Date: 11/3/2004



COPY of letter by MRI (Movement for Reunification of India) to “Sangh Sandesh” dated November 3, 2004, published in the UNITED Kindgdom.


Dear friends,

We are delighted to see a copy of the latest issue of your wonderful magazine, “Sangh Sandesh”.

It is well written, composed and beautifully printed. Congratulations.

We are writing this letter from the UNITED Kingdom. Today also marks the remarkable victory of “Secularism backed by GUN” in the UNITED States.

Please UPHOLD the dignity and integrity of AKHAND BHARAT to which we are all committed eternally.

I refer to the contribution "BHARAT DARPAN" appearing on page 19 of your esteemed magazine, which shows the map of India that was carved in 1947 by the SWORD OF ISLAM.

The present disgusting map outline of disfigured India shows only one thing- that it is the INDIA of MUSLIMS OF INDIA and their collaborator BANDIT Jawaharlal Nehru.

It is NOT the decent historic India of our great HINDU nation and it is most certainly NOT the India of the Sikhs.

Our own India still retains the five provinces of North Kashmir, NWFP, West Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and EAST Bengal (now BOGUSdesh) and in our own India FIVE RIVERS still flow through the land called the PUNJAB, and Chittagong and SYLHET are still very much in.

If anything has to be OUT, then it must be the lethal MOHAMMEDAN CANCER from the body of Bharat.

Please recover the dignity and integrity of our sacred Motherland from the COWARDS who accept history's worst ever defeat and unconditional surrender without batting an eyelid, and call it "independence".

Such Hindus, including VP Singh, Laloo Prashad, Jagdish Tytler, Vajpayee, Advani and Manmohan Singh belong to the PAST, a bygone era of “ jackals and rats”.

The present generation of HINDUS will only accept this BROKEN BHARAT when we know the circumstances of our nation's COLLAPSE before the Muslim minority in 1947.

We do not need the approval of the United Nations, the European Union, Supreme Commander ABDUL KALAM, "Rashtramata" Sonia KHAN, even the "GOVERNMENT" OF INDIA, to say, "Partition, NOT upon my nelly!"

The Muslim bullies got away with a million attacks on our body but the one of PARTITION has to be the LAST, that means we have to reject it outright.

One billion of us can NEITHER be arrested nor hanged nor flogged to death for such a bold declaration. The Muslim LION will be reduced to a MOUSE and the world will sit up and take note of the Hindus and OUR Hindustan.

Our grand Temple in Ayodhya, too, will be reconstructed promptly and all the Hindus will return to their homes in Srinagar within days.

We end this communication with the highest respect, regard and affection for you and your work. You are the FUTURE of Bharatvarsha, NOT the present COLLAPSED, COMPROMISING and CONCEDING/SURRENDERING Hindu "stalwarts" that the world sees every day.

Please note that the ACT OF UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER OF INDIA in 1947 was signed by TRAITOR NEHRU, acting on his own behalf, NOT by the nation through a Referendum over the question of PARTITION.

The despicable document was NOT signed by our ancestors, nor yours, nor indeed by the PEOPLE of India.

It was, AND IS, bogus, immoral, undemocratic and was signed in utmost haste, and under the TERROR of Mohammedan bullies at that time.

Overnight it took the shine off Secularism in Multan, and made it stink like dog muck in our Constitution written up in Delhi.

In the new India under her correct and decent IDENTITY, anyone publishing such a disgusting map of India will be arrested and sent to a long term of imprisonment in jail. It amounts to HIGH TREASON.

Kindly refer the matter of MAP of India to your head office in Bharat and seek advice and guidance.


.......Movement for Reunification of India (MRI)

