Date: 11/27/2005
IN ENGLAND AT LEAST THEY CAN CATCH THEM BUT SPARE A THOUGHT FOR DECOMPOSING, PARTITIONED BROKEN BHARAT WHERE A "PAKISTANI HARAAMI" ABDUL KALAM IS THE PRESIDENT OF SECULAR REPUBLIC, AND SUPREME COMMANDER, TOO./// THE SECULAR REPUBLIC OF ONE BILLION TIMID HINDU "MICE AND JACKALS", LACKING CONVICTION AND PRIDE IN RELIGION, CAME ABOUT AT THE VERY MOMENT (DARK MIDNIGHT 14/15 AUGUST 1947) WHEN FLAG OF HINDU KILLER MOHAMMED WENT UP IN LAHORE, QUETTA, PESHAWAR, RAWALPINDI, SYLHET AND EAST BENGAL. /// THERE IN PARTITIONED INDIAN SECULAR STATE (P.I.S.S.) IDEOLOGICAL AND SPIRITUAL SLAVES OF MOHAMMED'S TRIBE AND CLAN, PRAYING TO RASUL ALLAH IN ARABIC, GO SCOT FREE. /// JUST SEE THE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF HINDUS MASSACRED SINCE 1947 AND NAME EVEN ONE "MUSALMAAN, BEIMAAN, SHAITAAN, HAIWAAN" WHO WAS CAUGHT AND HANGED TO DEATH. /// HINDU BLOOD IS DIRT CHEAP AND CAN FLOW LIKE RIVERS FROM KASHMIR TO SYLHET./// THEY ARE ALL SCOT FREE LIKE THE BOFORS CHOR RAJIV GANDHI (SON OF A WITCH WAS A MUSALMAN "KHAN" AT BIRTH)./// ==================================================/// Man Held Over Murder of Pc /// Yusuf Jama: The 19-year-old was arrested in Birmingham following the release of this picture /// Police have arrested a 19-year-old man in connection with the murder of Pc Sharon Beshenivsky and the attempted murder of her colleague Pc Teresa Milburn. /// Yusuf Jama was arrested in Birmingham, West Yorkshire police said. /// He is one of three men police want to question over the murder of Pc Beshenivsky who was shot dead attending a robbery at a Bradford travel agents just over a week ago./// The other two, Muzzaker Imtiaz Shah, 24, and Jama's 25-year-old brother Mustaf are still at large, police said. /// Sharon Beshenivsky/// A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said in a brief statement: "A 19-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the murder of Pc Sharon Beshenivsky, the attempted murder of Pc Teresa Milburn and robbery on Friday 18 November in Bradford. /// "The man was arrested by West Midlands Police in Birmingham and West Yorkshire officers will transfer him to an undisclosed West Yorkshire police station for questioning./// "Inquiries are continuing and we are still appealing to trace two men named yesterday, Muzzaker Imiaz Shah, 24, and Mustaf Jama, 25. /// Police earlier released pictures of the three men they wanted to question./// Pc Beshenivsky, 38, was gunned down as she and Pc Milburn, 37, went to investigate a robbery at the travel agents in Morley Street, Bradford. /// (COURTESY AOL NEWS, NOVEMBER 28, 2005)/// .......................000000000