Date: 9/10/2004
Pakistan Supports Terror. You don't have to!
.............. How does Pakistan support terror?
Terror is an acceptable tool of state to the Government of Pakistan and entities under its control. The Government of Pakistan is run by an organization that also runs the Pakistani Army, Intelligence, the Taliban, Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaida organization, The Fauji Foundation which dominates Pakistan's economy and many other terrorist groups like Lashkar E Toiba , Hizbul Mujahedin, etc. who regularly commit atrocities against security forces, their families, and civilians in Indian administered Jammu & Kashmir and other parts of India. Terrorists with links to Pakistan are being arrested all over the world.
The biggest example of the results of Pakistan's support to terrorists is the 9-11 incident in New York City. The September 11th terror attack was taken through a practice run in December 1999 when Pakistani terrorists hijacked an Indian airliner with small blades and box-cutter style knives and forced it to go to Taliban ruled Afghanistan.
The money trail for September the 11th attack led right back to Pakistan. The head of Pakistan's intelligence service had a more or less direct view of the attacks as he was in Washington D.C. that day.
Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist organization was sheltered by the Taliban which was trained by Pakistani intelligence. Pakistan supported the Taliban with money, supplies and weapons for many years. As soon as Pakistan's leader was forced by the United States to cut the lifeline, he did so and the Taliban folded like a house of cards.
On a side note: Pakistan bought nuclear weapons from China and sold some of them to North Korea. North Korea periodically threatens the United states with nuclear attack.
How does money remitted home benefit the Pakistani government/terror nexus?
Many Pakistani businesses send money back to their families in poverty-stricken Pakistan to help support them. As this money enters Pakistan in United States Dollars, British Pound Sterling, Euros, or any other currency, it is converted into Pakistani rupees and this local currency is given to the recipient.
The original foreign currency goes to the Government of Pakistan which spends some a huge chunk of it on arms, equipment, training, etc. for terrorists.
Many Pakistani businesses, send money to Pakistan, and through the Pakistani exchange rate system this ends up in the hands of the government there. Many people in Pakistan are recipients of money sent by relatives in the USA and other countries. Millions of them knowingly or unknowingly donate money to terrorist organizations in a very open manner and advocate terrorism and "holy war against the USA, Israel, India, UK, etc." as legitimate tool
Pakistanis have a tradition of donating to charity. Most give to "Islamic charities" who support "causes" in Pakistan and other countries even though they live and work in the United States, United Kingdom or other countries. Many Pakistanis living and working in the USA, Canada, UK, etc. donate money to fronts for terror groups who masquerade as Islamic Charities and have links to Al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations. The United States Government has been investigating many of these organizations for some time and have evidence of their links to terror. Ordinary Pakistanis knowingly or unknowingly add to the bank accounts of these terrorist organizations every time they donate to them.
Whichever way you look at it, some percentage of any money given to Pakistani businesses and spent on products made in Pakistan has a strong chance of ending up in the hands of terrorists who will use it to attack us and kill us simply because we are different from them. A large portion of the terrorist money making machine have legitimate fronts.
Off course not every last Pakistani business owner remits money to Pakistan or supports terror, but so many do that it is hard to tell with accuracy which businesses and business owners do and which don't.
...............Subject: Boycott Pakistan
.................Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004
Pakistan Supports Terror. You don't have to!
How does Pakistan support terror?
Terror is an acceptable tool of state to the Government of Pakistan and entities under its control. The Government of Pakistan is run by an organization that also runs the Pakistani Army, Intelligence, the Taliban, Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaida organization, The Fauji Foundation which dominates Pakistan's economy and many other terrorist groups like Lashkar E Toiba , Hizbul Mujahedin, etc. who regularly commit atrocities against security forces, their families, and civilians in Indian administered Jammu & Kashmir and other parts of India. Terrorists with links to Pakistan are being arrested all over the world.
The biggest example of the results of Pakistan's support to terrorists is the 9-11 incident in New York City. The September 11th terror attack was taken through a practice run in December 1999 when Pakistani terrorists hijacked an Indian airliner with small blades and box-cutter style knives and forced it to go to Taliban ruled Afghanistan.
The money trail for September the 11th attack led right back to Pakistan. The head of Pakistan's intelligence service had a more or less direct view of the attacks as he was in Washington D.C. that day.
Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist organization was sheltered by the Taliban which was trained by Pakistani intelligence. Pakistan supported the Taliban with money, supplies and weapons for many years. As soon as Pakistan's leader was forced by the United States to cut the lifeline, he did so and the Taliban folded like a house of cards.
On a side note: Pakistan bought nuclear weapons from China and sold some of them to North Korea. North Korea periodically threatens the United states with nuclear attack.
Check out the links page. There are a lot of resources from worldwide media which establish Pakistani links to terror.
How does money remitted home benefit the Pakistani government/terror nexus?
Many Pakistani businesses send money back to their families in poverty-stricken Pakistan to help support them. As this money enters Pakistan in United States Dollars, British Pound Sterling, Euros, or any other currency, it is converted into Pakistani rupees and this local currency is given to the recipient.
The original foreign currency goes to the Government of Pakistan which spends some a huge chunk of it on arms, equipment, training, etc. for terrorists.
Many Pakistani businesses, send money to Pakistan, and through the Pakistani exchange rate system this ends up in the hands of the government there. Many people in Pakistan are recipients of money sent by relatives in the USA and other countries. Millions of them knowingly or unknowingly donate money to terrorist organizations in a very open manner and advocate terrorism and "holy war against the USA, Israel, India, UK, etc." as legitimate tool
Pakistanis have a tradition of donating to charity. Most give to "Islamic charities" who support "causes" in Pakistan and other countries even though they live and work in the United States, United Kingdom or other countries.Many Pakistanis living and working in the USA, Canada, UK,etc. donate money to fronts for terror groups who masquerade as Islamic Charities and have links to Al Qaida and other terrorist organizations. The United States Government has been investigating many of these organizations for some time and have evidence of their links to terror. Ordinary Pakistanis knowingly or unknowingly add to the bank accounts of these terrorist organizations every time they donate to them.
Whichever way you look at it, some percentage of any money given to Pakistani businesses and spent on products made in Pakistan has a strong chance of ending up in the hands of terrorists who will use it to attack us and kill us simply because we are different from them. A large portion of the terrorist money making machine have legitimate fronts.
Off course not every last Pakistani business owner remits money to Pakistan or supports terror, but so many do that it is hard to tell with accuracy which businesses and business owners do and which don't.
Why did you create this list of Pakistani businesses?
For people, particularly those of Indian origin, Pakistani businesses are often be confused with Indian businesses. This confusion is not accidental. Many Pakistani owned businesses, especially restaurants, grocers clothing stores imply or even outright claim they are Indian in order to get the business of the local Indian community. Many apparently Indian businesses are in fact owned by Pakistanis.
Some people may wish to buy primarily from 'truly' Pakistani businesses, while others may wish to purchase primarily from 'truly' Indian businesses. There are many businesses that use phrases such as South Asian or "Asian(UK)" or Indo-Pakistani. In the interests of clarity and truth, this site contains lists of truly Pakistani businesses.
We believe you should be armed with facts and make up your own mind on this issue. The intention of this site is to help provide you with information that will help get some facts. This site is available worldwide and the information it provides is not intended for any illegal purposes in any country.
We ask that you do not participate in any activities that may be against the law in the country or locale of your residence. However depending on the rights available to you in the country of your residence you may be able exercise personal choice in with who or where you do business in an individual capacity.
We choose not to support terror by doing business with Pakistanis and by not buyng Pakistani made products. We ask you to do the same. Please let your conscience decide whether your hard earned money should contribute to the murder of more innocent victims of Pakistani backed terrorism.
What has been the response of Pakistanis and Pakistani
Businesses to this site?
A number of Pakistani businesses have contacted us and demanded their names be removed from this site. We informed them that we would remove their names if they could prove that they do not support terror. Not a single document or any other evidence has been received by us.
After we informed these companies of our above condition, we have received death threats, hack threats, threats that we would receive "white powder" etc. We will publish some of these threats shortly to illustrate the mentality of such people. We are also plan to discuss the threats with law enforcement authorities in the United States.
There have been attempts to close our accounts by complaining to our hosting company that we were in fact violating the law by publishing this site. Upon receiving legal advice, we are confident that this web site is completely legal in the United States and protected under the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
One interesting thing is that none of the emails we received disputed the thrust and content of this website, merely that it exists! One must wonder how much money is funneled to terrorists through Pakistani businesses if this site hurts them that much!