Date: 1/23/2006


Don't praise evil men. ///// 'It is time we admit that Jinnah consistantly out negotiated Nehru and the British. He was a dying man, but played his cards brilliantly. We can learn from such a strategist.' ///// Not so.///// Jinnah's aim was to get as much for the Muslims in India as possible. He ended up giving them two weak and worthless nations - ///// Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is only the stupidity of our secularists that has enabled the Muslims to retain some foothold in India after partition; a true Hindu government would have expelled the whole gang of barbarians to Pakistan. ///// But Jinnah's failure is on a much wider scale. Prior to 1947, Hindu animosity was primarily directed towards Christians; although communal riots with Muslims took place, most Hindus were inclined to sympathize with Muslims rather than Christians in those days. Just read the writings of Sri Aurobindo or Rabindranath Tagore - the emphasis is on dealing with Christianity and British colonialism, not on Islam. ///// After 1947, that changed entirely, and with every passing decade, the anger towards Muslims further exceeds hostility towards Christians. At the end of the day, the long-term achievement of Jinnah was to ensure that Hindus saw Islam, not Christianity, as enemy #1. The implications of this, in the context of the 21st century, for Muslims, are disastrous. ///// The smartest strategists among the Muslims, were those who spoke against Partition, on the grounds that Islam needed to conquer the whole of India, and that a partition would undermine this effort. (Examples include Maulana Maududi, the Pakistani fundamentalist, and Mullah Kifayatullah; Arun Shourie mentions the opinions of the latter in his 'The World of Fatwas'.) They understood that in order to conquer, you need to delay gratification. ///// But they were destined to lose, because Muslims have always preferred immediate gratification of their desires, to any long-term strategy. That's why they followed Jinnah - thereby dooming themselves in the long run. Make no mistake about it; in the past, Islam thrived when its enemies were divided. Jinnah's legacy was to drive Hindus to hate Muslims more than Christians - and thus enable Islam's enemies to align against it (which is slowly happening.) In this respect, he was a fool, who permitted his vanity to override the long-term interests of his community. He deserves no respect. ////// [The parallel with Jinnah today is bin Laden, and his call for jihad against all infidels now. Less foolish Muslims, prefer to wait until they are stronger, before declaring jihad. These Muslims are wrongly termed 'moderates'; they should be termed 'insidious.'] ///// The real beneficiaries of partition - even though they had no hand in it, were the Americans and the Chinese. A strong India poses strategic threats to both of them; the creation of Pakistan enables them to keep India contained in the subcontinent. The Muslims are happy with this situation, because their hatred of Hindus far exceeds their hatred of Americans, Chinese, or anyone else for that matter. It is for that reason, that we need to eradicate Islam in the entire territory of Bharatvarsha: it makes us weaker and our rivals stronger. Therefore, it must be destroyed.///// We need to learn from the mistakes of both Nehru and Gandhi - and from Jinnah's mistakes as well. That way, we can avoid them ourselves, in the future. ///// 000000000
