Date: 11/20/2003


.......... Quest For Booty: Root of Islamic Imperialism!

...................... From: Hank Roth

Joan Peters, who, as a journalist, set out to prove the Palestinian cause, in her research determined that the Muslim version of the Israeli-Arab conflict was false, correctly points out in her expose that Muhammad's new religion was attractive to Beduoin Arabs because it was a religion of plunder. "The Prophet Muhammad, Arabian creator of Islam, had quickly determined that, to gain followers, plunder must be bountiful." This does not sound like a religion of peace, nor is it. It is a religion of conquest, and the sword, and a history that relies mostly on fabrications and lies, just like the Hudna (the truce) as a ploy to gain advantage from one's adversaries.

The defeat of the Jews by the Muslims (Guillaume) was a formula for Islam's future. Some of the Jews were permitted to retain their land -- (until Muslims could replace them). Arabian Jews who survived as subjects of conquest were compelled to pay extortion - a 50% tax for their protection and this became the "basis for later dealings of the same type." [See Lewis, "Arabs" - page 47]

"Thus the Jewish dhimmi evolved -- the roberty of freedom and political independence compounding onslaughts, expulsions, and pillages from the Arab Muslim conquest onward, the non-Muslim dhimmi --- predominantly Jewish but Christian too -- provided the important source of religious revenue through the infidel's' head tax...." - Quoted from: Joan Peters - From Time Immemorial" (Feb-2001) - Also see: Robert Spencer, David Pryce- Jones, "Islam Unveiled..."

"Other Jewish colonies succumbed in much the same way. `Jews were allowed to keep their land on condition that they surrended half the produce to Medina.' But, `the arrangement did not last long...' Virtually all of Klhaibar's and Medina's surviving Jews---along with `all the other Jews and Christians in the peninsula' -- were dispossessed and expelled through the Prophet Muhammad's edict, zealously implemented by his calip Omar." [Peters]. There was at once a transfer of wealth and an expulsion of Jews and many areas became Judenrein - (later attempted by the non-Muslim antisemites in Europe and the Nazis in Germany as had been the custom in the long, dark history of Jewish-Christian relationships - and now repeated by the followers of the Prophet Muhammad...).

"Much of the wealth of the country which had been concentrated in the hands of the Jews had now been seized by the Muslims, who were no longer indigent immigrants but wealthy landowners, men of substance, owning camels and horses and their own weapons....Muhammad's fame spread far and wide, and the bedouin flocked to him in thousands." Alfred Guillaume, "Islam" - page 49-50

Expropriating Wealth and Land of the Jews

Jews were murdered and those who survived the Muslim massacres were expelled and ironically this is what happened in Medina and the rest of Arabia and what happened in _Palestine_. It has been deja vue for the Jews. The Muslims found in Arabia prosperous, thriving Jewish communities and they defeated and slaughtered many of them and those who survived they inflicted dhimmi restrictions and humiliations on them. When they came to Palestine, which was still to their mind part of Arabia they again slaughtered many of them and those who survived, they inflicted dhimmi restrictions and humiliations on them. In the 20th century they looted and rioted against them and they tried to destroy the new revived Jewish state. They lost and now they are trying to win with their fabrication of a false history which claims that Palestine was always Arab and Muslim.

"And the Jews who inhabited many towns of `Palestine' uninterruptedly would one day in the twentieth century be forced out as the Arabian Jews had been---by slaughter or expropriation and terrorizing. The towns would then, in the later twentieth century, be touted as `purely Arab Palestinian areas since time immorial,' just as the Arabian Peninsula had come to be perceived as `purely Arab,' when in fact the holy Arab Muslim city of Medina had been originally settled by Jews." [Peters]

"The Arabs never created their own name for the land they now claim as their own. Neither was there ever an independent country of Palestine, nor a Palestinian' rule. The word `Palestine' was given to the land of Judea by the Romans when the Romans conquerors unsuccessfully attempted to purge the land of the nationalistc,' obstinate Jews." [Peters]

"The first Arabian use of the word Arab occurs in the anciet southern Arabian inscriptions...dating from the late pre-Christian and early Christian centuries. In these, Arab means Bedouin, often raider, and is applied to the nomadic as distinct from the sedentary population...For Muhammad and his contemporaries the Arabs were the Bedouin of the desert, and in the Qur'an the term is used exclusively in this sense and never of the townsfok of Mecca, Median and other cities." [Lewis - "Arabs" p 12] Joan Peters, who, as a journalist, set out to prove the Palestinian cause, in her research determined that the Muslim version of the Israeli-Arab conflict was false, correctly points out in her expose that Muhammad's new religion was attractive to Beduoin Arabs because it was a religion of plunder. "The Prophet Muhammad, Arabian creator of Islam, had quickly determined that, to gain followers, plunder must be bountiful." This does not sound like a religion of peace, nor is it. It is a religion of conquest, and the sword, and a history that relies mostly on fabrications and lies, just like the Hudna (the truce) as a ploy to gain advantage from one's adversaries.

Philip Hitti in "The Arabs, A Short History", Princeton - (1943), writes it wasn't fanaticism that drove the Arabs. It is often blamed on religious fanaticism but how much of it is as Hitti claims all about the booty? How many of these bedouins were really still pegans and were as they has always done, just chasing the booty? U.S. involvement in the Middle East has been about the booty.

Colonial imperialism of Britain, Russia, France has been about the booty.

"Not fanaticism but economic necessity drove the Bedouin hordes beyond the confines of their arid abode to the fair lands of the north ... Far from being entirely the result of deliberate and cool calculation, the campaigns seem to have started as raids to provide new outlets for the warring spirit of the tribes now forgidden to engage in fratricidal combats, the objective in most cases being booty and not the gaining of a permanent foothold." [Hitti]


