Date: 6/6/2006
Re: R Singh's observations /////// Dear Ranganathan, The kind of government we have even 100 Supreme Courts can’t solve India’s problems of corruption and poor governance. In an ideal situation public is not required to complain or one complaint should be enough to solve the problem in hours. //////// Forget everything, just think of one line question, “Why cann’t India utilize Ganga waters in Ganga basin itself virtually inexpensively to produce 30 MT of food and export it to Southern states than transporting 50,000 MT water in Ganga Cauveri Link that may cost Rs.5,65,000 Crores?” /////// If government of this country can’t reply to this simple question for 30 years, then what’s wrong in labeling the government as “Incompetent”.//////// Had been Principal Secretary to the PM, all the thugs would have run away from Delhi and India. //////// Over 30 years of experience has taught me to be blunt. /////// V. Ranganathan, no one bothered about S.K. Dubey gentle and polite letter. /////// Most of my complaints are taken seriously. On BSES loot case in Mumbai, high ranking CBI officer collected the information from me. Tariff in Mumbai was reduced by 12% over 1997 or about Rs.300 crores roll back and BSES Mumbai, in 2004-05 sold 160 crore more units, spent Rs.325 crores less on purchase of electricity and still cash profit was Rs.916 crores. /////// My message was posted on websites, if no one could go and file a PIL in Mumbai, its our misfortune. I offered to even go to Mumbai in helping in filing if required. //////// MY JOB IS TO EDUCATE AND EMPOWER THE PEOPLE. ////// I can’t go and fight everywhere for 1150 million people. /////// Academics in India have completely failed in providing leadership in policy and development issues. IIT and IIM could have organized a seminar on River Link issue and passed a resolution “It is economically prudent to produce food in Ganga basin its and export 30 MT of it to South India than unviable and unfeasible 5,65,000 crores Ganga Cauvery Link”. /////// 90% of PIL you are talking of are not even required. /////// Important: I believe in “Prevention” than allowing the damage and looking for damage control after that. /////// Most of my writings come under “Prevention In Planning Stage” category that doesn’t need Judicial Intervention.//////// Even if 1% of academics and NGOs perform competently and honestly most of our problems shall disappear in thin air. /////// Ravinder Singh //////// "V Ranganathan" <ranga@IIMB.ERNET.IN> --------- I am an intermittant reader of Shri R. Singh's emails. The analytical positions he takes on a number of issues, are valuable and praiseworthy. I am particularly impressed by the fact that he does not divide the world into 'us' and 'they'; so, even organizations like SKDF which, after all was ostensibly fighting corruption, was not out of his critical analysis. However, I feel, that he blunts the power of his analysis by his vitriolic words like 'loot', incompetent so and so, etc. which may make people take him lightly. Also his 'PILs' are armchair and virtual PILs, just shooting off the internet with copies marked to all. Notwithstanding the power of internet, corruption is real and cannot be fought virtually! For PILs one has to move the courts, be heard by judges formally etc. Painful process, but no other route. He should team up with some action oriented person or outfit, and take this forward. My best wishes, V. Ranganathan.//////// IIM-BLR ////////000000000