Date: 6/14/2005
...............NO NIRVANA FOR ADVANIJI. “Nirvana” is the highest goal of a Hindu’s life. He does puja, charity, pilgrimage, sewa, penance and all kinds of imaginable acts of piety but Nirvana ELUDES the fool. There is NO salvation or “NIRVANA” for a coward. Among the cowards are the SIKHS and the KHALSA, too, despite their “langar” sewa when they feed possibly up to HALF A MILLION every Sunday in all the gurdwaras across the globe. The number at Golden Temple in Amritsar is put at up to 30,000 on a festive Sunday. But they will NOT get “Nirvana”. They are ALL cowards, damn cowards. It is a serious, even offensive, thing to say to ALL the Hindus and Sikhs. So let us see the good REASON for saying so in public. LK Advani, IK Gujral, Manmohan Singh and even kuldip Nayar, all went to their places of birth in OCCUPIED INDIA- India that was occupied by the MOHAMMEDAN BEASTS by threats of civil war and naked aggression. They applied for visas and the "Hindu Hater" breakaway ISLAMIC Republic of Pakistan granted it to them for which the Hindu luminaries and leaders were mighty grateful. They have forgotten how they fled in all speed, in all directions, leaving plundered homes, abducted females and burnt out mandirs and gurdwaras. They had not had time to pack up their things in peace and prepare for emigration to improve the quality of life like today’s NRI’s going to the USA, Australia and UK. They FLED in the shortest possible time chased by MURDEROUS mobs, yelling Allah Hu Akbar, mobs burning our homes, killing the fleeing, abducting the girls on the run with their parents, siblings, friends and relatives. Some families left at two second’s notice when a military lorry appeared in their street to evacuate the Hindus and Sikhs in peril. Villages upon villages in Rawalpindi, Multan and Sialkot districts were plundered and peaceful members of minorities took all means of transport, including donkeys, carts and bicycles to save their lives and their few belongings. For these HINDU “leaders” to turn up like sheep and goats to visit their homes connected with sad memories of their childhood, is to pay homage to the Conquerors who accompany them to these sites, they were familiar with in childhood. When they return to the sacred TERRITORY of Bharat that gave them all shelter, they do not declare the TRUTH. They do not declare, “PARTITION WAS NAKED AGGRESSION by the savages and barbarians on Secularism and their land of birth.” That would require courage. That would require acknowledgement of the fact that their IGNORANT and SCARED Hindu/Sikh following will “lynch” them for giving them the SHOCK OF LIFE. They will learn that the British were not "chased out" by Bandit (Nehru), Baldev (Singh) & Gandhi (MK) but were given a farewell military salute by a regiment of Indian Army at Bombay dock before embarking on ships while NEHRU begged of Viceroy Mountbatten and his wife to STAY BACK to guide him on how to govern! No reader may shake his head in disbelief and utter, "O really?" It is a fact and many saw tears of joy in Nehru's eyes when Mountbatten and his wife Edwina nodded to him with a smile to say, they would stay on. Until now the masses have been entertained by KHAN Brothers. Until now they have never heard from any journalist and politician that Indira Gandhi was Mrs. KHAN after “nikah” with Feroze of Allahabad who took on the surname “Gandhi” to FOOL the nation. Until now they have known Pakistan to be as legitimate as Afghanistan as a SEPARATE SOVEREIGN ISLAMIC REPUBLIC, not a breakaway (TEARAWAY) part of Bharat, not as a "bastard" born of forced rape of Lady Hindustan by Jinnah with Mountbatten acting as the pimp who held her down. Until now they have not spared a thought, “Dash it, why did Indira return EAST Bengal after its capture by Indian Armed Force in 1972?” Until now none demanded abrogation of that "Act of Partition of India, 1947", and NONE demanded the trial of Nehru and MK Gandhi for HIGH TREASON for signing the UNCONDITIONAL surrender of FIVE PROVINCES of our India overnight. NO! The nation never learnt the Truth because these “leaders” are scared, afraid and terrified dwarfs, who are raised sky high by our nation of pigmies. There is NO challenge to their leadership because they have not challenged that BOGUS Partition. None of these "leaders" has NEVER spoken in public, “How can the damn thing become legitimate or legal, even moral, if there was NO referendum, no challenge, no argument, NO CONDITIONS imposed by the defeated on the conquerors? On what basis have we renounced our claim on the noble “Daughters of Bharat” called LAHORE, MULTAN, KARACHI, SIALKOT, JEHLUM and CHITTAGONG? Cities like Lahore and Kusur have NO historic connection with Mohammed or any of his concubines. Two were founded by the sons of Sri Rama, the Divine Protector of Bharat and Sri Nankana Sahib is SACRED to the Sikhs like Mecca to the Mohammedans. But look at the lot! They BUY visas to travel to these cities that have nothing to do with Mohammed, his mother or daughter but everything to do with the HINDUS and the SIKHS. It is surprising that Hindu and Sikh souls “tremble” at the idea of ADVANCING on territory to hoist our own BHAGWA over Mecca while they have their flags flying even over much of Kashmir. The reason of total collapse of Advani's world is his COWARDICE. No wonder he failed to deliver us the Temple in Ayodhya. Who will now disagree with the statement, “Nirvana is NOT for cowards? Those who are not for MOTHER India, will live in shame and humiliation on the earth and will be treated with contempt in the next for the crime of KNOWING but not speaking out, or ACTING. Those who are still alive, that is, MK Advani, Kuldip Nayar and Manmohan Singh, and those like Swaran Singh, Baldev Singh and countless others, who have gone to HELL (for calling Partition “history”) know and KNEW what India’s stand in 1947 was (secular “AKHAND BHARAT”) and why India dropped her LEGITIMATE claim over all that TERRITORY that calls itself “Pakistan” and “BOGUSDESH” today, but like the mice, went along (and are going along) with the humiliating SURRENDER. Our turning the face AWAY from that COLLAPSE is a crime that will never be “time barred” like our closing the case against the BOFORS CHOR that has now, de facto, come to an end. We can close the Chapter on “Rascal Rajiv” who was “dealt with” by a courageous Tamil goddess, but NEVER on our sacred and dear Bharat whose noble and glorious domain extends (and will extend) from KHYBER to CHITTAGONG and from GILGIT to KANYA KUMARI. Therefore, every Hindu and Sikh ought to pray, “O God, give us unity and strength and above all, the AWARENESS of Right and Wrong in THIS LIFE before blessing us with Nirvana AFTER DEATH. ............... ================== Look at dictator saddam. Limousines, soldiers to die on his command, foreign travel, palaces and power. Now his plight is WORSE THAN A DOG'S. A dog is at least taken out for a walk. Saddam is confined in small cell. Look at dictator Hitler. He had all of Europe under his foot. When was it the last time that Sonia invited a Shankaracharya to a cup of tea? She is now developing, strengthening and "bonding" the Catholics, the Dalits and the Muslims to smash the Hindu defences A huge but silent and invisible revolution is taking place in Bharat by foreign fingers. Yet the Hindus queue up to touch her feet. ......................=========== Instead of saying, "May God help us," let us say, "Get up, unite, assert and GO, to DOMINATE our territory, you Hindus!" ............................000000000