Date: 21 Jul 2007
The freedom from British in 1947 is only symbolic.
The word government still continues. The two dime sarkari naukri
call themselves government servants. In fact they are paid
servants of public like your housemaid.
Only thing is she works for a few private citizens and this civil
servants work for all citizens.
This symbolic democracy is main cause of problem. Same rules and
procedures and foul attitude of supremacy, permanency and bleeding
of society by public servants (that includes President and
Ministers) continues shamelessly and arrogantly.
This needs to be changed immediately by people addressing the
civil servants as "karamchand /naukar and an SP as senior
because of all scoundrels have got together and same Britishers
made laws for babies continues , all have become naked and
fearless and busy looting each one helping other. Pratibha Patil
is one of them and is representative of Indian democratic filth
and degraded society. What President and prime Minister mean in
such societies? mere High cost pests. And perpetrators continuing
characterless conduct of public servants.
In emergency Sanjay Gandhi taught them their true worth. Fighting
India needs 5 years of dictatorship with well defined objective to
put all criminals in government behind bars and confiscating their
if hard decision is take, almost 1/3rd police officers will have
to be shot dead to cleanse the police from hardened, shameless and
arrogant corrupt crooks. They cant be reformed now.
President of India lives In a house that is foolish in present
context with huge costs .It is much more than even White House of
The President should move into a small house as per his needs and
use President house only as a museum cum office.
The 1000 strong police and army guards should be reduced to
100.With good training and automation that should be enough.
Judges are no less. They are equally arrogant, egoists and
corrupt. They are high handed too and main cause for delays in
justice .they blame lawyers but if they want everything can be
back on track in 2 years. Who has stopped them from doubling
number of judged in country?They don't want it.
Police has no investigating skills and thoroughly cheap and
corrupt guys with no manners to even talk. From where they get
this power to misbehave. Every one knows.
The government services must be made permanent only for 5 years
period each time. At very 5 year stage 25% people should be kicked
out. People for other walks of life with proven character and work
record should be hired on contract basis as collectors etc.
The service rules of all class I civil services should be tone
down and and their removal made easy on grounds of poor output,
misuse of public property, misbehaviour, negligence to duty and
call of citizen, corruption.
Indian civil servants right up to president should start behaving
and remain at their place-servants of people. They must be only
modestly paid and highly accountable to people. Only efficient,
well behaved and honest should be secure in jobs.
It should be made mandatory to reply to grievances and letters of
citizens to all class I officer in 30 days time. There is no need
for RTI Act which is a farce to fool people.
Citizens complaints and feedback should be put in each officer's
file, diligently processed and used for carry over the service to
next year, increment, promotions and discharge.
The Indian babus an administers should start behaving like common
citizens and humble servants.All lights of cars, security caravan
should be stopped immediately.
All major laws in india including constitution have to be changed
to update them, recast and make individula as centre of power and
main focus for consumption of all services and goods in
country.Judiciary,ministers and collector and SPs are mere their
servants and should be commneted upon such and made to be reprting
to Individual citizen.
People should stop praising judges,officials and ministres and
talk to them as any other citizens and servants.Refuse to obey
their misbehaviour an dmisconudt and stop paying taxes if money is
being wasted by these crooks.
India is not fit for democracy unless people take this now in
their hands and not retain in hand of scoundrels.
Pratibha or Sekhawat if have any self respect left, they should
quit.They know, no one likes them except a few polticial crooks in
country.They should rise high above self enjoy,ment ,illusory
power and comforts.India musyt seriously start serious
administrative an dpublic services reforms and eletroal laws.
Rest Great people of this country will take care.Crush corruption,
arrogance,misuse and misbehaviour.
Congress should stop acting over smart.They can't be smarter from
society they come from so is case with all IAS IPS officers.They
are naked and arrogant and not intelligent.They are shameless.No
citizen views thnem any better than that? cunningness and
shameless arrogance is not superiority or intelligence.It is
Comngress shoul;d stop trying to run cheap imitation of british
model still in the country after 60 years.they should feel ashamed
hiding and reallying behind a mascot of a middle class family of
Nehru trying to make them symbol of india.It is foolish.People
actually laugh.Thye are couintuing too much on emotionally fool
and illitereate lower class indians rather a bit too much.
is not it shame that even after 60 years these congressmen could
not find 20 people to run congress affairs and have to depend on a
foreign born ordinary half educated housewife?Thuis is India the
super power? cant be bigger mockery.Media should feel emabarassed
printing such nionsemnse that has no basis in a hungry,half naked
and corrupt country where total patents are not even 50.