Date: 18 Aug 2007
esday, August 14, 2007
From: Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi
Sent to
Subject: RE: [hindu_mahasabha] WHERE ARE HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES ??
Dear moderator,
Your question: Where are Arundhati Roy, Romilla Thappar, Teesta Setalvad, Ram Puniyani, Yoginder Sikand, Kuldip Nayyar, Dinesh D’Souza, Asghar Ali Engineer, Praful Bidwai, Biju Matthew John Dayal …human rights advocates?
The answer is simple. They are busy in celebrating 15 August 1947, viz. the day of rape of their women, hounding them out of their motherland, transfer of right upon their motherland to Christians & Muslims, vivisection of their motherland and plunder of their ancestral properties by secular & peace loving Muslims on the command of their dreaded satan Allah, on the instance of pimp Mountbatten, who delivered his wife Advina to Jawahar Lal Nehru in lieu of cheating Aryans.
Salient features of this 15th August 2007.
The puppet of Antonia, the pick-pocket and refugee PM, Manmohan would unfurl tricolour flag from the pulpit of Lal Qila. He would not tell the reader as to how his ancestral house, land, factories, businesses and assets were plundered by the followers of Satan Allah? How, like an eunuch, abusing his Khalsa faith, he escaped from his motherland? How many women of his family and relatives were raped by secular & minority Muslims, to whom he has delivered all the resources including his women, on the commands of their Allah? He would not tell the reader as to why not he settled in any secular Muslim or Christian country. He would not tell you as to why is he residing in the country of communal Aryans?
Tell me, where is freedom?
Election is fraud. No voter can change Articles 29(1) & 39(c) and no voter can claim restoration of Article 31 of the Indian Constitution. Thus, one votes to decide as to who would plunder one? Whether Atal or Mulayam or Laloo or Antonia Maino? One accepts through electoral process that every Muslim and Christian shall retain right to convert, rape women of alien faith, plunder and murder aliens. Still then, Muslims & Christians would remain nationalist, merciful, and secular! At the top, we have thief of Aamer Fort booty commanded by Jesus to slay us & now the so-called free fair election gave us another thief of Taj corridor Mayavati. Do you not feel that your enemies are perching on top post to eradicate you with the help of your own people? Would you allow them to kill you, rape your women & eradicate your Vedic culture?
The fruits of dreaded democracy
The nation has an imported super PM Antonia, who is thief of Aamer Fort Treasury. She has been commanded by bastard & ghost Jesus to slay the reader. This is divine command. The command has absolute and unfettered fundamental right of the dreaded predator Indian Constitution vide Article 29(1). The excuse is quite simple. The reader is not ruled by Jesus. One may read this divine command in Bible, Luke, Chapter 19 Verse 27, “But those enemies of mine, who did not want me to be king over them, bring them here and kill them in front of me.”
The another puppet of Antonia is 'Pratibha' the President of India. On July 25, 2007, by marrying Bharat Mata, she heralded lesbian marriage in India. She is financial racketeer and is still shielding her criminal murderer brother & husband. She has taken oath to defend the very predator, pirate & killer Indian Constitution.
There is judiciary in dreaded democracy. Judiciary has held Koran & Bible religious books. No court can sit in to judgment against these books. (Chandmal Chopra v State of West Bengal AIR 1986 CALCUTTA 104; 1986 Cr.L.J. 182). Armed with the section 196 of Criminal Procedure Code that restrains citizens, police and judges from taking any action against Azan & Namaz u/s 153 & 295 of the Indian Penal Code, President & Governors are deliberately protecting assassins, robbers and rapists to eradicate Human race as such are culprit punishable u/s 108 of the Indian Penal Code. Police cannot arrest Muslim Imam who shouts Azaan and thus insults Ishwar and Vedic culture. No judge can take cognizance against Azaan, Koran & Bible under the very section 196. No Police can be prosecuted under the section 197 CrPC.
Tell me, how would you survive? (Koran 9:5; 33:61 etc) & (Bible, Luke 19:27). How would women save their chastity? (Koran 23:6) & (Bible, Isaiah 13:16).
Who would stop Pratibha & Antonia Maino from inflicting doom?
Death is hovering upon your head & rape of woman is imminent. Who would stop Pratibha & Antonia Maino from inflicting doom?
Whether religion? Their religions give them salvation in lieu of our genocide. (Koran 8:39) & (Bible, Luke 19:27).
Whether the society? She has voted Antonia Maino to rule! Now, U.P. has yet another thief of Taj corridor voted as CM. That is Government of, for & by the people! How great?
Whether the police? She is duty bound to protect Antonia Maino, the thief of Aamer Treasury commanded by Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king!!
Whether the judge? The judge has taken oath of faith & allegiance to uphold the Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution & law fabricated by Antonia Maino and Congress of Christians!!!
In Democracy, the President & Governors have to take oath to protect and defend the Indian Constitution and laws. The Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution stipulates that the both would help conserve the cultures of Muslims & Christians.
We, Aryans, are non-believing people. Commander-in-Chief of army & President Pratibha, a puppet of Antonia has taken oath to defend the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution. She has support of cow & man-eater thief Antonia Maino, another agent of Putanaa culture & Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution.
