Date: 10/2/2003
Mr. Kalam is the President of India as well as the SUPREME COMMANDER. But a letter written by GOVERNMENT OF HINDU PROJATANTRI BIR BANGA, Kolkuta-7, WEST Bengal, India, on behalf of the PERSECUTED Hindus and other minorities in the BOGUS ISLAMIC state called Bangladesh, was sent to Mr. Bush of the United States and Mr. Blair of the United Kingdom but NOT TO ABDUL KALAM, PRESIDENT OF INDIA.
What does it show of the position of Abdul Kalam and his India with regard to the persecuted Hindus in East Bengal who were BETRAYED by India in 1947 and handed over the ISLAMIC "WOLVES" to devour, rape, kick, plunder and expel at will?
India ought to have insisted on ABOLISHING the uncouth, out of date and OFFENSIVE "Islamic" republics on either side of India.
India needs to STAND UP for her Secularism in Lahore and Dhaka, too, NOT ONLY IN AMRITSAR AND DELHI.