Date: 10/21/2005
COMMENT BY A HINDU READER OF "THE DAWN", KARACHI./// ------------------------------------- October 20, 2005 Thursday Ramzan 15, 1426/// From Dawn, the Karachi newspaper founded by Mohammed Ali Jinnah /// 10,000 children could die, warns Unicef: Call for more helicopters /// ISLAMABAD, Oct 19: The United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) on Wednesday warned that 10,000 more children could die from hunger, cold and disease in coming weeks because aid has still not reached certain parts of quake-hit Pakistan./// Unicef called for immediate steps to push through more supplies, saying that children would be the first victims in a possible “second wave of deaths” as winter approaches. /// ===================/// COMMENT: /// Being part of world's RICHEST Umma', the World of Islam flooded with PETRO DOLLARS, these children have a BILLION godfathers. /// How are OUR OWN Hindu children helped who have become destitute, orphans and refugees in their own land? /// Which government, UNO, or public institution is concerned about their fate, life or death? /// Which Charity has gone to their aid? Do we see Red Cross or Edhi Foundation there? Do we see even Mother of Nation SONIA and the Rashtrapati of Hindusthan ABDUL getting involved?/// "AWWAL KHESH, BA'D HU DARWESH" does not seem to apply to our Hindu/Sikh community. We also run to the aid of Bangladesh every time there are flood victims but NO Bangladeshi ever thinks that Secularism of Delhi and the Hindu of Kolkata are worthy of note if not acceptance. /// No Bangladeshi ever thinks that the Hindus ought to be allowed to build their own Grand Temple in Ayodhya when a Hindu is not allowed entry into Islam's holiest city Mecca./// Should not the sacred city of AYODHYA be declared as SOVEREIGN as Sonia Gandhi's Vatican and Abdul Kalam's Mecca? /// Should not our State with the grand name of MAHA RASHTRA be independent of Delhi's bogus secularism and as sovereign as East BENGAL with the blessings of Sonia and Abdul? /// Do we hear of UNICEF in East Bengal and South Kashmir where the HIndus are the VICTIMS, if not a "game"?/// We also wish to ask BBC, "Did you give even one hundredth of publicity to the Sikh victims of "WRATH OF INDIRA" in 1980's, what you are giving to the victims of earthquake in a State that could not have been born if Secularism was not crushed by Mr. Clement Attlee in South Asia in 1947?" /// And in 1947, at PARTITION, there were at least five million grieving crying starving orphaned HINDU/SIKH children totally IGNORED by the world when despicable Imperial "DOG", Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, was having "good time" with Edwina Mountbatten in New Delhi. /// ........................000000000///