Date: 9/10/2004
Hon'ble Your Excellency Mr. Bladimir Putin,
President of Russian Federation,
Hon'ble Your Excellency,
As per media your Excellency has offered huge amount to any one who can help in the arrest of two dreaded Mujahids.
This won't help. It would give birth to several new Mujahids. These terrorists get fodder from their guide of criminals named Koran. They call it Holy book. They abuse the whole humanity through their Azaan and Namaaz. They call it worship.
The very Namaz that Allah alone can be worshipped and Muhammad is mesenger of Allah is insult of your own faith and offence against non-Muslim communities of the world.
They find nothing bad in murder, plunder and rape of women. In fact they are rewarded for committing such crimes that they have committed in Beslan. These crimes are their source of sustenance, securing birth in heaven, and honour all.
If you are really serious and wish to get rid of such crimes, you have no option than arresting every Muslim who is shouting Azan, reciting Namaz and keeping Koran with him or her.
I pray, therefore, to strike at the root. Declare Azan and Namaz a crime against human race. Proscribe Koran and demolish each mosque in your nation. It would save not only Russia from the future on-slaught but the whole human race.
Help Aryavrt if you cannot do it yourself.