Date: 05 Sep 2007




You are wide awake.
You are courageous.
You are on course.

You are inspiring those breathing under the terror of Islam, especially in countries as large and populous as Partitioned India that ought to have known Islam better. 

It's a great pity that the "enlightened" West, especially the countries in Europe, needed slaughter of own citizens, as seen in London and Madrid, to wake up to the Islamic threat at home.

The most horribe consequence of being defeated by Islam is that the defeated start "licking" Islam. 

India's last President was a MOHAMMEDAN who ought to have been interned or expelled to Pakistan simply in view of Partition of India in 1947. 

In that year the INDIGENOUS (home grown) Muslims not only took away one third of territory of India but also slaughtered two million fellow citizens and forced some 15 million out of their homes.

We hope the United States will never see such humiliation of spirit, followed quickly by demoralisation, and ultimately, physical slavery.

Action now will save the world from being drowned under ISLAMIC TSUNAMI that is advancing from abroad and from within.

Today, 5 September 2007, Germany had the taste of HOME GROWN terrorists who wanted to blow up Frankfurt am Main Airport and American interests as well.

We are working with Congressmen McCotter and Saxton on two major and vital briefings to take place on Monday, September 10th, on Capitol Hill. The first briefing will be to the Military and National Security key staff; the second will be a dinner presentation to Members of the House.

I will be addressing key staff and Members of Congress about the threat of Islamofascism to world peace and America's national security. I will discuss the terrorist infiltration of our society using our borders, operating in mosques, infiltrating our universities and using our laws against us. I will focus on the strategy on Iraq and Iran and the consequences of any decisions we make in Iraq, pros and cons. I will give recommendations regarding America's foreign policy, and steps our elected officials can take to insure America and Americans are protected.

This congressional meeting is organized and planned prior to General Petraeus's address to Congress to insure that all members understand the gravity of the threat and the consequences of our actions and their votes.

Congressman McCotter is the Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee. He is also a Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and House Budget Committee. As a Member of the House International Relations Committee, McCotter is helping to shape America’s foreign policies that will ensure our security and foster the spread of democracy. He serves on the International Relations Subcommittees on Europe and the Middle East and Central Asia.

Congressman Saxton is the ranking Republican on the Joint Economic Committee. He is also a Member of the Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee. As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, Saxton is the founder and senior member of the Terrorism Unconventional Threats and Capabilities subcommittee. He has sponsored resolutions urging the EU to declare Hezbollah as a Terrorist organization. Congressman Saxton understands the threat of terrorism and is helping to make Congress aware of the nature of this enemy.

The House policy committee is made up of close to 100 members of the House. It is vital that each one of them attends this dinner briefing. Please contact your congressional representatives and ask them if they are a member of the Republican Policy Committee. If they are, urge them to attend the briefing by Brigitte Gabriel sponsored by the Chairman Congressman McCotter Monday the 10th on Capitol Hill at 7 pm in HC - 9. If they are not a member, urge them to contact the committee and request permission to attend. They will be welcomed.

Invitations by the Chairman have been sent to all policy committee members today. We want to insure that your elected official hears from you as well about this very important briefing.

Thank you for your partnership in the battle to fight Islamofacism and protect America from those who wish to do her harm. With your support we are going to fight this fight and win.