Date: 8/29/2005


The Paradox of the life-hating and death-loving psychology of Islam/// This very death seeking psychology of Islam is also the behind their wanting to become a suicide bombers today. Any power that wants to defeat this death-seeking psychology, will have to be a death-giving one. Since Muslims want martyrdom, then only those who can give them this martyrdom fast and on a mass scale can overcome this delinquent psychology of the Muslims. The roots of Islam are psychological, and only one who understand this psychology, can overcome it. Islam is a psychology of perpetual war. /// A psychology that had existed among the pre-Islamic Bedouin Arabs. But then this psychology was not a global problem, since the Arabs fought amongst themselves. With Islam this psychology was inbuilt into religion and infused with a zeal to impose this psychology on all those who were weak enough to fall before Muslim swords. As long as Islam has other religions on this globe, the war Jihad, will go on till the whole world is Islamized./// But in the unlikely event of the entire world being Islamized, will this violence stop? No Never. Then in that global Dar-ul-Islam, Muslims would fight amongst themselves Shias against Sunnis, Iranians against Iraqis, Arabs against non-Arabs and so on. Herein lies the paradox of Islam./// As long as Islam is surrounded by other religions, there will be violence, but even after, and if at all, Islam is alone on this globe, there will still be endless violence, between Shiites and Sunnis, between Salafis and Ahmediyas, ad nausem, till Islam (as the then only religion of the world) is put to an end. Islam has a senseless and unmanageable agenda, with other religions, while they are not sensible, at least they are manageable. Other religions bear animosity against each other, but they can be sobered down and made to co-exist with each other, as do Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Hinduism, Animism, etc. But Islam defies, being civilized, being made manageable. And it will continue to defy being civilized till its violent end./// Before Islam burst upon the world, all other religions had made the world non-sensible, but it is Islam that has made religion unmanageable, Had Islam not been around, it would not have been necessary to think in terms of the demise of religion itself. It is Islam that is forcing and will continue to force humankind away from religion. While non-Islamic religions made man into a delinquent, who kept muttering to himself, Islam has made man into a delinquent who has gone violently berserk. /// The delinquent has now to be shot a tranquilizer and then given a strong sedative to sober him up, so that mankind can bury the delinquent behavior of religion which Islam has made criminal, and after which humankind can continue its march of knowledge and science to plant the banner of humanity across the universe, and not waste its energies in fighting against itself in the narrow confines of planet earth./// Unfortunately for humankind, the end of the death-seeking fiery cult of Islam can only come about through a fiery death-giving weapon. Ironically such nuclear mushroom clouds would be the blazing hell-fire that the Quran talks about and acknowledges will bring about an end to Islam such that there will be no one across the globe to say "Lah ilah il Allah, Mohammed ur Rasoolallah" (There is no god but allah and Mohammed is his prophet). /// .....................000000000
