Date: 11/21/2005


CORRESPONDENCE OF INTEREST (TO NAIVE, IGNORANT OR "POLITICALLY CORRECT" SECULAR HINDUS AND SIKHS) In a message dated 17/11/2005 11:34:54 GMT Standard Time, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes: /// Youth Inter Faith Conference/// Saturday 26th November/// Millennium Point, Birmingham/// This event is a joint effort between the College for International Citizenship (CIC) and the Young People’s Parliament (YPP). It will bring together young people of all faiths from the Birmingham area to discuss what their faith means to them as citizens of this city. It will be an opportunity to discover the common values they share with each other, and to agree a formal declaration of those universal values./// The draft program (to be confirmed) is as follows: /// · 9:30 Arrivals and Registration · 10:00 Auditorium: Welcome, Introduction & Housekeeping · 10:10 Faith Quiz · 10:30 Presentations (short, pre-prepared personal speeches from young members of different faith groups about how faith impacts their lives) · 11:15 Go to Workshop & Break · 11:20 Workshop (small mixed faith groups discussing common ground between their faiths) · 12:30 Lunch (participants will remain in workshop groups during lunch for continued discussion) · 13:00 Auditorium: Presentations from workshop groups · 14:15 Composite statement from the presentations · 14:25 Vote on statements for Declaration of Universal Faith Values · 14:45 Present Declaration to VIP guest speaker & speech · 15:00 Finish/// After the event all participating individuals and organisations will receive a copy of the Declaration of Universal Faith Values created by the young people. The document will also be on display in Millennium Point and circulated to city offices and Birmingham MPs and MEPs./// To book your place please send/fax the attached booking form to the below address. Please note that the event is free of charge with lunch provided, however we do encourage advance booking so that we can confirm numbers for catering. /// Rebecca Johnson/// Student Liaison Officer College for International Citizenship Millennium Point Digbeth Birmingham B4 7XG Tel: 0121 202 2355/// ======================== /// /// Dear Madam, /// Your programme is excellent./// In Faith Quiz, please put the following question to the MUSLIM participants, if any come to your conference./// /// 1. What do you know about the BIRTH of PAKISTAN, the last but one** ISLAMIC republic on earth created by Imperial BRITAIN by suppressing the voice of MAJORITY of secular Indians, especially the SIKHS, after crushing native Multiculturalism and Secularism, which Britain is now trying her best to nourish on these Isles facing extinction under ISLAMIC "global warming"? /// (** The last ISLAMIC republic is Turkish Northern Cyprus that was INVADED and OCCUPIED by Turkey in 1974. Our own Prime Minister OVELOOKS that aggression and commends Turkey's entry into European Union, regardless of consequences for current Secularism of EU.) /// 2. Was it the Way of Prophet Mohammed to occupy that SECULAR territory where people of all Faiths had lived amicably TOGETHER during the British rule until August 14 1947, and from times immemorial before that? /// 3. Do you think the descendants of TWO MILLION Hindus and SIKHS slaughtered in that year will FORGET that brutal attack by their Muslim fellow citizens, just to "lick" the modern wind of "political correctness" being blown by transient politicians in high chairs? /// 4. If the attack on the UNITY and SECULARISM of India in that year was an act of brutal aggression and gross violation of UN Charter of Human Rights (Equality between Muslim and Infidel) and every norm of civilised society, would all those present, sign a RESOLUTION calling upon the Muslims across the globe, including AL QAIDA, to distance themselves from the ISLAMIC republics of Pakistan and Bangladesh, if not from ALL of them, and urge the rulers in ISLAMABAD and DHAKA to re-negotiate that bogus and mischievous PARTITION in order to revert to One India under One (secular) Flag at the earliest? /// This will enable all those who were FORCED out of their ancestral homes at point of sword in 1947, to return to their homes and lands, and even repossess them. /// The start of Multi Faith dialogue is dependent upon "DE-NAZIFICATION" of Muslims in our own midst. They ought to be asked to sign a commitment to Equality of All Mankind that would soon turn an ISLAMIC republic the object of utmost