Date: 8/11/2005
The Root causes of Muslim Alienation and of 9/11, 3/11, 7/7 These days we hear a lot of "root causes" whenever a terrorist attack takes place. These voices will get shriller as the terrorists attacks peak up in the next few years. The ironical alliance between Socialists and Muslims Those who lend the intellectual (theoretical) camouflage to the "Root Cause" exercise are the communists (socialists/leftists) whose pet theory of Government ownership of business has failed across the globe. Communism imploded due to its own dead weight. Nobody attacked the communist world. The subject- people overthrew the system, as it had failed to deliver the goods while exacting a heavy price in terms of loss of freedom under a totalitarian dispensation. The only positive fallout of Communism was that it subsumed religious fanaticism wherever it ruled. The only exception was Afghanistan where the forces of religious fanaticism defeated Communism, ironically with help from the free world which is today facing the Frankenstein monster it helped strengthen. The root cause of Muslim aggressiveness and criminal behavior But we need to realize that the Free World did not give birth to this Frankenstein. The right credit for this goes to the founder of this cult of murder - Prophet Mohammed-ibn- abdallah. The tradition of murder and mayhem ultimately originated in the murderous instincts of this one man. He taught the Arabs to kill their own fathers, brother children, if they did not accept the murderous cult that he preached. His paranoid hold on his followers was enforced at the pain of death. If any of his followers deviated from the paranoid path laid down by him, that deviant was to be done to death. This paranoia holds even to this day. If a Muslim gives up Islam, he has to be killed. This is the ultimate root cause of Muslim aggressiveness and criminal behavior all across the globe. To gain a following this devious and murderous person started with using psychological blackmail asking people to give up their religion and follow his murderous cult, if they wanted to save themselves from hell-fire. Using this subterfuge he gathered a band of desperadoes and to keep them together he made them raid the stragglers of passing caravans and told them that the loot was a gift from god for their having accepted his murderous cult. As his loot and murder campaign brought gains to his followers more criminals joined him to share in the loot. This was the birth of Islam - as organized brigandage held together by a psychological blackmail of hellfire for those who did not follow the cult of murder. The root cause for the caravans of the pre-Muslim Quraish to be attacked was that they were not ready to follow the murder cult. So the Quraish were at fault! Why Muslim youth are alienated today in the West That bandit prophet Mohammed also asked his followers to remain segregated from non-Muslims, as he did not want them to be influenced by right ideas and turn away from his murder cult. In the Quran he has written that Muslims should not take non-Muslims as their friends. Religious deception of unbelievers is indeed taught by the Qur'an itself: "Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them" (Qur'an 3:28). In other words, don't make friends with unbelievers except to "guard yourselves from them": pretend to be their friends so that you can strengthen yourself against them. The distinguished Qur'anic commentator Ibn Kathir explains that this verse teaches that if "believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers," they may "show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly." This is the "root cause" why Muslims prefer to live in Ghettos in the West and is the reason for the much touted alienation of Muslim youth that lead to terrorism. The root cause for this is in Mohammed's injunction to Muslims not take non-Muslims as friends. The Qur'an also warns Muslims that those who forsake Islam will be consigned to Hell — except those forced to do so, but who remain true Muslims inwardly: "Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters unbelief — except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in faith — but such as open their breast to unbelief, on them is wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful penalty" (Qur'an 16:106). Ibn Kathir explains that "the scholars agreed that if a person is forced into disbelief, it is permissible for him to…go along with them in the interests of self-preservation..." Such is the deception preached to the Muslims that makes instinctive scoundrel of any typical Muslim. Dawah (Dawaa) - A warning to give up your religion, accept Islam, or be attacked As the murder cult gained more criminals and others who were exasperated and gave up in desperation to accept Islam, the method of deception, subterfuge, false pretexts to attack others was developed. This was called Dawah or Dawaa. This was a warning given to other non- Muslims to accept Islam and be safe (apparently from Hell-fire) but actually to be safe from an attack from the Muslims. As many rejected this dawah, they were attacked. They included the Byzantines, Persians, Europeans over the next 14 centuries. For every unprovoked attack, an alibi or root cause was found out. This deviousness is at work today also when after 9/11 the US policy as regards Israel was cited as the root cause for the attack. Now with the London bombings, the root cause is the British involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq. After the Madrid bombings, the root cause was the Spanish involvement in Iraq. The obnoxious subterfuge of root causes is given the intellectual camouflage by the communists, socialists, and leftists of various hues. They seek revenge against the free world for having helped the Muslims to topple the communist regime in Afghanistan. Te Free world led by the USA had the memories of Vietnam, where we had to retreat in face of a Communist (Viet Cong) attack. In the bargain, the common enemy of the communists, capitalists, workers, managers, et al. The Muslim are an enemy for all non-Muslim be they Jewish, Christian, Buddhists, Hindu, Animist, pagan or communist, capitalist, worker, manager, et al. But the irony of today is that the Communists and socialists although they know very well the threat that Islam represents, will not make common cause with the West and join hands with us to defeat the common enemy of civilization. It is we who have to do our bit by exposing the big lie behind the hoax of root causes, suffering poor Muslim which the Socialists would want us to believe. We should not allow them to pull wool over our eyes and over those of the world at large. If the Muslims succeed in this deception (taqiyya), it is civilization that will lose out. We need to realize the mass deception that goes under the cover of the slogan Root Cause of Islamic Terrorism and expose it for what it is - a camouflage to attack the free world. The point to be emphasized here is in their innumerable Jihad battles, Muslims have used deception of there being fictitious "root causes" as a cover and an excuse for them to attack non-Muslims. Of all the battle they fought over the last 14 centuries almost all were offensive. They cannot even be called pre-emptive, since none of their adversaries had made plans to attack Islam. The Koran advocates the principle of making a Hudna (pretence of making peace) when the enemy is strong, and using that period to making oneself stronger than the enemy. And after the enemy is weak to attack the enemy by giving offense and provoking the enemy. Hitler too did this when he attacked Poland in World War two, by saying that the Poles has attacked Germany and that the Nazis were defending Germany. Hitler's strategy bears an uncanny resemblance to the Quranic prescription. The Quran advocates this policy of giving offense to an adversary and in fact sanctifies such abominable behavior to a holy(sic) duty for all Muslims by declaring the faith to them and giving them an option of embracing Islam or being prepared for an attack by Muslims. We need to note that the first battle of Mohammed, the battle of Badr was not defensive as most Muslims would have you believe. Mohammed initiated the fight by waylaying the Quriash caravan. Thus the beginning of the Islamic Jihad was in Mohammed's banditry. Today if America wants to outdo the Jihadis at their own game it would do well, to emulate this Quranic principle of giving offense to the adversary (today's Jihadis), and then going in to crush them utterly. America needs to realize that the only way of defeating the Jihad is by subjugating one Muslim country after another by taking out a few cities using nukes and neutrons and then giving them an ultimatum of leaving Islam or facing destruction. This is what Mohammed did to the Quraish, to the people of Taif, and this is also what the Muslims did to the Sassanian Persians, Byzantines, Visigoths in Al Andalus (Spain), and many others. It is high time to pay the Muslims with their own coin, and this is the only way to defeat them. Story credits : waronjihad team ..........................000000000