Date: 25 Sep 2007
Why This Cause Is So Important
A Personal Message From Guy Rodgers
Dear Reader,
On August 1, as you may know, I accepted the position of Executive Director with American Congress of Truth and ACT for America.
I did so for several reasons; three of the most important I describe below.
I have worked in the political and non-profit arenas since the early 1980’s. I have helped many candidates win public office and I have helped grassroots organizations win major battles in public policy. I have also been a part of many valiant, yet unsuccessful efforts.
But there is one battle we cannot afford to lose — and that’s the battle against the rising tide of Islamofascism.
Ladies and gentlemen, this battle is REAL — and our very lives, our freedom, and our way of life are at stake. I know this sounds melodramatic to some. The rising tides of Nazism and Communism were dismissed then by the same type of people who dismiss Islamofascism today.
They were wrong then — and they’re wrong now.
If we fail in this battle, we lose more than a political issue, or a political campaign. People will lose their lives. We will lose our freedoms. Just ask the patriots in France and England who are struggling for their countries – and losing – against the tsunami of Islamism.
I have had the opportunity to work with and for some of the most noteworthy political figures of our era. Rarely have I personally witnessed the combination of life experience, knowledge, passion, vision, humility, and charisma that is wrapped up in the person of Brigitte Gabriel. She is genuinely and unselfishly dedicated to ensuring that America does not become one more casualty of Islamofascism. I consider it a great honor and privilege to be able to work with her.
Long before someone coined the term “political correctness” I had first-hand experience with its insidious impact on our freedoms. “Political correctness” is totalitarianism by another name. It stifles debate and silences dissent. It’s bad enough that its intimidation tactics are so prevalent on college campuses and in American politics. But it now has its sights set on any brave soul who dares tell the truth about Islamofascism and the threat it poses to us, in fact coining new slurs such as “Islamophobe.”
Political correctness can be annoying, aggravating, and exasperating. In the case of our battle against Islamofascism, political correctness will literally kill us.
In the days and weeks ahead Brigitte and I will be unveiling the plans we have to build ACT and ACT for America. We will need your help to make these efforts successful. I greatly appreciate everything each of you has done thus far to help ACT get to where it is today. Now, I’m asking you to prepare to take the next steps with us, so together, we can overcome the foolishness of political correctness and defeat the threat of Islamofascism.
Rising together in defense of America,
Guy Rodgers
American Congress for Truth
P.O. Box 6884
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Every day, American Congress for Truth (ACT) a 501c3 non-profit organization is on the front lines fighting for you in meeting with politicians, decision makers, speaking on college campuses and planning events to educate and inform the public about the threat of Islamofascism. To maintain and bolster our efforts, we need your continued solidarity, activism and financial support. We are only as strong as our supporters. We thank you for helping us carry on this important work.
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