Date: 6/23/2006


news: ////// Ground broken in Toronto for memorial to Air India victims Last Updated Fri, 23 Jun 2006 09:36:28 EDT////// CBC News /////// Ceremonies were scheduled across Canada on Friday to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the Air India bombing.///// =================///// We shall regard the Indian baboos in Canada more than "baboons" when they "break ground" to commemorate the TWO MILLION dead of 1947. /////// Since the murderers in 1947 were mostly MUSLIM, who swallowed up India's five provinces on one day and also occupied North Kashmir the following day, there will be NO commemoration of those victims due to TERROR OF ISLAM in Hindu bone marrow, but here since the suspicion falls on the Sikhs, the Indian MORONS will go on commemorating the dead every year and the news will be well published and broadcast to please the Dirty Dynasty back home that is ruling their Indian coolie colony since 1947. /////// There is another official commemoration that will take place every year: of RAJIV KHAN blown to bits on May 21, 1991. But there will never be a commemoration for the massacred and murdered Sikhs of 1980's.////// Perhaps the Sikhs ought to think of ourselves in better terms, LIKE THE PERSECUTED JEWS, and shed the cloak of "nishkam sewa" and start such commemoration ceremonies and not wait for sarkar, sonia and abdul kalam and their diplomats & despicable stooges abroad to point the way into our destiny and future. ////// Kindly forward this e-mail to CBC News whose journalists, editors and directors still think "INDIRA IS INDIA", and East Bengal must be sovereign and ISLAMIC with a seat at UNO but East Punjab must "lick" bogus Secularism and be ruled and fooled from Union Territory./////// amarinder singh//////// STAND UP for Khalistan because there is Pakistan! SPEAK UP for Sovereign East PUNJAB because East BENGAL is sovereign!////////000000000
