Date: 1/12/2003
On the day the MUSLIMS attacked their own land of birth they showed their ETERNAL contempt and hatred of the HINDUS who are called "Kafirs" or INFIDELS, in their UNHOLY Koran.
Any Muslim, however secular, remains a MUSLIM and if he repudiates the Koran as "nonsense" or "false", he does not remain a Muslim any more. But if helieves even in one millionth of the gobbledeegook in Koran, he is a Muslim and cannot be Secular despite the DEVIOUS BE-MAN'S protestations and assertions.
Among these "MUSLIMS" is ADBUL KALAM, the Supreme Commander of Hindustan, who has won the hearts, souls and minds of the Hindu "cows" by merely saying that he does not eat beef, loves Sanskrit and Gita, and loves Indian civilisation. But the Beiman still retains his NAME from the alen ARAB "civilisation."
...........ABDUL KALAM is the Indian hat trick.
Could we ask the older Indians, "What was the SOCIAL climate like in the months and years BEFORE the British left India?"
.......Luckily all are not dead, senile or IMBECILE.
They will tell you that the MUSLIMS in India were the SAME as they are in BROKEN BHARAT tgoday. And they were the same in Karachi and Rawalpindi as they were, and are, in Dhaka and Calcutta.
That is why their PAKISTAN had East and West, thousand miles apart.
But on August 15, 1947, this Indian DEVIL called Jawaharlal Nehru, declared that the Muslims of Amritsar and Lahore are TOTALLY different from each other. "One is your enemy, the other your brother."
Can one imagine the LOW calibre of the whole Indian race that none challenged or "floored" Nehru, or shot him dead for such a preposterous HAT TRICK to fool his own nation?
And did Mohamed Ali Jannah attack a FOREIGN country?
No, the Father of Pakistan, JINN, attacked, slashed, chopped, bled and bisected HIS OWN COUNTRY WHERE HE WAS BORN.
Today's terrified Indians do not wish to take this on board. Brainwashed morons, they keep on chanting, "Our Muslims are different from those in Pakistan."
PANDIT NEHRU hated the Hindus so much that even after Partition, he did not let the Hindus raise their heads. The result is the promise of disaster for the Hindus and India.
Here is what the Muslims of INDIA are up to in just one city, HYDERABAD, that ought to have been named after some LOCAL, NATIVE, hero, not after some damn Hyder from Saudi Arabia. Is Haider a Sanskrit or Telegu word?
SHAME on you the collapsed HINDU "sheep and goats" of Hyderabad, who are expected to love Sanskrit and Hindi and the Indian civllisation. You should have changed the name of the city by now to give some pride to your children.
What are the Muslims up to in our HINDU india today? Please read on-
Indian Muslims waiting for Islamic India and politicians like Naidu are helping them.
In Hyderabad, Charminar area has a total population of 18 lakh citizens of which 15 lakhs are Muslims and 3 lakhs are Hindus. You casually talk to any of the ordinary Muslims in that area, and they will tell you that in a few decades time India will have only Muslims. This opinion is basically due to the fact that all the Muslims kids are being brain washed from childhood that there will be only Muslims in India in due course. Naidu's policy had helped the Muslims to believe in this fantasy.
Charminar area of Hyderabad, is a no go area for Hindus and is a potential communal bomb waiting to explode. During every religious function muslims plan for violence and police intervention. Last year Charminar muslims wanted the police to fire upon them During a festival. They had even planned for its coverage for transmission to UAE, Saudi Arabia etc.
The local police were aware of this plan and in spite many senior police officers were injured in the violence organised by the muslims, the police held the fire. The leaders of these violent anti national muslims are well known to the police and yet they are unable to do anything because of the support given to muslims by Chandra Babu Naidu.
Since 1999 more than 30 persons have been sent to Hajj pilgrimage free of any cost to the muslims and at a cost of more than Rs 20 lakh by the state government. Naidu funds it through the State Hajj Committee to hide the expense. (Deccan Chronicle Newspaper 25-9-2002). The method is to sent them as persons to oversee hajj volunteers even though no other state is indulging in this racket nor there is any such provision in the Central Hajj Act. Naidu is spending Rs 88 crore for renovating Charminar. (Business standard newspaper dated 15-7-2001).
Naidu had ordered URDU, the official language of Pakistgan, to be declared as the official language in Warangal district of Andhra Pradesh. Some 241 Urdu ghars cum shaadikhanas were completed and asked the district collectors to find lands for 62 more Urdu ghars. He had given Rs 50 lakh to institutions managed by muslims. Many crores of government money was spent on the AP Hajj House for Muslim pilgrims which was incidentally constructed violating all municipal regulations. Naidu is another Nehru of India but in Naidu's case he is actually a Hindu. Even passports are issued to known Islamic terrorists like Abu Salim in the name of Rail Kamil Malik at a listed address as R.T. Street in Kurnool town. Even his girlfriend Monica Bedi was issued a passport in the name of Sana Malik and another of his keep Sabina was issued passport in the name of Neha Asif Jafri of Osmania road by the Hyderabad passport office.
A.P. police gave their verification certificates for all these cases on 9-4-01. Naidu has increased the minority welfare fund from Rs 2 crore to Rs. 35 crore and he sanctioned Rs 30 crore for the construction and up gradation of school buildings in the Charminar area for pleasing the muslims. ( 23-12-01).
In Charminar area the power theft by muslims is more than 60% and if the power supply firm check these area for power theft, they are normally beaten up under the leader ship of the Majilis Ittchadul Muslimeen (MIM) MLAs. MIM is a muslim organisation that is considered as a communal organisation even during Nizam's time.
When we gained independence the muslims rioted for division of India saying that muslims constituted a separate nation. In Dr. Ambedkar's book "Pakistan or Partition of India" he said that it is impossible for Muslims and Hindus to live in harmony in India, tracing the 800 year long struggle between the Islamic invaders and the Hindus. Even Mahatma Gandhi failed in getting Muslim support for the freedom movement in spite of Gandhi's efforts which made Hindus to join the Muslim agitation for restoring the deposed Caliph in Turkey.
Dr. Ambedkar had written that a total exchange of the Muslims and Hindu populations between India and Pakistan is a must prior to the formation of India and Pakistan citing a similar solution that was worked out in Greece and Bulgaria when they freed themselves from Turkey. (NB: BUT THE "RAT" DID NOT SAY THIS IN HIS CONSTITUTION since it had to be approved by BANDIT NEHRU.
This transfer of communities will satisfy the infamous Lahore resolution of the Muslim League in 1940 for the partition of India, and it will solve the present situation where Pakistani terrorists aided by Indian Muslims are wrecking the daily life of the Indians.