So long as the Indian Constitution, Koran & Bible survive, human race cannot survive. You are left without any forum to even to complain.
The blight of human race is imminent. One has lost one's acumen. Tulsidas writes in Ram Charit Manas, Lanka Kand, 36:7-8, "Kaal Dand gahi kahu n mara. Hara`i Dharm, bal, buddhi vichara. Nikat kal jehi aavat sai`n. tehi bhram ho`i tumharihi nai'n."
Meaning: Death does not kill by a stick. It snatches Dharm, strength, intelect & acumen. He, whose death is near; is confused like you.
Eradication of human race is imminent. Human race has lost wisdom. A Government that extorts taxes over 17% of the produce is extortionist.
A religion that snatches freedom of worship cannot be secular.
The words, "Public Interest" & "Social Justice" are weapons to usurp the belongings of the haves. The end payers of corporate tax, VAT and even Income tax are poor people. The industrialists and traders are being being blackmailed to loot the poor and pass the booty to the dreaded democratic Governments.
If one says that the tax is used for the welfare of poor, one is patently wrong. Bofor Chor Rajiv Gandhi, the so-called Mr. clean, had already told the nation in 1985 that 85% money of exchequer was being siphoned off by the intermediaries during his tenure.
Now the position has further deteriorated. Look! Poor Jehovah has no share in booty. Poor Allah takes 20% only. (Koran 8:41).
However, Pratibha and thief Antonia Maino and their servants gallop 85% of the exchequer as per the admission of the ex PM of this dreaded Democracy!
Right of private defence provided vide Sections 102 & 105 of the Indian Penal Code is being denied by the Presidents & the State Governors, who are armed with Sections 196 & 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Judiciary has held Koran & Bible religious books.
No court can sit in to judgment against these books. (Chandmal Chopra v State of West Bengal AIR 1986 CALCUTTA 104; 1986 Cr.L.J. 182). Armed with the section 196 of Criminal Procedure Code that restrains citizens, police and judges from taking any action against Azan & Namaz u/s 153 & 295 of the Indian Penal Code,
President & Governors are deliberately protecting assassins, robbers and rapists to eradicate Human race as such are culprits punishable u/s 108 of the Indian Penal Code. Police THAT cannot arrest Muslim Imam, who shouts Azaan and thus insults Ishwar and Vedic culture, are deputed to protect Muslims, who abuse non-Muslim faiths & incite communal violence. No judge can take cognizance against Azaan, Koran & Bible under the very section 196. No Police can be prosecuted under the section 197.
While Muslims & Christians are armed with draconian Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution to eradicate Vedic culture, President Pratibha, Governors, & District Magistrates have been armed with sections 196 & 197 to protect Muslims & Christians with incentive to usurp the belongings of the haves under Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution.
The fundamental Right to Property provided vide Article 31 of the Indian Constitution could not be snatched even by the Britons and the Constitution Committee. This Article 31 was amended by the dacoit Parliamentarians and upheld by the apex Court. Now the Article has been omitted from the Constitution since 20.06.1979.
The Media, the fourth pillar of dreaded predator & pirate Democracy never told you these facts since 1947. Does the reader know why?
Mr. John Swinton on “FREEDOM OF PRESS”
“A couple of centuries back, Press was supposed to be the FOURTH pillar of the State, the other three pillars being; Legislature, Executives and the Judiciary.
"The honesty and integrity of the Press have been on the decline. Finally, "Mr. John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff of the New York Times addressing the New York Press club admitted in 1953, as follows:
“There is no such thing as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you, who dare to write your honest opinion. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with.
“Any of you, who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions, would be out on the streets looking for another job… The business of the journalist is to destroy truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; … We are tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes… WE ARE INTELLECTUAL PROSTITUTES”. Let us not lament at the dishonesty we see in our Indian press, in fact, in reporting on India in the foreign press as well. In India, everything is cheaper than in Europe and USA, including the Press Prostitutes.”
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship
Who says that there is liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship? I have been in police lockups & judicial custody for 49 times for expressing truth on NCT Government's sanction u/s 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
Muslims' Islam has divided humanity between Momins & Kafirs and territories between Dar-Ul-Herb & Dar-Ul-Islam. Slay or convert Kafirs into Momins and convert Dar-Ul-Herb into Dar-Ul-Islam is Jihad. (Koran 8:39).
Jihad is divine command & sure path to heavenly brothel.
Similarly, Christians' Jesus commands his sheep Christians' to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king. (Bible, Luke 19:27). Exercise your liberty of thought & go to jail. Pratibha & her Governors, armed with sections 196 & 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code, have taken oath to defend Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution & thus, they have been deputed to protect killers of human race.
I have got demolished Babri structure. Nay! I have submitted 6 affidavits in courts that I alone must be tried as others are telling through affidavits that they are innocents.
Azan & Namaz are insults to our Ishwar. Azan & Namaz incite communal hatred between Muslims & Non-Muslims on the basis of religion and is offence vide section 153 & 295 of the Indian Penal Code. I have been discharged after trial in FIR No. 110/2001 for opposing Azan & Namaz in mosques by ASJ Ld. Shri Rajiv Mehra of Tis Hazari Courts Delhi on February 26, 2005. The case is available for perusal in my blog
http://aaryavrt. blogspot.com/2007/04/judgment-on-azaan.html.
