is in the Guiness Book of Records. In some Buddhist literature Asankyeya is 10^59. Asnkhyeya is now mostly spelled as Asankya or Asankhya.
The word "Asankya" or "Asankhya" or "Asankhyeya" appears in many early Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu works. In Hindu and Jain works it generally means innumerable or infinity but Buddhist works have given asankya as a more quantitative number.
Please note that observable universe consists of only 10^87 electrons. Since >90% universe in un-obserable, highest number of electrons in entire universe (visible +invisible) will be less than 10^100. So Buddhist number 10^140 exceed even the number of electrons in the entire universe.
In Light of Asia by Edwin Arnold, Asankya is stated to be the number of rain drops which will fall in 10,000 years in entire universe in daily rain. Wow! that number is staggering. The word "Asankya" appears near the end of this verse. Pl. visit the website below:
We Indians have given the highest number to the world and most of us do not know about it. Gogol (10^100) is comparatively a very recent number. Gogolplex (10^gogol) is also a very recent number. Asankhyeya is at least 100 B.C. and is from Buddhist and Jain sources and is recognized as in the Guiness Book of Records as the oldest and largest ancient number.
Please visit the website and read about asankhyeya towards the end of this copyrighted article. There are many other websites which also give source of Asankhyeya. One is in French below:
Another website which gives info about Asankhyeya is:
The following is from Vaishnava News website. Again the word "Asankya" appears at the end meaning innumerable. "Tell us about the avataras of Krsna! " That is in the very first chapter. In the third chapter, Suta Goswami begins to answer these questions and after describing the three Visnus, namely Mahavisnu, from whom the Universes come, Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who enters into every universe and Ksirodakasayi Visnu who enters every atom and every heart, he begins to narrate the lila-avataras and sakti-avesa-avataras. In the end of his narration he uses the word 'asankya', these incarnations of God are uncountable.
a. Albert Einstein said: We owe a lot to the Bharatiyas (Indians), who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
b. Mark Twain said: Bharat is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in Bharat only.
c. French scholar Romain Rolland said: If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is Bharat.
d. Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA said: Bharat conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.
Reference Mrs. Sushma Londhe's homepage: -
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German writer was one of the greatest philosophers of the 19th Century, wrote:
" From every sentence (of the Upanishads) deep, original and sublime thoughts arise, and the whole is pervaded by a high, holy and earnest spirit& #8230;. In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads. They are destined sooner or later to become the faith of the people& #8230;.. These have been the solace of my life and will be the solace of my death."
Hindu "ants and insectes" at the grassroots level go on impressing one another. At the higher levels of RULERS and MASTERS, Jenab Abdul Kalam and Madam Sonia Khan care two hoots about AYODHYA in ruins and NANKANA SAHIB under the flag of Mohammed.