An Iranian Mullah Says Islam is Murder

Date: 5/17/2005


BEFORE EVEN THE GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHER OF THIS IRANIAN MULLAH WAS BORN THE JEWS, THE CHRISTIANS, THE HINDUS, THE BUDDHISTS AND EVERYBODY ELSE ON EARTH HAD SEEN, LIVED THROUGH, AND EXPERIENCED NOTHING BUT THE MURDEROUS NATURE AND BLOOD THIRSTY SWORD OF ISLAM. INDIA IS THE RECIPIENT OF MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ATTACKS, INVASIONS AND ONSLAUGHTS BY MOHAMMEDANS, A WORLD RECORD JUST LIKE THE HINDUS' SLAVERY. YET IT IS NOW UP TO ONE IRANIAN MULLAH TO "OPEN OUR EYES." WE EVEN "LUMPED" THE BOGUS, ABSURD AND VULGAR "PARTITIOIN" OF INDIA IN 1947 WHEN IN THAT YEAR ALONE, THE FOLLOWERS OF ISLAM MASSACRED NEARLY TWO MILLION INNOCENT HINDUS WHO COULD NOT SHARE THE "GLOW OF FREEDOM" LIKE BANDIT (THE "SON OF A BITCH") JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU. The IRANIAN Mullah must be an IGNORANT COOT, at the level of CATTLE, A DAMN FOOL REALLY , if he does not know the MURDEROUS AND BEASTLY manner of Islamic (ARAB) attack on, and CONQUEST of, his country that drove out all the PARSIS to Mumbai AND EXTINGUISHED THE ZOROASTRIAN LAMP IN IRAN FOR EVER. HINDUS, TOO, SHARE HIS IGNORANCE AND IQ WITH THE IRANIAN MULLAH, WHO DO NOT WISH TO KNOW THE MURDEROUS MANNER OF ISLAMIC ATTACK ON THEIR OWN HINDUSTAN IN 1947, AND ARE BRINGING UP THEIR OWN UNFORTUNATE CHILDREN IN THE SAME MANNER LIKE MINISTER LALOO PRASHAD'S STARVING COWS & CATTLE IN BIHAR STATE. .......................================ ..............An Iranian Mullah Says Islam is Murder .......................Potkin Azarmeher If this letter by the shiite cleric Hadi Ma'ssumi published on the iran-chabar site is true then this is just mega explosive: The letter to Rafsanjani is written by a Karaj based cleric. He says in the letter that he is ill and near death, so presumably that is what has given him the extra ordinary courage needed to write this letter. If this letter was from an exiled opposition, it would not have been so controversial but to read this sort of thing from a Shiite cleric is truly remarkable. In the letter, the cleric Hadi Ma'ssumi starts from the beginning of Islam in Iran. How the religion was forced upon Iranians, how the invading Arabs raped the Iranian women, massacred the population, looted our wealth, tried to run the windmills with the blood of Iranians and how they burned all our books and destroyed so much of our knowledge. He then starts scrutinising 26 years of Rafsanjani's unrelentless power. He reminds Rafsanjani of what went on in Iran's political prisons in the 80s. How young virgin girls were raped before their executions using Koranic justifications - virgin girls go to heaven no matter what, so young female political activists were raped to ensure they didn't go to heaven - how thousands suffered torture and the massacre of Iranian political prisoners in 1988. The many extra-judicial killings of Iranian dissidents both inside Iran and outside Iran. "Ayatollah Rafsnajani, you know how murder, kidnapping and torture has become synonymous with your name" Ma'assumi writes in his letter. Hadi Ma'ssumi asks about Rafsanjani's close relationship with the likes of Saeed Emami, responsible for murder of dissidents inside Iran and Vahid Gorji who is responsible for many assassinations of Iranian exiles outside Iran. Ma'ssumi recalls how Rafsanjani unnecassarily prolonged the war with Iraq, casuing the death and injuries to millions and how he himself hugely profitted from the war instead. Ma'ssumi asks Rafsanjani to comment on the imprisonment of many of Iran's dissidents today. What he thinks of stoning, public flogging, cutting limbs and forcing women to wear the veil. He asks Rafsanjani why women in Iran are forced to wear the veil in summer heat and yet Rafsanjani's daughter Faezeh dresses up in skimpy clothing when she travels through European cities of Paris, London and Geneva. Even perhaps all this is not that controversial, there are after all many Iranian clerics who oppose the Islamic Republic and the rule of mullahs. But just read this below. This is an exact translation of one paragraph of an elderly Shiite cleric's statement on his death bed: "You know like I do what lies behind this religion (Islam), after all this crime carried out against Iranians. lets do one good thing and tell the people what is behind this religion. Lets tell everyone that this religion is neither "martyr generating", nor pro-science nor pro the people, this religion tells the elite that it is for the plebs and it tells the plebs that it is for the elite, it tells the elite that all its silly laws are for the stupid plebs, in fact this religion is "ignorance generator". It has come about to humiliate people. As you (Rafsanjani) once told me, it is one religion for the elite and another for the plebs. You rightly regard yourself, the supreme leader and your Guardian Council as the elite, and the "martyr generating" nation of Iran are the plebs. Now for the sake of God tell the truth to the people that there is nothing in this religion but stupidity and ignorance, other than silly laws about what is considered clean and what is untouchable, what is allowed and what is not allowed, believe me that God and the people will then forgive you, although I know you are conscious enough NOT to believe in God!" ............................000000000
