Date: 3/17/2005


Non -Muslims must read Koran to know what the Muslims think, plan and act to harm all non- Muslims without exception according to teachings of Koran.

There are many quotations in Koran which incites , commands and poisons the Muslim mind to harm non Muslims and this the cause of all the trouble by the followers of Islam/Koran.

We suggest you read Koran published by Penguin Books in English to appriciate.

Here are some quotations from it which are shocking to read. The Muslims do not accept by saying that it is misiterpretation but they say it because they are liars.

Islam has been synonymus with violence, sex, betreyal, assassinations, murders, highjack, murder of chidren, murder of family members infront of family, cheat, lies, torture, beheading of men, women and chidren, rapes and gang rapes, bombing to kill, loot and plunder, demolishing temples, churches, Gurudwaras, centres of learning and institutions of trade and excellence.

kindly read the extract from koran.

