Date: 14 Aug 2007
Where do the people CELEBRATE the death or MUTILATION of their own country?
AUGUST 14, 2007.
Here is the news: The Queen and Prime Minister Gordon Brown have sent congratulations to Pakistan on the anniversary of Partition.
That was the reward for Muslim treason, murder, ethnic cleansing, mass abduction, rape, loot, plunder and destruction at the Partition of India, a telegram of Congratulations from the Queen and the same government under LABOUR PARTY that betrayed India itself in 1947.
What happened in 1947?
Just as the British were about to leave their slave colony, the Mohammedan "BULL", ever sexually excited, and in "mounting mood", noticed the Hindu cow ready and willing, INVITING rape.
British (absolute) RULERS relished the spectacle and readily obliged.
Lord Louis Mountbatten, the last Viceroy (who met with inglorious, ignominious and VIOLENT END himself in Irish waters) with all the imperial pomp, glory, power and FORCE at his command, had the wretched DEFENCELESS female slave called INDIA stripped naked and PINNED DOWN on bare earth.
"Rapist" Mohammed (Ali JINN-ah) could not have been quicker and faster in going ahead.
There was not a warrior Rajput, Maratha, Jat, Gurkha or Sikh in sight- time and opportunity were unique for the FATHER OF ALL JEHADS.
The result was the ILLEGITIMATE baby born, called PAKISTAN.
It was born neither as a result of referendum nor of total exchange of populations, nor even ANY set of rules or conditions.
At this still birth the mother DIED but before her burial her torso was mutilated to throw a leg here, West Pakistan, and an arm there, East Pakistan, with the bleeding torso left for the vultures.
Green ISLAMIC vultures flew down from all directions and sides of the fallen victim and were quick to slaughter, maim and rape close to TWO MILLION innocent citizens of that erstwhile United India, or the AKHAND BHARAT of the wailing old funk Mahatma called MK Gandhi.
Nehru, the Uncle of Hindus, and the new prime minister of the TORSO that was SHAMELESSLY called "India" once again, signed the UNCONDITIONAL surrender of his country just as two years earlier Admiral DOENITZ of Germany and Emperor Hirohito of Japan had signed their own UNCONDITIONAL surrenders before the victorious Allies.
By the way, WORLD WAR 2 had been fought and won for the right of citizens to speak up instead of just their dictators. It had also been fought for DEMOCRACY, not ISLAMIC THEOCRACY but Secularism, not ISLAMIC TYRANNY under the newly enacted and enforced ISLAMIC Constitution over the most liberal and secular city in South Asia called LAHORE.
"There must be SOME conditions before Nehru and Gandhi agreed to PARTITION. What were they?" insisted the post partition patriot.
Yes, there were, if you INSIST. But these conditions were dictated by the MUSLIMS, and RAMMED DOWN the throats of Hindu leaders who were all BARRISTERS AT LAW from London.
Here they are, if you are brave enough to KNOW:
1. We shall cut and chop all those areas and regions of India where Muslims are more than 51% of population.
2. We shall then encourage, or ignore, the total extermination or degradation of the Hindus and Sikhs trapped in our newly created Islamic Republic.
3. Under our ISLAMIC Constitution, a Hindu will be a "DOG", a slave or coolie, delivered to the same fate as the JEWS in Nazi Germany, while any Muslim, even a road sweeper, will feel proud and superior to "The (inferior) Rest".
4. You HINDUS in your HINDUSTAN, shall call it Bharat or India if you like, and will not touch the whiskers of any Muslim but go secular and treat us MORE THAN EQUAL.
None of you will ever speak of expulsion of the treacherous Muslims or of their internment as the Americans did to the Japanese citizens when they went to war against Hitler.
Whenever possible, you will have MUSLIM governors, ministers, PRESIDENTS, Counsellors, advisers, broadcasters, and even Supreme Commanders.
While lying very low, you will raise the FOREIGNERS, especially the Italians, over your heads once again. Not one of your prime ministers will ever say, "BROWN IS BEAUTIFUL". They will PERPETUATE the superiority of the White race over the ("Be-waqoof"/damn fool) Brown.
5. Any part of your secular republic that our Warriors, Ghazis and Mujahids conquer or occupy, will belong to us in perpetuity.
Having dictated such a devastating "PANCH SHEEL" (Five Conditions of Partition) INDIAN MUSLIM leaders then ordered the defeated Hindus (and Sikhs) to
(1) CELEBRATE the DARKEST DAY OF HISTORY by calling it "Independence Day", and
(2) never to be INSPIRED by the Jews who have set up HOLOCAUST MUSEUMS everywhere to commemorate their dead.
"You will regard your own dead as the vermin and insects, NOT WORTH RECALLING or REMEMBERING at State level."
INDIAN MUSLIMS, who were given the choice of either moving out to Pakistan or STAYING BACK in India, then TERRORISED the Hindu nation to such an extent that one cannot see any sign of Partition ON GROUND in India except in the BLEEDING HEARTS of the survivors or those who lost their property and women and girls to the ISLAMIC BEASTS in human form.
Your Majesty, the ministers who drafted and sent congratulations on your behalf delivered cruel INSULT to the victims and survivors of that GREAT HOLOCAUST on earth.
Today a mighty new GLOBAL surge is taking place. While the Muslim Fundamentalist Separatist BEAST is being checked and contained in Middle East, its FURY is turning towards the soft Partitioned Indian Secular State (P.I.S.S.).
Under its huge crushing weight and force, the remaining Hindu defences are crumbling fast. Simply see the KEY POSTS AT THE TOP in P.I.S.S. that the Hindus have willingly and voluntarily CONCEDED to their sworn ENEMIES who had delivered such a LETHAL blow to India in 1947.
For many a key post, including that of the President of Republic, a most highly qualified and most eligible Hindu is ignored or set aside in order to put a MOHAMMEDAN in the chair in order to look secular.
Lack of conviction, self esteem and pride are proverbial in an average Hindu due to relentless and non stop CONDITIONING, BRAINWASHING and INTIMIDATION in the last SIX DECADES.
There is NO consideration for the Hindus being bashed or beaten in foreign lands, including UGANDA and FIJI, not even closer at home in North Kashmir, West Punjab or East Bengal (now BOGUS-DESH in reality).
Muslims are a volatile and restless minority everywhere, and through their collective sense of INFERIORITY, INSECURITY and WEAKNESS, that are imbibed through their implicit unquestioning Belief in Koran, they are better united and organised for attack and counter attack against the MAJORITY communities, especially the HINDUS who are regarded RED RAG by the Islamic Bull.
Anyone seeking proof need look no further than SRINAGAR in South Kashmir, once a tourists PARADISE. Tourists have totally gone from there.
And what a gall, nerve, cheek and audacity of HOME GROWN Muslims to deliver lethal blows right in New York, Madrid and London!
Hindus from Srinagar are REFUGEES in their own country. Neither "MOTHER OF NATION", SONIA KHAN (Indira husband and Rajiv's father Feroze KHAN, a Sunni Muslim of Allahabad, became a "Gandhi" in order to deceive the Hindu voters of Nehru's constituency, and the entire world), nor "FATHER OF NATION", ABDUL KALAM, have ever taken them back with MILITARY ESCORT to their own homes.
What about bringing in more Hindus and Sikhs to settle down in South Kashmir in order to raise their number just above 51%, or issuing them all with AK47 rifles for their self defence and protection?
Oh! YOU MUST BE A MONKEY or a COW with such an idea of the HINDUS RETURNING TO THEIR HOMES or to be issued with weapons for self defence.
Such a "Right to Return" is reserved only for the PALESTINIANS and the KOSOVAN Albanians and the Turks, OR ANYONE WHO IS A MUSLIM.
For further information on PARTITION, seek out a survivor from Lahore or Karachi, and after giving him a good beating, ask him to TELL THE TRUTH about PARTITION and the MANNER OF HIS OWN LUCKY ESCAPE.
Please start with stalwarts like IK Gujral, Khushwant Singh and Kuldip Nayar. Why have they not done a thing to write up ONE official volume on Partition as compared to NINE on the "Funk of Failures" called Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who "DIED" WHEN INDIA NEEDED HIM.
The only TRUE patriot in that year of doom was NATHU RAM GODSE who felt the pain of Mother India and ACTED.
When will the Hindus become MANLY enough to replace each and every statue of MK Gandhi by that of GODSE?
Oh yes, when will any proud Gujerati consider himself at par with the soveriegn Czech or Estonian to dream of a seat for his State at United Nations?
When will a Tamil or a Keralite consider himself no less than an Italian to see the flag of his own State flying at United Nations in New York?
Till then, the Hindu, ONE OF ONE BILLION on earth, be he a millionaire, professor, doctor or scholar, will be a "defeated ass" and celebrate the BOGUS independence of his India alongside the MUSLIMS who will celebrate the GENUINE independenmce of their newly carved and created PAKISTAN, conquered with utmost ease.
One third of India vanished overnight from the map of country, and NONE NOTICED the horrendous HIGH TREASON, the AGGRESSION and the SURRENDER.
Now see the (once grand province of) PUNJAB and shed a tear for her FIVE rivers. Nature blessed her with immense wealth and fortune like no other land on earth but her treacherous sons, now "demolished slaves" under their British masters, rose against her and did their damned UTMOST to destroy her wealth.
At least THREE rivers are under the provocative, OBSCENE and ALIEN Arabic flag and the suffocating spell and Jehadi zeal of "Allah Hu Akbar" that is neither Punjabi nor Hindi nor Sanskrit- NOR NATIVE.
In that State great divine scriptures like the Vedas and the Gita were composed centuries ago, and later the SIKH Gurus tried to build a bridge between the Hindus and the Muslims.
In 1947 that (Sikh) bridge suffered the SAME fate as the World Trade Centre Towers in New York, and the two ancient Buddha statues near Bamyan in Afghanistan- and by the SAME "Believers" in their Allah's lethal ideology.
Your President (Abdul Kalam) is a PAKISTANI as per ACT OF PARTITION OF INDIA, 1947, that divided India into two parts, one for the Muslims (ALL THE MUSLIMS IN INDIA), and the other for "The (demolished and defeated) Rest".
Your "Rashtramata" (Mother of Nation). Sonia Khan, did not grow up in a coolie colony but sovereign Italy. She is a patriot at heart who must put her own land of birth, Italy, miles above India.
The first drop of milk that went into her mouth was from her ITALIAN mother and later from the ITALIAN cows. The first words that were spoken into her ears after her birth were from The Bible, not from Gita or Granth.
Rajiv, the inferiority complex ridden demolished son of (an equally despicable, inscrupulous and ruthlessly autocratic Prime Minister) Indira "Gandhi", lacked self esteem and pride in himself and his land of birth, India.
He put his head at au pair Sonia's feet and swore to her to follow her like a poodle. He. at the same time, placed the dignity of each and every NATIVE (Hindu) female at the feet of his Sonia, thus confirming the INFERIORITY OF INDIAN WOMANHOOD for ever. Could the Son of a Bi*** himself then declare "BROWN IS BEAUTIFUL"?
Go and drink a glass of red wine. Consider it to be the blood of one of your own ANCESTORS who shed it in Noakhali in August 1946 or in Rawalpindi in August 1947.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The attack on India's integrity (unity) in 1947 has yet to revolve back in order to HIT THE TREACHEROUS "INDIAN" MUSLIMS, who have never uttered the words "AKHAND BHARAT" (United India), really hard.
Institute of Hindu IDEOLOGY.
August 14, 2007.