When I asked for protection u/s 99 of the Indian Penal Code and arrest of PO & ISI agent Abdullah Bukhari, while I was sent in Jail and trial against me is going on vide FIR 10/2001 PS NIA, the LG Vijaya Kapoor, prayed judiciary for withdrawal of Wazookhana case against Bukhari. The MM M.S. Rohilla, who dared to issue NBW against Bukhari, resigned! Delhi High court fraudulently rejected PIL & my 2 Writs(Crl) 1410/2003 & 150/2004 against Bukhari.
An appeal with human race
Human race is on the brink of eradication. No one would survive unless Bible, Koran & the Indian Constitution are burnt. Help Aryavrt Government revive moral values. Help Aryavrt Government to arrest Antonia & Pratibha so that human race could be protected.
Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi (Press Secretary),
Aryavrt Government,
77-Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: 9868324025: Email; aryavrt39@gmail.com
From: hindu_mahasabha@yahoogroups.com [mailto:hindu_mahasabha@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of EagleSM23Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 1:36 AMTo: eaglesm23@yahoo.comSubject: [hindu_mahasabha] WHERE'RE HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES ??
http://indiaview.wordpress.com/2007/08/10/wherere-human-rights-advocatesWhere’re Human Rights Advocates?Where are Arundhati Roy, Romilla Thappar, TeestaSetalvad, Ram Puniyani, Yoginder Sikand, KuldipNayyar, Dinesh D’Souza, Asghar Ali Engineer, PrafulBidwai, Biju Matthew John Dayal …human rightsadvocates?
And how about “mother of all human rights advocates”: Sonia Gandhi? Why is she quiet? Is she thinking about words to say which can be called“politically correct”?
All of these so-called advocates speak only to degrade Hindus? Why don’t they speak against these Islamic barbarians who want to behead Taslima?
All of these so-called human rightsadvocates are nothing but advocates of anti-Hinduism. When it comes to speak against Muslims or Christians,they are mute.
They wanted movie Parzania and M.F.Hussain’s paintings to be shown because it is against freedom of expression to ban these. But they wanted to ban DaVinci Code and Danish comics of Muhammad. Is that not against freedom of expression? Why have double standards?
http://sify.com/news/full story.php?id=14508337MIM threatens to behead Taslima Friday, 10 August , 2007 Hydrabad: The Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM),whose legislators and cadres attacked Taslima Nasreenin Hyderabad, on Friday threatened to behead the Bangladeshi author if she ever sets her foot in the city again.
MIM leader in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly Akbaruddin Owaisi said that anyone who commits blasphemy deserved to be beheaded. “Muslims are proud of what our legislators and workers have done because we can never tolerate any insult to Prophet Mohammed,” said Akbaruddin, whose party has five legislators in 294-member Assembly, told reporters.
“If she comes to the city again we will kill her,” added Muqtada Afasr Khan, one of the three MIM legislators who attacked the writer at a book release function at the Press Club.
Nasreen, who lives in exile in Kolkata following death threats from Muslim extremist groups in Bangladesh,was saved by journalists and organisers of the event who later escorted her to the airport.
The three MIM legislators and 15 others arrested and charged with rioting, trespass, criminal intimidation, causing hurt and unlawful assembly were released on bail late Thursday. A large number of party workers greeted them with garlands. They also got a pat on their back from MIM president and former MP SultanSalahuddin Owaisi. “Our partymen deserved a pat on their back for what they have done. I feel we should have done more.”
Adding a fresh twist, MIM’s rivals allege that theparty allowed the writer to escape unhurt andsabotaged their plan to kill her. “It was a sabotage of our plans to kill Taslima,” said Majlis BachaoTehreek (MBT) leader Majeedullah Khan Farhat. He claimed that his party activists were waiting outside the Press Club to attack her.
“We did not want to attack her in Press Club as this could have caused harm to innocents,” he said. The journalists’ union has urged Speaker K R Suresh Reddy to disqualify the three legislators involved in the attack and is seeking stern action against the culprits who also damaged property of the Press Club.
The government has drawn flak from journalists, writers and women’s organisations for not booking attempt to murder cases against the legislators.
Home Minister K Jana Reddy said he would look into the issue. Jana Reddy said police had no prior information about Taslima’s visit.
“Had the organisers informed police about her visit they would have made proper security arrangements.”Nasreen first went into hiding in 1994, following the publication of her first book “Lajja”, and then fled Bangladesh with support from international human rights organisations like PEN and Amnesty International. She was given asylum in Sweden. Since then she has lived in Germany, France, the US and later Kolkata in India, where she got a tourist visa though her requests for citizenship have been repeatedly turned down by the Indian government.
Also read related articles below:On Tasleema Nasreen — by Choudhary Mohammad Naim The myth and truth of Godhra Ayodhya and After - K. ElstIs Secularism: A fraud?Taslima issue exposes politicians’ hypocrisy Courtesy: