Date: 22 Jul 2007
Those who cannot stand up, ARE FLATTENED like this: State of decomposing / dying HINDU nation: Can't even do pilgrimage IN OWN COUNTRY in peace:
At least the condition of 3 is serious, our jehadi hugging hijra Peeeee M is in deep slumber, probably like rest of the Hindooos.
15 Amarnath pilgrims injured in blast
Saturday July 21, 02:56 PM
Srinagar, July 21 (IANS) At least 15 Amarnath pilgrims were injured, three seriously, in a powerful grenade explosion Saturday at Pahalgam, a base camp of the annual pilgrimage in south Kashmir.
Police said militants exploded a hand grenade inside the Pahalgam gurdwara, injuring 15 people bound for the cave shrine in the Himalayas. The gurdwara is a gathering point for pilgrims en-route to the shrine.
'All the injured were taken to Pahalgam hospital and doctors said the condition of three was serious,' a police official said.
'The area around the blast site has been thoroughly searched by security forces,' he said.
No group has yet claimed responsibility for the explosion, which takes place a day after Srinagar was rocked by six powerful grenade blasts.
This is the second attack in the past week on the pilgrimage that started here June 30.
Earlier this week, one person was killed and 10 injured in a grenade attack at the north Kashmir Baltal base camp of the Amarnath yatra.
The POLITICAL atmosphere in PRE-PARTITION India resembled that in the UNITED KINGDOM today. There were loud signs that the MUSLIM MINORITY was restive, disruptive and destructive.
With hindsight of one thousand years the government of the day (Labourite under Prime Minister Clement Attlee, the predecessor of Tony Blair in his political correctness) had three courses open to them: (1) Crush the fundamentalist elements among the Muslims, imparting an UNFORGETTABLE lesson (like the crushing defeat of Axis Powers in 1945), (2) Ban the source of Islamic zealotry and Jehad, KORAN that preaches liquidation of Infidels and "non believers", glorifying the rewards in heaven, and (3) Set aside treacherous political correctness and call a spade a spade, thereby raising the awareness of the nation, instead of going on and on with the nonsense of ISLAM BEING A RELIGION OF PEACE.
The result was the deadly Muslim onslaught on the integrity of United India that left the ancient land broken up into three ugly fragments, forcing tens of millions to flee their ancestral homes. The sudden but powerful "eruption of Islamic volcano" in India scattered her citizens far and wide across the globe.
Has post partition India learnt a lesson? NO. The fragment in the middle that still calls itself "India" continued with her policy of Muslim appeasement and substituted the word PARTITION by INDEPENDENCE. What a grand cover up! Partition was inflicted by her indigenous MUSLIMS who also stayed put despite Partition, while Independence was gained from the British who decently packed their luggage and left.
Bending deep before Islamic terror, India today has a MUSLIM in the chair of SUPREME COMMANDER and PRESIDENT. He is ABDUL KALAM, a PAKISTANI as defined by Act of Partition of India, 1947.
Most British people have no idea as to who the Pakistanis are. So let us look at the Siege of Red Mosque that is going on, at the time of writing, in RAWALPINDI. It is appropriately the 60th anniversary of BLOODSHED of a different kind.
60th anniversary.
Pakistani army is now carrying out an operation to flush out terrorists in LAL MASJID (Red Mosque) in Rawalpindi. Scores are already dead and wounded. There are women and children inside who have sworn to die rather than surrender to authorities. This is the MILITANT side of ISLAM, the so-called religion of peace.
Ironically, it is the same city where my grandfather and other relatives used to live. They were prosperous and had beautiful houses in Mohalla Anand Pura in Gawal Mandi. But that Anandpura was destined to be drowned in the blood of innocent Hindus and Sikhs when fanatic Muslims destroyed the peace of city and carried out complete ethnic cleansing of villages around Rawalpindi. The scale of Hindu massacre can be guessed from the fact that 80 relatives of the Sikh Akali leader, Master Tara Singh were butchered in the most brutal manner by the Muslims who were expecting Pakistan to be born within a few weeks’ time. Countless women and girls were abducted and raped, their fathers and brothers killed in front of their eyes.
The Rawalpindi massacre was carried out by fanatics of ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE who earlier, in August 1946, carried out similar massacre of Hindus in the Noakhali District of Bengal in order to give FORCE to their demand for separate homeland for the INDIAN Muslims, to be called Pakistan.
When our leaders like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma MK Gandhi saw the naked SWORD OF ISLAM dripping with blood, they consented to signing the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of five provinces. Government of India, that has been under ONE PARTY since then, has suppressed the facts behind Partition by merely calling it “Independence” from the British rulers.
The force and fury created and generated at that time did not confine itself to the borders of Pakistan but SPILLED out and OVERFLOWED into Kashmir. Within weeks of celebrating Independence the State of Pakistan launched an invasion that wiped out the Hindus and Sikhs in North Kashmir. The fate of minorities in towns like Gulmarg and Muzaffarabad ought to be recalled and brought to the notice of modern generation of Indians.
The naked fury and force of ISLAM that is visible today in Rawalpindi would have been directed towards the rest of India and Kashmir had the Allied not constrained General Musharraf and the Pakistan Armed Forces.
July 10, 2007.