Date: 7/9/2005
If our HINDU MAHA SABHA is a group of sheep and jackals, then many Hindus will leave it and join MANLY Muslim League. /// Weakness REPELS and Shakti attracts. /// It appears that our Mahasabha is ignorant of this, too./// Now I shall see all these rejected postings put on INTERNET to bypass the "jackals." /// =================/// In a message dated 09/07/2005 20:41:40 GMT Daylight Time, writes:/// Hello, /// Your message to the hindu_mahasabha group was not approved. The owner of the group controls the content posted to it and has the right to approve or reject messages accordingly./// In this case, your message was automatically rejected because the moderator didn't approve it within 14 days. We do this to provide a high quality of service for our users. /// A complete copy of your message has been attached for your convenience. /// Thank you for choosing Yahoo! Groups /// Regards, /// ==================/// WHY DON'T WE HAVE THE PATRIOTISM OF THE GERMANS?/// If we had the patriotism of he Germans, none of us would tolerate the obscene, defiant and provocative flags of Pakistan and BOGUSDESH (formerly EAST Bengal that was carved out of Bengal in massive bloodshed) flying in New Delhi at their high commissions. /// These are breakaway REBELLIOUS Mohammedan states carved by bullying and threats of civil war out of the body of SECULAR India in 1947. /// There would have been a battalion of soldiers to guard these provocative buildings just as there are hundreds of SOLDIERS guarding India's worthless "white elephant" imported from Italy by BOFORS CHOR to degrade every native HINDU female. /// There is still a "Foundation" named after that "Rascal & Crook" and there will be one more, to be called "Sonia Gandhi Foundation", after she DIES, or after she is "despatched" by a patriotic and proud Rajput Son of Bharat. /// Just watch the Rashtrapati himself, the so-called Supreme Commander of our PARTITIONED INDIA, being driven past these two flags that are flying not far from his Bhawan. /// ABDUL KALAM looks at these flags that defy his own Secularism and Office, with secret approval since he has not expressed his DISGUST in seeing them in New Delhi. /// "Mother of of our Orphaned Nation" Sonia KHAN experiences a similar thrill seeing the FLAG over her POPE'S embassy (Nunceate) in New Delhi. /// If we do not notice these flags, or Partition, then we will also not notice the FLAG OF MOHAMMED flying over the PRESIDENT'S HOUSE and LOK SABHA one day. /// To avoid that tragedy let us all think of the ways and means to "BLAST" PAKISTAN and BOGUSDESH out of existence otherwise many other States in Broken Bharat, bigger than Slovakia, Austria and Spain, will also wish to fly their own flags in New Delhi just like these two./// As America is "sorting out" Islam in Karbala, Baghdad, Kabul, Ghazni and Kandahar, INDIA ought to look at ISLAM within her own body that has terrified the whole Hindu nation into a state of "deep freeze" over the issue of constructing our Grand Temple in Ayodhya. /// Abdul Kalam would like to see a mosque there while Sonia Khan would like to see a Cathedral rising in Ayodhya. /// What a HINDUSTAN that has put her Destiny in the hands of ALIENS and FOREIGNERS and made the natives feel insecure and fearful of their future!! /// Hindu LEADERS, please don't go to Karachi to praise the secularism of Mohammed, Ali and JINN, but look into the eyes of every Musalmaan in Bharat and ask, "What are YOU doing here after Partition?"/// -----------------/// Forwarded Message: Subj: Message to hindu_mahasabha group not approved Date: 09/07/2005 20:41:40 GMT Daylight Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (Details) /// Hello,/// Your message to the hindu_mahasabha group was not approved. The owner of the group controls the content posted to it and has the right to approve or reject messages accordingly. /// In this case, your message was automatically rejected because the moderator didn't approve it within 14 days. We do this to provide a high quality of service for our users./// A complete copy of your message has been attached for your convenience./// Thank you for choosing Yahoo! Groups /// Regards, /// Yahoo! Groups Customer Care/// Your use of Yahoo! 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X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=48323300; y=cCpGza2blugEN3o2a7OIx-VDc8MtwscI4q_TLSIfBqKTZj_Ztk4 /// WHY DON'T WE HAVE THE PATRIOTISM OF THE GERMANS?/// If we had the patriotism of he Germans, none of us would tolerate the obscene, defiant and provocative flags of Pakistan and BOGUSDESH (formerly EAST Bengal that was carved out of Bengal in massive bloodshed) flying in New Delhi at their high commissions. /// These are breakaway REBELLIOUS Mohammedan states carved by bullying and threats of civil war out of the body of SECULAR India in 1947. /// There would have been a battalion of soldiers to guard these provocative buildings just as there are hundreds of SOLDIERS guarding India's worthless "white elephant" imported from Italy by BOFORS CHOR to degrade every native HINDU female. /// There is still a "Foundation" named after that "Rascal & Crook" and there will be one more, to be called "Sonia Gandhi Foundation", after she DIES, or after she is "despatched" by a patriotic and proud Rajput Son of Bharat./// Just watch the Rashtrapati himself, the so-called Supreme Commander of our PARTITIONED INDIA, being driven past these two flags that are flying not far from his Bhawan. /// ABDUL KALAM looks at these flags that defy his own Secularism and Office, with secret approval since he has not expressed his DISGUST in seeing them in New Delhi. /// "Mother of of our Orphaned Nation" Sonia KHAN experiences a similar thrill seeing the FLAG over her POPE'S embassy (Nunceate) in New Delhi. /// If we do not notice these flags, or Partition, then we will also not notice the FLAG OF MOHAMMED flying over the PRESIDENT'S HOUSE and LOK SABHA one day. /// To avoid that tragedy let us all think of the ways and means to "BLAST" PAKISTAN and BOGUSDESH out of existence otherwise many other States in Broken Bharat, bigger than Slovakia, Austria and Spain, will also wish to fly their own flags in New Delhi just like these two. /// As America is "sorting out" Islam in Karbala, Baghdad, Kabul, Ghazni and Kandahar, INDIA ought to look at ISLAM within her own body that has terrified the whole Hindu nation into a state of "deep freeze" over the issue of constructing our Grand Temple in Ayodhya./// Abdul Kalam would like to see a mosque there while Sonia Khan would like to see a Cathedral rising in Ayodhya. /// What a HINDUSTAN that has put her Destiny in the hands of ALIENS and FOREIGNERS and made the natives feel insecure and fearful of their future!!/// Hindu LEADERS, please don't go to Karachi to praise the secularism of Mohammed, Ali and JINN, but look into the eyes of every Musalmaan in Bharat and ask, "What are YOU doing here after Partition?"/// .........................000000000