Date: 3/26/2003
..................... GLORY TO YOU, TOO.
....................24 MASSACRED BY MUSLIMS
..........................SP ATTREE, USA
1. Writes Shri XXX:
It is time for all Hindus here at HU to take a step back.
Look at ourselves
The members here probably come from rich Hindu families either living in the West (like myself) or in prosperity in India.
It's alright to sit behind our PC'S and curse the sullahs day and night about their satanic ways (which is true but does it achieve anything?).
I notice how the sullahs despite being the most stupid, in-bred and uncivilsed people on earth have got the whole world associating Kashmir with muslim suppression and Indian (read Hindu) dominance. The many massacres commited by the sullah barbarians against Hindus in Bangladesh, Kashmir, Gujarat... are looked over.
Can someone please tell us what we should do. The BJP is in a coalition of some 10 parties all with their own interests so they cannot (or will not) push an overtly pro-Hindu agenda. The VHP has shown to be very selective in its priorities e.g. letting a sullah play Lord Ram. Modi, hero of the Hindus, appears to have gone quiet and not been seen pushing the Hindu view on the national stage.
Have the Hindus got the fight in them? I'm willing to join the Hindu struggle..I just want to trust the intentions of the Hindu groups. We need solutions not just protest! How many more Hindus are going to face the barrel of a sullah barbarian!
Writes Shri XXX:
It is time for all Hindus here at HU to take a step back.
Look at ourselves
My Take:
No, Shri XXX Jee: We do not want to look at what is our video. We do not want to look at ourselves, it is not a pretty site. We do not want to know why we have reached a dead end, in our attempts at Hinduism Defense. We do not want to be shown nor do we want to be reminded, that we have abandoned our Kashmiri Hindu Brethren. It is too shameful, we do not want to know it. We would rather forget about it altogether, and let God save our Kashmiri Hindu Brethren. More later.
3. Writes Shri XXX:
The members here probably come from rich Hindu families either living in the West (like myself) or in prosperity in India.
It's alright to sit behind our PC'S and curse the sullahs day and night about their satanic ways (which is true but does it achieve anything?).
My Take:
I can say it confidentally from a general context that, whether the Hindus at this website (and at other Hindu Websites also) come from rich families or from non-rich families, they are indistinguishable from one another in so far as their attitude is concerned, their attitude is exactly identical. It is this particular Hindu attitude, that has become the nightmare of the Hindu, that has broken the back of the Hindu, that has destroyed the strength of the Hindu, who is supposed to be Dharmic and Proud Hindu.
No, we do not want to know the cause of the Hindu Doom. We do not want to look at it, nor know about it, it is too uncomfortable, it is too embarrassing. More later.
It is correct so say that Hindus sit behind their PC's, they curse the Sullas day and night, bitch and bark ad infinitum about the bad things that are happening to their Hinduism. It may not achieve anything, but it is un-realistic to expect the Hindus to stop bitching and barking (bitching and barking is BULL-SH**ING, Hindus definitely need it). They cannot stop Bull-Sh**ing, how can they?
Do the Hindus not have feelings that get hurt? They certainly do have feelings, and their feelings do get hurt also. Then how can they stop complaining, bitching and barking, about the nasty things that are happening to their Hinduism every day of the week. Hindus can stop bitching and barking, only if they have no feelings, only if their feelings don't get hurt.
4. Writes Shri XXX:
Can someone please tell us what we should do.
My Take:
Shri XXX Jee: Hindus are not stupid, they don't lack knowledge on what they need to do, they know darn well what they need to do, they just don't want to do it, they don't have the least bit of desire to do it, primarily due to their Selfish-Attitude. That is where the problem is. It is because of his Selfish-Attitude that the Hindu is not able to:
Put His Money Where His Mouth Is
It ought to be a very big concern for us Hindus, that it is because of the Selfish-Attitude of us Hindus, that we Hindus are not able to assemble our Hindu-Assets, and put them effectively for the defense of our Hinduism.
What this means is simply this that, the Hindu does not treat Other Hindus like his own Kith and Kin. That basically is the attitude of the entire Hindu-Population. This Hindu Selfishness is not defensible, but it cannot be erased from the mind of the Hindu, it keeps surfacing again and again in the actions/attitude of the Hindu.
Hindus have more than enough capability to take care of the problem, but it requires paying the price of the solution, and Hindus do not have the least bit of desire to pay the price of the solution.
