Date: 10/17/2005


The news in your today's print paper about a single handed person Nand kishore fighting dozens of cases against police harassment and abuse of power in Punjab is matter of rude shock and shame.The judges are shalemles,the lawyers and out top politicians who claim to serve the society.All oes in their face but nothing is done./// In fact there is hardly any difference between criminals and policemen.Earlier the difference was of white collar nature of crime and traditional crime by crimnals .Now policemen have become ordinary criminals besides bribery,extortion of money,rape,routinely taking alcohol in Police Thanas,harassing trucks and auto owners on roads and allowing illegal shops etc to come up in congested and busy city areas.Most of them are cowards and shoot in fear in nma eof self defense even decalring many odinary suspects as terrorists.And they grin and get rewarded. /// On top of it the behaviour of Thanedars and Munshi in police stations can put any one believing in democracy to shame.They simply behave like rogues./// In my estimate the earnings of police Departments in India besides their undeserved high salaries and facilities ,runs into some Rs 15000 crores annually.That is huge money which goes from a police constable to DGP and his boss in Politics. The IAS and IPS cadres are biggest threat to nation. /// The fulcrum of crime in civil services are three-Land revenue officers in tehsils and above levels, DC or DM ,and SP.All of these three sections of governance are arrogant,unaccountable,corrupt and mostly imcompetent and boneless officials who have taken democracy for granted and the foolish framed civil services rules. If you visit any of them the sheer arrogance and high handed attitude they show to a common man and humiliate him or her to even allow them to meet is experienced daily by people.They are certainly not behaving like servants but superior class appointed by Her Majesty the Quees of UK,still. I am not able to udnerstand, why a complaint written by any citizen is not replied compulsorily by any class I offcial in Government? Working as mafia network togather ,they ignore ac ts of each other,help each other in upholding illegal and corrupt acts and have now become completely shameless.Openly doing everything.Police women too.Only act of shamlessness now left is to bare themslves in public .That is what they now deserve.To be stripped and paraded naked. /// In this case of Punjab,what the State Human rights Commission and NHRC are doing?Sleeping ?or are they blind? or deliberately ignoring this all? Why should we pay their plum salaries and allow fraud in name of human rights protection?If they think they dont have punitive powers in Act,all of them through out the country should resign and ask government to close these shops of contitutional fraud with people.The MPs and MLas should not take themselves for granted and threaten arms of constitution like Supreme Court of India, the incident taht happened recently.They are merely elected by us to represent us and frame rules of welfare for nation.Beyond that they no rights.period.Why judges and bureaucrates take shit from them? /// Same is case of Central Vigilance Commissioner who is also a paper tiger without any powers.Same is situation of CBI .When its name comes,people start laughing in sheer disgust.The rate of success of this agency is so poor.Whereas it should have highest rate.Atleast 80%. /// Why any government approval is required to book a corrupt or misbehaving government official? /// It is important to amend civil services rules to make all class I positions renewable tenure based after completion of first 10 years of service.The eminet citizens in distrciot or at State level and reports of common citizns should be important component of promotions and not the CRs written by their corrupt superiors. The principle of permanency must go.Atleast for people who are corrupt,of doubtful character and with whom members of public are not happy.This can be easily done through citizens satisfaction survey and keeping record of complaint od people againmst individual offcials. /// The District & Sessions Judge, The SP and SSP of a district and DC should be directly made accountable for illegal acts,corruption, bribery,harassment,torture and false litigations against innocent citizens.Refusing to write FIR and not showing progress in definite time frame should be put in file of each SI and above level officers and they be removed from service.Sp should be responsible for all false cases,haraasment or illegal closure of complaint.Their tenure should be minimum 3 yrs at one place to fix their accountability. /// Priciple of criminal and financial accontability for misdeeds of any kind(Law of Torts) should be introduced immediately in all criminals laws and specially against security services including police.The victim should be a prosecuting party with all the rights of State as a party and should be compensated for failure of state to prevent crime against the victim. /// A website should be setup in each state and Centre where common citizens can simply post complaints about any civil or police official giving brief nature of neglect of duty,harrasment, demand of bribe or closure of his/her genuine case or unjust delays. /// Take for example a District & Sessions Judge.Under his/her nose daily summons are sent back by rampantly corrupt process servers by making remarks, that the adress or adreesee not traceble or avialable.It keeps on going for months and years.I think such judges have no right to sit on judgment who cant supervise their own adminsitrative duties.The injustice starts on the day of approaching a court for justice,right at its entrance.The corrupt clerks of courts openly take money in courts,many times while judge is in seat. /// Criminal proceudre code should be immediately amended to include Justice Malimath committee sugesstions and many sugesstions made by people like us -NGOs. /// Civil services rules have to be now changed which were designed by British to protect themselves,their servants and stooges. /// I clould not understand why a common citizen when he visits any government office is so roughly behaved like being stopped at gate,second gate,treated like a criminal, repeated passes to be made and officials hiding beyond artifical greatness and security bariers in name of Government department and secrecy,behaving like Maharajas? What secrecy?Is a comon man against nation? /// We have to open up eveything and bureaucrates better start behaving like servants or be ready to be grabbed by collar by people.Why should we pay salaries and perquisites running into billions of rupees to persons to do crime against ourselves? /// ............................000000000
