Date: 8/17/2005
PRESS RELEASE,/// DON'T BREAK UP INDIA /// **Press Release** Press Release** Press Release** Press Release** /// His Excellency Shri Kamalesh Sharma the High Commissioner of India, released the book, “ Don’t Break up India”, the biography of an Indian Patriot Shaheed Sardar Nanak Singh, on Aug 8th 2005 at the Central Gurudawara, Shepherds Bush in Central London, the United Kingdom. /// Shaheed Sardar Nanak Singh was a freedom fighter and visionary who foresaw the consequences of breaking up India. He gave up his life at the young age of 43 whilst saving 600 students of DAV College of Multan( now in Pakistan) who were taking part in a procession against the partition of India. The release ceremony took place in the oldest Sikh Gurudawara in London, which was established with the help of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh ji of Patiala in 1908. /// The ceremony was attended by a large number of guests including the Shaeed’s three sons – Rajinder Singh, Pritam Singh and Rami Ranger along with community leaders including the The President of the International Punjabi Society Mr G S Gujral CBE, Mr G S Sahni, President Kukhrain Biradari UK, Mr Ranjit Singh OBE, President Sikh Forum UK, Mr APS Chawla, President World Punjabi Society, Mr T S Bagga, Chairman Building Committee and Past President of the Puthohar Association. Mr T S Sahni President of the Central Gurudwara, Shepherds Bush, Dr. S S Kapoor, Vice Chancellor, World Sikh University, Mr H S Sethi, Finance Secretary IPS. Mr Ranbir Suri JP, Chairman British Asian Conservative Link, Mr G S Chatwal, Ex President Hounslow Gurudwara, Mr R S Ahuja, Bank of Baroda, Mr Veni Vaghela Vice Chairman Hindu Forum of Britain and Chairman Brent Hindu Council, Dr J K Nayar, World President, The Friends Circle International, Prince Moshin Ali- Khan, cousin of the Nawab of Hyderabad to name a few. /// The High Commissioner spoke at length and paid a befitting tribute to the Shaheed. He said he has postponed pressing engagements in order to pay his personal respects to the noble soul. He said that Shaheeds never die but continue to live in the hearts of the people. We must cherish the memory of their sacrifices which they made for causes which were valid then and are still valid today. He also rightly said that, “it is not important what we have and what we possess, what is important is what we can give up for others”. Shaheed Nanak Singh ji gave up the ultimate – his life for others. /// The youngest son of Shaheed Nanak Singh, Dr Rami Ranger MBE, thanked the High Commissioner for paying a befitting tribute by releasing the book. He also thanked the guests for taking the time out of their busy lives to pay their respects to his late father. /// In his speech he explained why is it important to preserve the unity and integrity of India. He said, “In a family, children always want to have everything for themselves – regardless of the consequences to the entire household. However, parents on the other hand cater to the need of every member of the family. Similarly, children of India want to divide India to satisfy their own personal needs – someone wants Kashmir, someone Nagaland, someone Assam and someone Punjab and so on but nobody wants to know what “Mother India” wants. A mother always wants to see her children living in harmony and making her the strongest in the world.” /// He also said that, “My father warned Mohammad Jinah of the consequences of keeping Muslims separate. He told him that he was damaging the Muslim cause forever as they belonged to entire India. By keeping them separate, he would make them hostile and intolerant to other religions and cultures. Similarly I urge my fellow Sikhs who want to take us out of India are going against the teaching of our Gurus and will damage our cause forever and we will not have learned the lesson from 1947. Our Gurus never fought for a Kingdom but for basis human rights of every citizen.” /// Finally, he said that, “There is strength in diversity. We are all children of God and if He wanted us to all be of the same religion, then He would have made it so. So many religions in the world can only be the will of God. I hope you will read the book which will surely move and inspire you. If his story can help us live together as Indians then my father would not have died in vain.” /// A foundation in the name of Shaheed Nanak Singh has been set up for “honouring those who honour India”. Details can be obtained by logging on to /// Press release ends /// xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /// ....................................000000000