Date: 1/18/2005
In a message dated 18/01/2005 11:15:18 GMT Standard Time, writes:
Dear friends,
A little update on FACT. the Foundation I started in 2003 to mount a series of exhibitions highlighting the plight of Hindus today and throughout the ages. These exhibitions will eventually culminate in an Indian Memory Museum. The Exhibition on the Kashmiri Pandits traveled last month in Amsterdam after having been shown successfully in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Poland, Germany, Israel and England. It will again be in Mumbai on 5th March, in the presence of His Holiness olinbeHSri Sri Ravi Shankar, who has lent us his support and blessings throughout. Then it will go for a US tour in April.
At the moment, we are working on an exhibit on the genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh which will be first shown in Calcutta on 22d January at the International Conference on Human Rights and Minorities In Bangladesh.
We are also planning one exhibit on the Inquisition in Goa and another one on the origins of Islamic terrorism from Hindu Kush onwards.
We also have a remarkable exhibit on Annie Besant which was designed by Prof Kejriwal a noted Indian historian, who is part of our Board for the proposed museum. Prof Kejriwal is working as well on an exhibit on Sister Nivedita. Prof Bhatanagar of the Shimla Advanced Research Institute has started work on two exhibitions on Aurangzeb based on Padmanabha's Kanhadade Prabandha, India's greatest patriotic sage of Medieval Times. Finally, we are planning in partnership with Agni TV Delhi (Shradalu Ranade and Shruti) a TV documentary which will show Alexander as he was, particularly in relation with India, and not as he has been portrayed in the West
For all this noble endeavors, we solicit your help and support. FACT India is a registered Trust, please send your donations (preferably in Indian rupees, as we do not have yet blanket foreign exchange clearance) to FACT, Canara Bank, Pondichery a/c N° is 27147, or mail your cheques in the name of FACT to François Gautier, Auromodel, Auroville, 605101, India.
Thanks so much for your help
François Gautier
Convener FACT
François Gautier 41 Jorbagh, New Delhi 110003, India / Auromodel, Auroville, 605101, T.N. India tel 91 4132622255 / 91 9811118828 website: