Date: 4/11/2006
Sir,/////// We believe that there is NO "Indian" Muslim any more. The "bastards" took out enough TERRITORY to establish their own Pakistan and also stayed put in Partitioned India. ////// None on earth is so treacherous, despicable, contemptible, dangerous and devious as an "INDIAN" Muslim. ////// The world cannot be such FOOLS to overlook that they were also INDIAN Muslims before PARTITION. The INDIAN Muslims had to be WIPED OUT when India "died" and Pakistan was born. "Indian" Muslims are therefore ongoing LETHAL fraud on what is left of real India. The "INDIAN" Muslims today are like the DAGGER in the belly of Hindustan. They remind the world of the diver who was swallowed by a whale. With his DAGGER he could cut his way out to safety. "INDIAN" Muslims are nothing else. ////// Did you write SHABANA AZMI, a MOHAMMEDAN'S NAME? We regard ALL Muslims in, or from, India as MUSALMAN, BEIMAN, SHAITAN, HAIWAN. ////// (As a MUSALMAN they demanded separate ISLAMIC country to be cut and chopped out of the body of British India on the eve of Independence;////// As a BEIMAN their Qaid-i-Azam (Mohammed Ali Jinnah) changed his colours from Secular Congress (He was its President earlier!) to go under ISLAMIC flag of Muslim League overnight; As a SHAITAN he wrote up a Constitution for Sindh, East BENGAL and North Kashmir that still degrades the Christians, Hindus and Buddhists and violates the United Nations Human Rights Charter of EQUALITY of MANKIND;////// As a HAIWAN Muslim mobs went on rampage to capture and RAPE thousands of Hindu girls in NOAKHALI and RAWALPINDI and all over Pakistan, often snatching them from the hands of their parents who were put to death in the most brutal manner. Has any Shabana Azmi, "Guru" or Sallauddin gone to DISCOVER them in Pakistan and Bangladesh?) ////// When Lord Mountbatten, the Viceroy, pinned down your MOTHER (INDIA) on the ground and invited MOHAMMED ali JINN(aah) to "go ahead", the MUSLIM stepped forward in vigour and heat and RAPED her./////// The BASTARD child that came out was called PAKISTAN. Then PAKISTAN was given to all the INDIAN Muslims as their HOMELAND for ever. The SUICIDAL generosity of the Hindus ensured that the ENEMY stayed back, too, at the same time. ////// Where were the brave HINDUS in the hour of peril of their MOTHER? Well, as we learn, they could not see the RAPE of MOTHER and all of them hid in deep holes under ground. They have yet to surface and notice the new mutilated map outline of their Hindustan. /////// When the HINDUS surface from dark underground, they would wish to CATCH each and every MUSALMAN, BEIMAN, SHAITAN, HAIWAN and then sentence them to severe punishment exactly as the KORAN commends for the KAFIRS.////// Some like Shabanas will be GANG RAPED in the open (like tens of thousands of our precious HINDU girls, full of youth, merit and promise, who could not escape the barbarians alive in 1947), some like "Guru" SYEDS will be BOILED ALIVE and then drowned wrapped in pig hide like Guru Arjun Dev ji, some KHAN children will be bricked up alive like the two little sons of Guru Gobind Singh ji, and some SALLAUDDINS will be chopped up LIMB BY LIMB like Banda Bairagi in Delhi, while some PASHAS will be BEHEADED in public like Guru Tegh Bahadur ji. /////// Our memory, too, is not weaker than the Mohammedan' who attacked New York and London, obeying the command of Koran that was given to the "Believers" 1400 years ago.////// Arrest warrants will be issued for Fifth Column spies and agents like ABDUL KALAM who are MOHAMMEDAN to the core but declare great love of Sanskrit and vegetarian food, and profess "loyalty" to the Land of HINDUS that emerged badly truncated and reduced after the MOHAMMEDANS took out five provinces on one day in 1947 to go their separate murderous ways to slaughter TWO MILLION Kafirs and Infidels who got trapped in ISLAMIC Pakistan. Abdul, who wants to raise a MUSLIM battalion in India has not accompanied even one Hindu refugee back to his home in Srinagar, nor helped recover a single Hindu girl abducted in Sindh, Kashmir and East Bengal. ////// NO MORE MAILS TO THIS ADDRESS WITH ANY MOHAMMEDAN NAME. But you are welcome to write again to this address AFTER Lahore and Delhi are brought under ONE FLAG defying the Will of Murderous Mohammed as they were until August 15, 1947.////// We are HINDUS, not BABOOS or "BABOONS".///// Would your "Guru" Sallauddin at once embrace the Hindu Faith and give himself another name? The title "Guru" like the surname "Gandhi" is only to catch the attention of the simpleton Hindus for some gain.////// You cannot call yourself by a MUSLIM name and then do good things for which HINDUS are known through centuries including giving you shelter in HINDUSTAN. Could you now tell us of a single Hindu Guru functioning in Bangladesh or Pakistan? We are HINDUS, not HIJDAS (any more). ////// KURUKSHETRA///// 1. To accept Mohammed's flag over LAHORE today is to see the same vulgarity and obscenity over DELHI tomorrow. ( 2. For secularism to be decent accepted in Delhi it has to be IMPOSED on Lahore. So we ought to notice the DESCENDING NOOSE around Hindustan and the Hindus' heads. ///////// ==========================////// Need urgently information about the following organization whose disabled performers are touring the US. Could someone please tell me more about this outfit...such as their leanings (seculat, Shabana Azmi type, etc)? ////// please note the guruji is by Guru (sic) Syed Sallauddin Pasha. Anything on him? (GURU, Sanskrit, AND MOHAMMEDAN SALLAUDDIN, Arabic? NEVER HEARD OF IT! ARE YOU FROM A BHARATIYA SECULAR "MONKEY" CIRCUS WHERE MOHAMMED IS GIVEN LAHORE BUT EMBRACED IN DELHI? DON'T TAKE THE WORLD AS FOOLS!) Thank you.///// 1. Name of organization: Amar Jyoti////// 2. Dr. Uma Tuli, Secretary General of National Abilympic Association of India (NAAI), ///// Here is what they do: ////// Jyoti Charitable Trust is pleased to introduce you to the “Colours of Ability�. One has to see to believe the unique performances like Ramayana on Wheels, Krishna the Blue God, Martial Arts and Durga – the Goddess of Power. These Glimpses from the Epics are Directed and Choreographed by Guru Syed Sallauddin Pasha. Guruji is widely acclaimed as the pioneer of Indian Therapeutic Theatre and is the Director of Ability Unlimited. He graduated as a Choreographer, and has worked as an international scholar at Cornell University, New York. In the last 15 years he has directed more than 80 Dance-Theatre productions for disabled persons of international acclaim around the world. ////// 000000000