Date: 14 Aug 2007



Sare jahan se acha Hindustan humara….
The 60th anniversary of our hard earned Independence is calling out fro freedom! 

15 August, 1947 when we Indians broke free from the clutches of 
British rule but as time passed another clutches had overpowered us ….the distinct powers of money, status, intimidation, red tapism that rules us Indians NOW!!!

We come across such phenomena's in our day to day lives. Often the working class is seen complaining of the dirty politics in their organisation. 

Politics is now synonymous to the word corruption or red- tapism. 
Whereas, its real meaning refers to the Constitutional aspect, in 
regard to which we select our representatives who govern us and our country. This phenomenon is not negative but the word `politics' refers to something unpleasant as per a layman's perspective.

Rohit Sharma, a ICICI bank manager says, "To survive in this world one must know the tact of Politics!"

Politics is focused on self gain or hatched conspiracy rather than working of the Government. Politics is no more a phenomena but a profession.

Ramakant Goswami, a MLA on being asked what comes to your mind on 
hearing the word politics, he opines, "It is the foundation of our system. Its not everybody's cup of tea."

India is free but merely namesake. Its spirit is in want of freedom from the prevailing evils that rule every heart and hand.

Red tapism and corruption runs as blood in the very veins of each 
man, yet nobody wants to make a difference. It is such an acquainted trend now, that people don't hesitate in selling their soul to the devil!!!

What good is this freedom which bows down to the power of money, 
stature, intimidation or red tapism? What good was the sacrifice and struggle of our freedom fighters who did not even hesitate to 
sacrifice their lives for the nation?

We flourished in the arena of Technology, excelled the art of living but in this process we lost our HUMANITY! Humanism hovers itself somewhere not known to the boundaries of common man.

Though Independence Day is celebrated with a lot of zeal and pride, the Prime Minister hoists the flag at the Red Fort, but the essence of independence has lost its savor and fervor! 

People of today are more professional and merely enjoy a day's off rather than enjoying Freedom! It is solely a kite vendor's day where their sales outnumber all boundaries!

Sameer Kumar, a serviceman opines, "I celebrate I- day by flying 
kites with my son."

For the youth too, it is day to fly kites. They might not know the tale of our Independence but know how to fly kites.

Up high in the sky, the freely gliding kites symbolizes our freedom, but when the thread cuts, the kite withers away, the same way, let not our Freedom wither in the influence of such evils of corruption, power, money, intimidation or in the end we would also be like the sad child who lost his kite!!!