contempt and ridicule. /// Those who do not wish to see the distinction between a Muslim and a Non Muslim abolished, ought to be BARRED from your conference. /// Dear Rebecca Johnson, unless you establish the EQUALITY of Believer & Infidel on the British soil, there is no chance of any fruitful outcome of the Conference. /// Regards./// abc SINGH (INFIDEL as per Muslim Book of Prayer, the Koran). ex resident of West Punjab, now under the PROVOCATIVE separatist flag of Islam (since August 14, 1947). /// Nov 17, 2005./// ============================ /// In a message dated 17/11/2005 14:32:18 GMT Standard Time, xxxxx xxxxxxxxx writes:/// Dear Mr Singh, /// Thank you for your suggestions. As this conference is aimed at young people with a view to bringing them together to recognise their shared values, the quiz will be light-hearted and more focused on general knowledge than history and/or politics. /// As a Muslim myself I am deeply sorry to hear of your feelings towards Islam, which I am sure is to a great extent justified. I too agree that the distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims should be dissolved and I hope that we can all work together to greater tolerance and forgiveness for the future. /// Best wishes,/// Rebecca Johnson /// Student Liaison Officer /// College for International Citizenship/// Millennium Point /// Digbeth /// Birmingham /// B4 7XG /// Tel: 0121 202 2355 /// /// ========================= /// Madam,/// Thank you for your reply. /// The conference nicely fits the landscape of UNITED Kingdom while, I presume, most of your delegates originate from South Asia, in reality, the BROKEN subcontinent, that is now in three fragments, irrevocably beyond redemption, sanity, One Law For All, and unity. /// There the hard inflexible IDEOLOGY of Saudi Arabia has prevailed on very soft ALIEN soil. /// However, all such empires, political, commercial and ideological, will come to an end like the BRITISH empire of a bygone era. If we do not deny discussion on history, we will begin to see which one is the next. I venture to say it is the turn of global ISLAM now. The Era of Reason, Challenge and IT is upon us. The era of Sword, Compulsion, Submission and Fatwa is winding up rapidly. /// The ideological (Islamic) CACTUS from the desert will be rejected, sooner or later with the spread of KNOWLEDGE of history, invasions and conquests, carried out under the motivation provided by so-called holy books that "inspired" Jehad the suppression, degradation and impoverishment of Muslim women and Non Muslim slaves on a large scale. /// In my own part of the world, it led to fragmentation of a great civilisation that existed millennia before the birth of Mohammed, only to be destroyed and OVERRUN. It has turned the hundreds of millions of natives (CONVERTS) into ideological slaves of the new colonial masters who dictated the language in which to pray even to the West Punjabis, North Kashmiris and the East Bengalis. /// I do appreciate that your conference concerns the youth and the issues in THIS country. But the youth who are not brought up to face the PAST will just walk into the future like the naive westerners, especially girls, who only later see their status in a MUSLIM household when it is too late. /// The most ludicrous example of ignorance, bordering on stupidity, was provided by the HINDUS of India who were congratulating their MUSLIM fellow citizens in Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta on their imaginery "Independence" while at the same time unconditionally surrendering one third of India to indigenous Muslims to be brought under the draconian laws of Koran. /// If the youth are not aware of history as it was in United India on August 15, 1947, and here in United Kingdom on July 7 last, then they cannot even compare, leave aside contemplate, the possibility of choosing an alternative to the social and spiritual TRAP of cultural deprivation "Made in Arabia" for the warring tribes in 7th Century AD. /// I wish your Conference success and good luck. /// Regards/// abc Singh/// Like those who escaped the ferocious Allied bombardment of German cities like HAMBURG, FRANKFURT, COLOGNE and DRESDEN in 1945, I saw the fires of ISLAM consume sanity and secularism in MULTAN, LAHORE, GUJRANWALA and RAWALPINDI (and East Bengal- now turned into BOGUS-desh) only two years later, in 1947. /// I escaped, to TELL. /// 17 Nov 05./// ================/// ............................000000000///
