Date: 3/18/2004
DON’T let any political “DEVIL” or “WITCH” stand in the way of your DUAL NATIONALITY. If you were BORN in Bharat (Partitioned India) and are a HINDU, your right to reach her from any part of globe, and at any time, is inalienable.
NO restriction or legislation on this subject can be tolerated or accepted if any ‘Italian or Muslim’ was given a say in the matter. India is not a kind of “joke” nor is a Indian Hindu any less in DIGNITY than an Italian Catholic at home and abroad.
Please read the following news item on dual nationality:
Indian Workers Association, Great Britain, have been struggling for dual nationality for the last 25 years with the active and spirited support of several other associations and bodies. (Why should any Indian have to “struggle” for it unless he/she is meant to be DEGRADED by his own land of birth?)
The present government (of India) has at last listened to their grievances (that means, “pleading, begging, crying and wailing,” WHAT COMES NATURALLY TO THE INDIAN COOLIES at home and abroad!) of the Indians living abroad. (Is any Briton, German or even Pakistani on record for having “struggled” for his dual nationality?)
Lok Sabha (Indian Parliament) passed the Amendment Act in December 2003, that was ratified by the President in January 2004.
According to it, Persons of Indian Origin (POIO) in 16 countries are entitled to apply for the privilege of acquiring this “Overseas Citizenship”.
UK, USA, CANADA, SINGAPORE, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND and 10 more countries are among these chosen 16.
In free Bharat this right of dual nationality has been announced for the first time. However the applicants will have to meet certain conditions that can be ascertained from the Indian diplomatic missions abroad who will also send the necessary applications forms.
Those in possession of Overseas Citizenship will NOT (NOT) be entitled to-
Any public office including a minister’s post.
Voting at any Indian elections.
Stand for the membership of Lok Sabha, Legislative Assembly or Panchayat.
Take up any office in IAS, IFS, PCS, etc.
Any reservation under Article 10 of Constitution.
This law also DENIES another important basic right. An “Overseas Citizen” cannot serve under any state or central government.
For full citizenship one has to live in India for five years or marry someone with Indian citizenship like Sonia KHAN.
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We HINDUS do not tire of saying Mother India or BHARAT MATA. Thus, whether we are living abroad due to economic necessity since our homeland has been CUT, CHOPPED, EXPLOITED, PLUNDERED, BLED AND RUINED BY CORRUPTION OF the rulers who have NO heart in the country nor people, we have the inalienable RIGHT to reach our Motherland any time without any let or hindrance, Sonia or Musalman, barring our way.
We now do know conclusively that the dirty ruling establishment under the foot of Dynasty earlier, but now under the terror of Italy & Islam can neither lift Article 370 of Constitution nor move in Ayodhya but they WILL give Hajj subsidies to the INDIAN Muslims despite giving them one third of land mass called Pakistan.
We also know that both Pakistan and Bangladesh and ALL OTHER COUNTREIS in the world, barring a few “nigger”, “coolie” and SLAVE nations, do grant DUAL NATIONALITY to their citizenships.
There is no category of 16 or 20 countries for the Britons, Australians or the Belgians living abroad.
Israel is perhaps the most SHINING example in the world in this respect; Anyone who is a JEW, can come to Israel with NO need of visa.
The cake also belongs to the tiny sovereign State of LITHUANIA. The former President lived in the US for 50 years during its occupation, but after liberation of the country from the Soviet clutches, he returned home and the PEOPLRE elected him PRESIDNET (Rashtrapati).
We Indians can only dream of such “Rashtrapatis” who are not forgotten by their countries of birth despite living abroad for half a century.
The presidential term in office of Mr. VALDAS ADAMKUS, Lithuania, can be regarded as golden era of modern Lithuania. The country has made SPECTACULAR progress in every field. One needs to go there to see the CONTRAST with India.
In the case of India, the country is very large but big decisions are taken by very petty minds and fearful small individuals (“midgets”) to whom Sonia Khan is a patriot and has the authority of Empress Razia Begum to sit on the throne of Hindustan.
The NRI’s should hold rank of solidarity, and refuse this List of Lucky 16. They will surely get their dual nationality AUTOMATICALLY without the need of applying for application forms to the BABOO(N)S of Indian diplomatic missions abroad, only to be told that the forms are all finished but one could be sent, provided you remit £5 cash for urgent issue of one “from the few left”.
12 million to 20 million Indians living abroad have NO clout whatsoever like the ONE BILLION Indians at home. When Sonia Khan sneezes, we all catch a bad cold and need hospitalisation.
No self respecting Indian, especially a Hindu, betrayed by such an India in Lahore and North Kashmir and East Bengal, will wish to pay even one paisa for the bogus privilege of receiving his dual nationality from Abdul Kalam.
The system of government and administration in India has lain frozen for the last two hundred years. Only a REVOLUTION will do a clean sweep of this aspect like the “Overseas Citizenship” for 16 countries only, that include New Zealand but EXCLUDE Fiji and Uganda where the Indians deserve it most due to the treatment we received of which our India and her Abdul Kalam can be mighty proud of.
Among the Indians living abroad, there are also some hard-bitten proud patriots. One of them has vowed never to land at an airport named after a “political witch” who happened to be the daughter of the prime minister. Another says, I shall return to India only when either she is AKHAND BHARAT or HINDU RASHTRA.
May be, “Sarkari” RAW (Research and Analysis Wing of Government of India) has already entered their names as terrorists. They are joined by those who expect the PROUD President of India to lay the foundation stone of our grand historic Temple in Ayodhya.
There is a new glow over the horizon of PARTITIONED INDIA. It will be much better and more meaningful that the one BANDIT Nehru saw on the pitch dark night of August 14, 1947.
This new glow of an INFERIORmeans, the Indian “coolie” is about to get SOME KIND of dual nationality, unique to India in its inferor quality.