Date: 10/10/2005
In a message dated 10/10/2005 07:58:11 GMT Daylight Time, xxxxxxxxx writes:/// Terrorists continue violence in quake hit Kashmir, 10 hindus killed/// Press Trust of India/// Sunday, October 9, 2005/// Ten members of two hindu families were killed by a group of militants in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir early today, police said. /// The militants first entered the residence of one Munshi Ram in Kandi village of Budhal tehsil, had food and then killed the inmates, including a woman, by slitting their throats, they said. Two of the dead have been identified as Munshi Ram and his son Kala Chand, they said. /// After escaping from the scene, the militants went to Mohra Gabbar village in the same tehsil, barged into the house of one Kartar Singh and killed five persons and injured another. /// Police and security forces have rushed to the two villages. They are likely to launch an operation to track down the militants responsible for the ghastly incident. /// /// - - - - - - -/// These jehadi scum are sub human to butcher hindus at a time like this. /// I await the happy day when jihadi Muslims are all - to a man - killed as they have killed the innocent. /// (A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, are incompatible with freedom. /// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /// > I await the happy day when jihadi Muslims are all - to a man - killed as they have > killed the innocent. /// They truly are subhuman savages. They need to be rendered extinct as a species. Anyone who thinks civilized people can share the planet with these heathens is insane./// ..........................000000000