Date: 7/26/2006


One Lap Top Per Child!!! – Children Play With Real Mouse //////// Friends, This is the main topic of discussion on prominent groups. /////// But the real problem is 80% of our children of school age play with “Live Mouse”. They don’t have a football or tennis ball to play with. Their parents either unemployed or under paid – just Rs.20/12 for men and women in industrial Gujarat. /////// ¨ Presently only 5 million computers are sold in India when population of school and college going children is around 100 million and another 100 million gave up studies midway. /////// ¨ More than 50% households don’t have electric connection another 40% get very erratic power supply. /////// ¨ 90% of school/ college teachers and government officials don’t use computers. /////// ¨ 80% of the time children I know who have computers play computer and video games, watch movies and parents lock the computers 10 days before periodical exams and 30 days final exams. /////// ¨ Direct introduction of computers to children used to playing with live mouse will result in mishandling and physical damage rather improving any knowledge or skills. ////// ¨ Computers are essential for children who have learning aptitude and special inclination for math and science. 80% of our children from middle class and above need daily tuitions. Children who are artistically inclined and have little interest in science or math may learn other skills and better have paint and brush. ////// ¨ Most important India must not neglect sports that make children mentally and physically strong. (Doubling food production is covered elsewhere) /////// My Conclusions: -- /////// A] Children who have learning aptitude must get computers. ////// B] Children can share computers at schools and it is not essential to own one. Computer rooms with teachers may be working 8 AM to 8PM all seven days. //////// C] It is a foolish idea to hand over computers for learning word processing when children don’t have text books. Text books must be available on CD Roms. //////// Concluding Observations: -- //////// Over a $100 billion is wasted every year in India economy, the money good enough to provide best education to our children, electricity to all villages and towns, healthcare, R&D and knowledge promotion. ////////000000000
