Date: 11/21/2005
Why are we like this? (Read posting below),/// Because centuries of slavery have changed our GENETIC make up. /// What was our INDEPENDENCE was in fact the unconditional surrender of ONE THIRD of India where the HINDUS became slaves again. /// Claiming that Gandhi and Nehru chased the British out, we are now licking the foot of ITALIAN born Sonia Khan. If she is not a plunderer looter EUROPEAN then what is she?/// Having conceded all those vast territories to INDIAN MUSLIMS, we have and accept a PAKISTANI under the name of ABDUL KALAM./// Our armed forces swear loyalty to him. They swear loyalty to their ideological ENEMY. A Musalmaan, however "lamb like" or "joker like", can, BY DEFINITION, never be secular. chhi, chhi chhi (spit) !!//// We lack conviction in our native RELIGIONS so much that none dares to commend Hindu religion to Abdul lest we get spit or abuse in return. /// Our TOP MAN Abdul loves Sanskrit, reads Gita, eats vegetarian, but ask him to become a HINDU and shed his ARABIC name? O NO. He might give us the most insulting reply. /// The truth may well be that being a MUSALMAAN, BEIMAAN, SHAITAAN, HAIWAAN, he may have eyes on the day when the Muslims reoccupy Delhi and fly their ISLAMIC flag. Then he will say, "You see, I was always loyal to Islam." /// There are countless instances of such TREACHERY on the part of Muslims in our land of perishing PAGANS, KAFIRS AND INFIDELS. /// But we have always remained, and are still, ignorant of the ENEMY. /// .......................000000000