Date: 8/4/2004


..........You Cannot Have Cake and Eat It too!

The English ruled India for 250 years, and made English the National Language of India, and opened English schools to make Indians Englishmen.

Then American missionaries came into India to make Indians Christian, they opened more English schools to teach them English and make them Americans. They wanted to make Indian girls more like American girls. If an Indian girl came to school wearing a red dot on her forehead they made her wipe it off. Indian children were prohibited from speaking their native language in these English schools.

I lived in Great Britain for 6 months, and I found that the English did not like when an Indian behaved like an Englishman.

Now in America, American Companies are outsourcing jobs to India, whereas if you have a problem on your credit card you may be calling customer service in India. Now, the News media and the Political parties are up in arms because American Companies are out sourcing American jobs to India. They are doing the same jobs for about 60% less pay. Americans don’t like their jobs outsourced to Indians in India.

The missionary network news (MNN) of USA (A Christian organization) says in their report that, “We plan to set up 3,000 English (Christian) schools around India’s capital New Delhi amid hopes among missionary organizations --- is that Indian Congress Party headed by Italian Christian politician Sonia Gandhi (Catholic-who has the key power) will help us achieve our goals.”

You cannot have your cake and eat it too!

-Bharat J. Gajjar