That is why the Hindus read the news of the Hindu Slaughter, and the suffering and torture of their Hindu Brethren in various parts of the world, it does bother them quite a bit, they bitch and bark hell of a lot about it, but they do not go beyond bitching and barking, they are not willing to put their money where their mouth is.
In practical terms, the sympathy of the Hindu does not extend beyond his own immediate family, that is a fact of life. It is a selfish attitude, but is part of the Hindu Character. We Hindus just do not have the sympathy for other Hindus who belong beyond the pale of our own kith and kin.
So it is not a matter of not knowing what to do, it is only a matter of not doing what needs to be done.
That is why "WE DO NOT WANT TO LOOK AT OURSELVES." It is not a pretty site.
5. Writes Shri XXX:
The BJP is in a coalition of some 10 parties all with their own interests so they cannot (or will not) push an overtly pro-Hindu agenda. The VHP has shown to be very selective in its priorities e.g. letting a sullah play Lord Ram.
Modi, hero of the Hindus, appears to have gone quiet and not been seen pushing the Hindu view on the national stage.
My Take:
Shri XXX Jee: Throwing names like BJP etc, is a popular pass-time with lots of Hindus. But it is only an attempt at "PASSING THE BUCK," lots of Hindus are doing it. Who are they kidding? They are only kidding themselves.
Who does not know that responsbility for the defense of Hinduism, lies on the Hindus and Hindus alone? Who is BJP, is it a Hindu Government? No, it is not, we did not bring BJP to power, BJP is barely hanging by the skin of its teeth. BJP Government is Not a Hindu Government, it is a coalition of 24 different political parties. We Hindus did not vote BJP to power, BJP had to make alliances to put together a government, it cannot do anything that is not acceptible to all the coalition partners.
6. Writes Shri XXX:
Have the Hindus got the fight in them? I'm willing to join the Hindu struggle..I just want to trust the intentions of the Hindu groups. We need solutions not just protest! How many more Hindus are going to face the barrel of a sullah barbarian!
My Take:
Whether the Hindus have the fight in them or not, they certainly do have the capability to defend Hinduism, if they decide to pay the price of defense. Their failure to defend Hinduism, is a problem that lies entirely inside the mind of the Hindu, no where else, and the Hindu must take responsibility for this. The Hindu must also take responsibility for the defense of Hinduism.
7. What exactly is the option that is available to the Hindu? The Hindu needs to realize that defending Hinduism is the job of the Hindu, and of no body else. The Hindu really has no choice but to put his money where his mouth is.
If we Hindus have the least bit of sympathy, for Hindus who are outside our circle of our immediate family members (our kith and kin), then we have to come out with our moneys, to purchase guns for our Kashmiri Hindus, we need to arm them, we also need to raise Hindu Senas in other parts of India, we need to send Hindu Volunteers to the state of Kashmir, to hunt down the Sullas in house to house search, and powerfully defend our Kashmiri Hindu Brethren.
Lots of Hindus know the veracity of these Naked-Truths, but are unable to get out of their Defeatist and Selfish Attitudes. Many of our Hindus know that we need to become True Kashatriyas, Kashmir is only a case in point, it is only one place where we Hindus are threatened, we Hindus are humiliated at lots of other places around the world, and we are not able to take on the terrorists any place, because of our Hindu Selfishness.
We Hindus need to learn to increase the range of our visibility, this range has to extend beyond the area of our own kith and kin. Robbers, thieves, and murderers of Islam have Hindu Blood on their hands, they are waging full-time war against us Kafir-Hindus. We Hindus need to get out of our selfishness, and contribute our money and materials for the defense of our Hinduism. We Hindus need to take our gloves off, and lower our hammer down on the Sullas, and take them out, with the use of force.
Instead of sitting and waiting to be attacked by Sullas, we Hindus need to attack first, this is called Pre-Emptive Strike. If we Hindus don't do that, then the Sullas will continue to create hell and havoc for us Hindus, he shall always terrorize the Hindu, and he shall for sure keep his Sulla-Gun to the head of the Hindu.
8. There is a VERY KEEN question, that Shri YYY asks:
"why are hindus allowing this kind of thing to happen? when will Hindus get up off their rear ends and defend their people?"
There is only one answer to Shri YYY's Very Keen question:
When the Hindu gets off his selfishness.
....................Surinder Paul Attri