Date: 7/5/2005
friends, Fatwa or no Fatwa,why can't she be given protection by Hindus and RSS for her and kids and given even a chaice to be accepted as hindu ! I dare to only think of it because I am not in BHarat..where are the Bajrang Dal- we serve one and all of Bharar desh or Rastra; I do. Vishnudada --- wrote: > > > > If this is what secularism means,give me Hindutva - > Deccan Herald > By Tavleen Singh > > The Dar-ul-Uloomâs fatwa last week condemning > Imrana to a marital life of > unmitigated hell and absolving her rapist > father-in-law comes as no surprise to > me. It comes as no surprise because last year I had > the dubious pleasure of > visiting the Dar-ul-Uloom in Deoband and seeing for > myself what this Islamic > school that inspired the Taliban is really like. > It was this inspiration that caused the Taliban to > execute women in Kabulâs > infamous football field for crimes they often did > not know they had > committed. It was this inspiration from Deobandâs > interpretation of the shariyat that > caused the Taliban to ban education for women and > to punish them for such > supposed misdemeanors as wearing white socks and > shoes that made a noise when > they walked. > > Now, Deoband rules that Imrana, a mother of five > children, of Charthawal > village, district Muzaffarnagar, in UP is haraam > for her husband, Noor Ilahi > because she dared protest publicly about being > raped by her father-in-law, Ali > Mohammad. > > (§ion=ROS&media_code=DEHOC180 > ) > It is typical of the Deobandi interpretation of the > laws of Islam that they > have not condemned the rapist. And, if you were > following the story you would > have noticed that the bearded maulvis who expounded > on the subject on > television hinted that they did not believe she > could have been raped. âœTaali donon > haathon sey bajti hai,âEsaid one bearded monster > with a smug smile on his > face. > > As a Muslim woman Imrana showed extraordinary > courage in going public at all > because under Islamic law rape can only be punished > if four male witnesses > exist. They never do. Her only hope now is that the > normal laws of the land > are implemented and her father-in-law charged and > punished under them. Her > personal life is ruined because her wimp of a > husband has already announced that > he will obey the fatwa from Deoband. > > There are wider implications of Imranaâs story and > they should concern us > all. What should concern us is that the Dar-ul-uloom > will get away with its > outrageous interference in the law. What should > concern us even more is that the > Dar-ul-uloom should exist at all on the soil of > India. If you are shocked > that I can say something so politically incorrect > let me describe for you what > this institution of Islamic teaching looks like. > > During the general election in May last year I > happened to drive past > Deoband on my way to cover election stories in UP > and since I had heard of how the > Taliban took their inspiration from the > Dar-ul-Uloom decided that it would be > worth my while to stop and take a look at this > influential school. > > Deoband is a shabby, little hick town with a dusty, > disorderly collection of > half-built shops as its main bazaar and its > shabbiness makes the > magnificence of the Dar-ul-Uloom even more > startling. But, I go too fast. I drove > through the dusty bazaar, along a gutted road to > arrive at a pair of tall, black > wrought iron gates. Beyond these gates I could see > several fine, white-washed > Islamic buildings and beyond them a magnificent > mosque that seemed almost > bigger than the town of Deoband. At the entrance > was a white-bearded gentleman in > traditional Islamic clothing âEa long kurta over > loose pajamas that barely > reached his calves. I asked him if I could meet the > chief Maulana and after > several minutes on the telephone to someone to whom > he conveyed my request he > said I could not meet him because a) I did not have > an appointment and b) I > was not veiled. > > This irritated me and I pointed out that this was > India and not Saudi Arabia > and in any case I was not Muslim and that if the > Maulana was so keen on > purdah then perhaps he should be in it. > > At this point a group of bearded students walked by > and asked what was going > on. When I explained they said I should go to the > main office and make an > appointment to come back another time. Knowing that > I would never have any > desire to come back to the Dar-ul-Uloom I decided > that as I was there I could at > least look around the famed seminary. > > So, despite the protests of the white bearded > watchman I strolled onto the > grounds and found myself in a little bit of Saudi > Arabia. All the men I saw > were bearded and in Islamic clothes, a small bazaar > on the campus sold books > only in Urdu and Arabic and when I stopped to talk > to a group of young men they > said (in Urdu) that they could not talk to me > because they spoke only Arabic > and I had been rude about their Maulana. I never > found out what they > considered rude but thought them not just rude but > nauseatingly fanatical. > > The whole atmosphere was medieval and extremely > unpleasant especially if you > happened to be a woman. In the forty minutes or so > that I spent in the > Dar-ul-Uloom I saw only one other woman and she was > so heavily veiled that only > her eyes and a bit of her nose were exposed. So you > see why the fatwa that > punishes the victim and not the rapist comes as no > surprise to me. > > Finally, two questions. Why is a seminary that can > only breed Islamic > fanatics allowed to exist in India? Will the > government of India take action > against the maulvis who issued that fatwa declaring > Imrana haraam for her husband? > Both questions demand answers from âEecularâE> leaders like Sonia Gandhi and > Mulayam Singh Yadav. And, if this is the secular > India they want to build then > give me Hindutva any old time. > ....................000000000